Daily American Drama - Chapter 126

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:12:37 AM

Chapter 126: 126

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The next day.

Early in the morning.

Because Karen used her talents and supernatural powers to forecast rain today, the three of Adam got up early and prepared to finish the hunt before it rained.

Many animals came out for food in the early morning.

Adam and the others quickly found a herd of deer, a dozen large and small deer eating grass, raising their heads from time to time, raising their ears and looking around vigilantly.

"Compare with a female deer today?"

Adam laughed in a low voice.

"I come!"

Juno nodded and aimed at a female deer with no horns on her head.



After repeated confirmations as if obsessive-compulsive disorder, Juno pulled the trigger.


A gunshot!

The deer were scattered in shock.

Adam saw from a distance, the female deer targeted by Juno wailed, but did not fall down immediately, but ran away towards the distance, not fast.


Juno smiled embarrassedly.

Obviously not everyone can be as stable as Adam, the first time is full of uncertainty.

"You hit, she was injured, we follow."

Adam reminded.

"it is good."

Juno and Karen followed Adam and chased the female deer.

The direction they are traveling.

not far away.

There is a lake.

Two tents are **** by the lake.

Apparently someone is camping here.

U.S. people are keen on travel and adventure, and the camping culture is enduring. Even Leonard, Howard, Rajesh and the group of otaku can go camping overnight to observe the meteor shower, not to mention the indulgence in various film and television dramas. American youths from all walks of life who love to die.

In the jungle near the tent, under a big tree, a pair of wild mandarin ducks are enjoying the beauty of the sky as the bed, and they are extremely grateful to God for giving them such a beautiful life.

At the critical moment, a gunshot!

Then came the fleeing deer attack.


"! shit!"

The two screamed, and ran out of the jungle.

Men are even a little ignorant of women.

This seems a bit exaggerated, but when you hear gunshots in the dense forest, you can run as far as you can. Here is the happy Milliken, and the man is of African descent and is more sensitive to gunshots.

You know, the probability of being shot in the United States by African Americans is several times that of whites.

Running can be killed by robbers who are ‘brought for justice’ by passers-by.

Really righteous and brave enough to be rushed to the police as a murderous mob and killed.

Stay at home well, or you might be killed by a police thief who walked one more stairs back to the wrong home.

More importantly, if you die, you will die in vain.

Perhaps the family member who received the huge amount of compensation would embrace the murderer and said movedly: "I forgive you, and he will also forgive you. Tolerance is a virtue, because God wants him to do this."

Damn it!

He didn't! impossible! Don't talk nonsense!

Life is not easy. Only by being vigilant can you live longer and have more sweet breath of freedom.

Therefore, he ran faster.

"what happened?"

The people in the tent also apparently heard the gunshots, awakened from their deep sleep, and found that the person next to their pillow was not there, and hurriedly walked out.



A man and a woman walked out of the two tents, calling for their lovers.

"Ryan isn't there?"

"Nicky isn't there either?"

The two looked at each other, and there was a shadow in their hearts, but the man's eyes flashed suddenly, and then he stared at the girl with scorching eyes.

The girl frowned unconsciously and turned her side to block the man's too presumptuous gaze.

At this moment, for a while ‘! The sound of a male and female ensemble came, and the two followed their reputations when they saw a man and a woman rushing towards them screaming for their lives.

The man by the tent suddenly showed a meaningful smile.


The woman by the tent waited until the African-American man Ryan ran to her, raised her hand and slapped it over.

"Heather, what are you doing?"

Ryan grabbed the woman's arm and shouted angrily.

"What am I doing?"

Heather said angrily: "Look at what you did with Nicky?!"

Ryan realized that he didn't wear his shirt, and looked at Nicky sideways and found that she was even more disheveled, and she didn't even know where the denim shorts had gone.

With such obvious evidence, everyone knows what they did. It's not white at all.

"Heather, I'm sorry."

Nicki, who stole the food, apologized weakly: "We are impulsive."

"Yes, we are just impulsive, this is the first time, I swear!"

Ryan hurriedly swore a curse.

"You are too much."

Another man said, "Couldn't Heather and I satisfy you? Let you do this kind of thing?"

"David, brother, I'm sorry."

Ryan apologized.

He and David are good buddies, Heather and Nicky are good best friends, and David and Nicky are still their matchmaking.

"You are just for excitement?"

David rolled his eyes and winked at Ryan.

Ryan was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood the meaning of ‘good buddies’, and his heart was furious.

I really want to exchange it!

Want to fart!

His girlfriend Heather’s appearance and body are all top-notch, especially the figure. Normal short-sleeved shirts are often worn by her in a bared suit, which makes every man who sees his throat dry and angry. Up.

Although Nicky is also good, but it is only coquettish enough, how can he compare with Heather.

He was just a taster and didn't care at all.

Now this **** David wants to use this thing to meddle with Heather, and he wants his help?

As usual, he rushed forward and smashed David's dog face with a but now...

"We're fucked!"

Heather was angry at the betrayal of her boyfriend and girlfriend at the same time, and announced loudly.

Ryan panicked and began to pester Heather begging. He really loves her.

After all, a girlfriend of this level, where can he find a second one?

It's a pity that various men's routines have been said over and over again, but Heather still refuses to forgive, but just packs up and prepares to leave.

In desperation, seeing David put up a finger, Ryan nodded aggrievedly, wanting him to persuade him.

"Heather, don't get excited."

David walked over and persuaded: "I believe they are just impulsive, young men and women, this is normal, let's give them another chance."

As he said, he winked at Nicky.

"Heather, I was wrong."

Nicky Pear hugged Heather with the rain: "We are good sisters for so many years. I shouldn't be sorry for you, but I really didn't mean it. You can punish me whatever you want. Just forgive me this time. Right."

Thinking of the fear of losing Heather, Ryan knelt directly at Heather's feet, hugged Heather's leg, and cried.

"Go away!"

Heather angrily wanted to push the dog and the man away, but he couldn't push it away.

"Or I will give you David once?"

Nicki got a hint from David and gave a seemingly fair and reasonable suggestion: "We'll clean up the two, and we will still be good sisters in the future!"

Heather's eyes widened, staring at her good girlfriend in disbelief, and then looking down at the boyfriend who could see her track. He looked at him in pain and said, "As long as you are willing to forgive me, I have no objection."

"A tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye is fair."

David said solemnly, his eyes burning but terrifying.

"you guys!"

Heather suddenly became frightened.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!