Daily American Drama - Chapter 244

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:09:05 AM

Chapter 244: 244

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The signing event scene.

Amy stood not far away holding the signed new book, seemingly not leaving.

Adam chose to ignore it and looked at the red-haired Emily.

"Hello, Mr. Duncan, my name is Emily. I really like your Lord of Mysteries."

Emily said excitedly.

"Thank you."

Adam looked at the most beautiful girlfriend who was missed by Rajesh in the future. Red hair is her sign. She is tall and thin, with a face value of about eight points.

Only 17 or 18 years old at the moment, youthful and beautiful.

In his eyes, she is a true beauty.

Judging from her attitude, it is obviously his fan.

Emily is not within the scope of his principles, and Rajesh has an autographed version of the Hulk glove from Stan Lee.


For a while, Adam thought of many predecessors in the entertainment industry, such as Paohui, Lao Wang, and Lao Xu.

Feeling that Amy over there is still looking at this side, Adam is not good to say something to Emily, just in case Emily thinks, he scribbles his signature and handed it to Emily.

Emily took it happily, and walked away very politely to give up her seat to the people behind.

When I walked to the side, I opened the title page and looked at it, my face flushed, and my heart thumped.

"Are you still here? Where are your friends?"

Emily adjusted for a while, then caught a glimpse of Amy standing there alone, couldn't help walking over, and said slightly mockingly.

Originally chatting for a whole night, she thought she was friends with Amy, but she didn't expect to be backstabbed. Now seeing Amy's group of friends who jumped in the line leaving in droves, she ignored Amy's meaning at all and couldn't help but get angry. Funny again.

"They left."

Amy said somewhat disappointed.

She stayed up late to line up, not what the group of ‘friends’ asked for, but she took the initiative, hoping to attract the attention of book friends.

But as always, Amy before the event, nobody afterwards.

"are you feeling better?"

Seeing this, Emily also put away her mockery.


Amy was taken aback.

"Your hoo~"

Emily snorted in Adam's direction and said strangely.

"much better."

Amy said blankly: "I can't even be friends with the book friends in the book club, let alone want to have closer contact with Adam Duncan."

"then you?"

Emily stopped talking.

"Are you talking impulsive?"

Amy said straightforwardly: "I am studying biology. Since I know it is impulsivity, there are many ways to solve it. Adam Duncan is not necessarily required. I can..."

"Ok, ok!"

Emily quickly raised her hand to interrupt Amy's next hot remarks, staring at Amy dumbfounded. Such words can be said so seriously. It seems that Amy is more suitable to be a doctor than her.

"Are you going?"

"Where to go?"

Amy felt stiff and dull.

"Go back to Harvard."

Emily said silently: "The signature has been obtained, what are you still doing here? You don't want to wait for Adam, right?"

Having said this, she couldn't help but vomit: "Didn't you say that you have many ways to avoid Adam?"

"you're right."

Amy's eyes flashed behind her glasses and nodded solemnly.

As for what was right, she didn't say.


Emily felt really tired talking to her. Thinking of Amy's weirdness, although forgiving her, she didn't bother to reorganize the relationship between the two.

"You go on, I'll go first."

Without waiting for Amy to ask what to continue, Emily took the new book specially signed by Adam and left happily.

Although I encountered the disgusting incident of Amy’s friend jumping in the line, staying up late to queue up for the idol’s signing event was definitely worth it and great value.

Today is really a beautiful day.

The signing ceremony lasted until noon. The endurance was like Adam, and his arms were a bit unable to hold it. Fortunately, the organizers of Random House had experience and terminated the queue one hour in advance. This allowed Adam to end the signing. meeting.


What made him breathe even more was that Amy finally left after standing there for half an hour.

Go back to Juno and their apartment.

Adam lay down on the sofa, rubbed his right hand for signing, and laughed at himself: "I used to think that I was the hand of the true God. Now it seems that I am the hand of the false God."

"Then you relax."

MAX's habitual poisonous tongue and yellow cavity: "You don't need to do it at night~"


Adam's mouth twitched, and he counterattacked: "Don't say let you have one hand, just let you have both hands and feet, I call you, do you dare to agree?"

"What can't you dare?"

MAX does not show weakness.

As the strongest female Si Ji, she can be counseled when encountering force majeure, but she will never counsel her.

"Ha ha."

Juno smiled and watched the two bickering and driving, saying, "Is this?" That's it? do not stop! ’Expression.

"time to eat."

Karen prepares lunch and greets everyone to have a meal.

Her craftsmanship really didn't say that, obviously, attentiveness and carelessness are more important than whether or not she has talent.

After a satisfying meal, everyone took a nap.

Adam and Max just said, "Do you dare to agree?" There were good consultations on the issue.

I found that just like the mutton fat jade clean bottle in Journey to the West, no matter what you say, you will be sucked into the mutton fat jade clean bottle when you take a sigh of relief, and it will turn into thick water in a moment...

After the lunch break.

Juno looked at Adam with surprise, because she didn't hear anything, which is very abnormal based on her understanding of Adam.

Adam winked at her and smiled triumphantly.

Juno looked at MAX carefully, and after a second thought, he immediately understood what had happened.

Adam is indeed the same Adam, and the title of the American drama Ji Xiaolan is not an understatement.

Harvard University.

With Juno as the guide, the tour is naturally very pleasant.

The four came to Harvard Medical School.

It's a holy place for medical students. It's the weekend. Almost people sitting in twos and threes under the shade of the surrounding trees, holding their toes and watching.

The arrival of the four attracted a lot of people's attention. Not to mention the two influential figures Juno and Karen, that is, Adam's handsomeness and MAX's heinousness, they are particularly eye-catching.

"Hi, Juno."

Someone beckoned Hi, Meredith. "

Juno also smiled and waved his hand, seeing Adam follow the prestige, and whispered: "This is the Meredith Grey that I told you about, let's go over and introduce it to you."

Adam nodded and looked at Gray who was sitting there leaning under the shade of the tree, and sighed in his heart. It was really charming. No wonder Chandler and Rose were obsessed.

And listening to her voice is indeed special and makes people feel strange.

"I'll introduce to you."

The four walked up to Grey, and Juno took the initiative to introduce the two sides: "Adam, this is Meredith Grey, our 1995 graduate of Harvard Medical School. Meredith, this is Adam. Duncan."

Adam and Grey looked at each other, then shook hands.

"Hello, Miss Grey."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!