Daily American Drama - Chapter 325

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:06:37 AM

Chapter 325: 325

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Joey on the phone said that he had hooked up with a single mother who had just given birth, and the eight-month-old child suddenly burst into tears when they were kissing.

New mothers who have been empty for too long don't want to stop.

Seeing this clever phone, Joey contacted the doctor Adam to see if he really needed to go to the hospital immediately...

"I'm just an intern doctor, not a community doctor!"

Adam said silently: "At this time, I still think about that thing! Come to the hospital! Immediately! Immediately!"

After half an hour.

emergency room.

"...If I don't drink formula milk, I only drink healthy and natural breast milk for her. How could it happen suddenly? The face is swollen like this for a while?"

The young new mother talked about the child's situation with a face of puzzlement.


Joey stood by, thumbs up, winked and pursed his lips.

"Don't do that, Joey."

The young new mother patted Joey lightly, but she couldn't control the smile in her eyes.


Adam's mouth twitched.

Your eight-month-old daughter is swollen like this, and you are still in the mood to flirt with men.

What a poor baby.

Adam reached out and touched her forehead, then touched her face: "No fever, normal glands, eh!"

"what's happenin?"

Joey asked.

"She was not vaccinated?"

Adam pointed to the baby girl’s medical record.


The new mother said naturally: "I won't let her get any vaccinations."


Adam was shocked.

"I think the vaccine is useless."

The new mother said affirmatively: "It is the big international pharmaceutical companies that want me to find vaccines useful, so that they can make money, so I won't be fooled by them."

"Let me guess, you and Joey must be love at first sight, right?"

Adam complained.

"How did you know?"

As the new mother said, she looked at Joey affectionately.

"Ha ha."

Adam twitched at the corner of his mouth.

How did he know?

Joey and her, one dumb, the other stupid.

Fortunately, Joey got mixed up with cuteness and turned into dull and cute.

And she has one more pretty, becoming a stupid pretty.

The two are made in heaven, it's normal to see each other.

"The antibodies in breast milk can only protect children for 6 months, so the big international pharmaceutical companies think they can make a fortune from you."

Adam explained.

"No! I don't believe it!"

The new mother shook her head: "So many medical incidents have told me that vaccines are unsafe and have many side effects, which can cause depression, autism, and death of the child. I will never give my child a vaccine."

Adam stagnates.

This involves the credibility of Western vaccines.

To some extent, this new mother is really not nonsense.

In a country where capital is king, in order to maximize its benefits, it often disregards human life.

Take the pharmaceutical company where Bernadette worked during the Big Bang Theory.

Bernadette and the others, as developers, know that the drug is not obvious and may cause huge side effects, but they have passed the drug research and development at the request of the company and actively put it into the market.

During this process, their company has long established a set of standard rhetoric: that is, there are countless kinds of conditions that can cause this symptom. Why are they caused by their company's drugs?

As a major international pharmaceutical company, they have money.

Even if something goes wrong, as long as it is not a large-scale centralized outbreak, they can easily handle it with capital.

Before the big problems, they had already made a lot of money with this new drug.

Only the people pay for this.

Such medical accidents have occurred repeatedly, and one can imagine how much confidence the American people or the Western people can have in vaccines and the like.

Various reasons for refusal and conspiracy theories reflect this anxiety.

"What disease did the child get?"

Joey couldn't help asking.

"I was diagnosed with a cold."

Adam said conservatively: "I will ask a special pediatrician to come over for a diagnosis later. Then you can listen to what he says."


Joey was dumbfounded: "How is it possible?"

This kind of common small problem, no one can have it several times a year, is it so serious?

Adam smiled and asked the nurse to notify the pediatrician.

The cold is not a trivial problem. The Spanish flu that year was the deadliest infectious disease in human history, causing 1 billion infections and 40 million deaths worldwide, with a fatality rate of 4%.

Even with the vaccine, tens of thousands of people in the United States still die from influenza every year.

Without vaccinations, exposing babies for several months to such an environment is self-evident.

"Doctor Rose."

"Doctor Duncan, what's the situation?"

A handsome male doctor came over, it was Doug Rose, a senior pediatric resident.

Adam explained the situation again.

"There is no problem with your diagnosis."

Dr. Ross checked and confirmed Adam's diagnosis.

"Really because there was no vaccine?"

Two doctors in a row said that, the new mother was a little bit tired.


Dr. Ross couldn't help but glanced at the baby's granary that was half-opened by the new mother to facilitate the baby girl’s eating: “It only costs 40 dollars to prevent most of the diseases for the child, and it is best to get a shot. This basic vaccine They are not comparable to the new vaccines, they have been verified for a long time, and their safety is guaranteed.

"You guarantee 100% safety?"

The new mother asked.

Dr. Rose's charming smile froze.

Who can guarantee this?

No medicines can cure all diseases. Many of them depend on people. Otherwise, they will not ask the patient whether they are allergic to a certain medicine before taking the medicine.

For some people, this medicine is life-saving.

But for other people, these medicines are terrible.

Except for God, no doctor can be 100% sure.

But God does not condescend to be a doctor.

Adam enters a spectator state.

Whether to vaccinate or not is the freedom of the new mother.

In the unlikely event of a medical accident, the doctor who urged her out would probably be in trouble.

At that time, she probably won't care if you are kind or risky to help her.

It sounds cruel.

But this is the sweet taste of absolute freedom.

All consequences are free to bear.


Joey looked at Adam inquiringly and listened to Dr. Ross. "

Adam said noncommittal: "He is a pediatrician."

"I can't guarantee."

Dr. Ross also knows the risks involved, and is not in the mood to calculate the storage level of the baby's granary. He cautiously said: "How to choose, you can only make the decision by yourself, you can also go to other hospitals and see again."

"Give her a vaccine."

The new mother struggled for a long time, looking at her daughter's swollen face, she decided to trust the doctor.

She doesn't have much culture, she is usually confident, and like many bottom Americans, she is a bit anti-intellectual.

But when it comes to the moment of crisis, there are still some numbers in my mind.

At this time, she was blindly self-confident and anti-intellectual, and it was her own child who suffered.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!