Daily American Drama - Chapter 33

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:15:28 AM

Chapter 33: 33

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Karen's house.

"Hurry up without rain."

A trace of envy and jealousy flashed in the eyes of Jennifer with long legs, and he dragged Karen out.

"Jennifer, let me change my clothes even if I go."

Karen begged.


Jennifer looked at Karen who was like a bun, let go of Karen's hand, and swayed in front of the full-length mirror, nodded and said: "In this case, I will go back and change clothes. This set is not enough, you Wear it cute too, okay?"


Karen nodded repeatedly.

After Jennifer left, Karen turned out a set in the closet, put it on and went to the dressing mirror to sort it out.

She knows that Jennifer’s "cute to wear" has a special meaning.

On the one hand, she can't wear too popular, it will lose Jennifer's face.

On the other hand, she can't wear too stunning, that would not serve as a foil to Jennifer.

That is to say, you can wear umbilical clothing, but you must not wear airport exhibition clothing.

Because that would expose her extremely vicious and heinous nature, which Jennifer hated.

They were childhood sweethearts, and they grew up in the original school. One was a scumbag, but the other was a radiant cheerleader.

Jennifer could have ignored her, just like countless plastic sisters, but Jennifer did not do so, and she is still the best girlfriend with her.

There are even girls who use lace to spread rumors and slander them with envious jealousy and hate, and ridicule her as Jennifer’s follower. She does what Jennifer says.

In fact, it is not at all, but her hobbies are exactly the same as Jennifer's. They have a common language and are good friends forever.

Thinking of this, Karen reached out and touched the heart-shaped pendant on her neck, with the letters BFF (bestfriendforever) engraved on it?

Such a girlfriend, how could Karen disappoint her.

"She is coming."

Just when Karen was melancholy at the mirror, she was surprised and hurried downstairs.

Sure enough, Jennifer, who changed into a new outfit, had just opened the door of her house.

This is another proof that they are always the best girlfriends. She can sense Jennifer, as magically as she can use the magical powers of the Lingming Stone Monkey to accurately predict the weather through the gibbous ape.

Jennifer often laughed and said that she could become a weather forecast girl in the future, and she would definitely be popular all over the world.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Jennifer looked at Karen carefully, and saw that the other person’s dress met her requirements, and nodded in satisfaction: "Let’s go."


Karen smiled happily, and quickly followed.

Cooper's house.

"George, come on."


"Look at our baby, how handsome!"

Little Sheldon’s mother Mary exclaimed.

"This is my son, who has the style of me back then."

Little Sheldon’s father looked at the handsome and handsome little Sheldon in a black suit, and expressed the same emotion as all fathers in the world.

"Oh, come on."

Mary gave him a white look: "My baby is much more handsome than you."

then looked at the little Sheldon who was fixing his bow tie in front of the full-length mirror: "Baby, you are so handsome."

"I know."

Little Sheldon nodded straight, just so confident.

He does have confident capital.

Because if it weren't for him to be handsome and cute, and with his straightforward temperament, he really wouldn't be able to live to adulthood, oh no, he would live to graduate from high school.

There are many ugly people, and the value of the face is justice. Obviously, in the eyes of the world, the weird Sheldon can be regarded as justice.

"Misie, how are you?"

Mary called.

"Can I not go?"

Misie prayed.


Mary refused without hesitation: "Shelly is your twin brother, you should support him."


Missy responded weakly and walked out of the other room.

"Wow, whose little angel is this."

Mary's eyes lit up and exclaimed.

"I picked it up in the trash can."

Missy in a princess dress is extremely cute, but at the moment she can't help but complain.

deserves to be little Sheldon's twin sister, both of them are just righteous.

In the future, Missy will go to see Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Rajesh fell in love at first sight, and the three will compete for whom to confess to Missy.

Even Shelton, who has no feelings for women, praised her straightforwardly. Her younger sister, Missy, indeed has a beautiful appearance and a figure that conforms to the Western aesthetics.

However, Sheldon’s understanding of this is that they are twins, sharing genes. There may be another one in the genes inherited by Missy, even smarter than him. It can be called Sheldon 2.0, so the appearance is and The figure is as perfect as him, which is normal.

"Baby, this is an important moment in your life."

Mary was too lazy to ignore her daughter’s complaints, and squatted down and said to Little Shelton: “If someone asks you if you have been to the prom in the future, you can say that you have been there and dance with your female partner.”

"I would rather not have this kind of ethical experience."

Little Sheldon made a sharp complaint.

"Okay, time is almost up, we can go."

George couldn’t listen anymore, so he took the initiative to interrupt the conversation. He drove with little George, and Mary drove with little Sheldon, Missy and grandmother. UU Reading www.uukānshu. com go to school.

County High School.

The prom for the 1991 graduates is being held.

"Hi, can I go in?"

"No problem at all."

Jennifer cast a wink at the waiter at the party, and took Karen into it easily.

"Look, that's Adam Duncan, the lead singer of Hard Candy!"

Jennifer took Karen around and looked at Adam who was preparing on stage with bright eyes: "Isn't it salty?"

"It's okay."

Karen responded perfunctorily.

In the context of Jennifer, Xian means handsome.

"What do you think of that drummer?"

Jennifer held Karen in his arms and pointed to Emmet and said, "Very suitable for you, African American, you know what?"

"no need."

Karen smiled awkwardly, her eyes fell on Juno, and when she saw the other person holding the guitar in her arms, she was unrestrained and unconscious.

"They lack two companions. Let's go, let's say hello to them first."

Jennifer looked at Adam with blurred eyes, and couldn't help pulling Karen toward the stage.

"do not…"

Karen resisted a bit, but couldn't hold Jennifer to pull it, and staggered with her head down and was pulled over by Jennifer.

"They are just boys, if we want to, there is nothing we can't do."

"Hi, my name is Jennifer, and she is Karen. Meet me?"


Adam was tuning the guitar, and when he heard the words, he raised his eyes and was a little startled.

I never expected it!

Adam on the intricate highway network,...the treasure girl Karen and Bai Yueguang Jennifer..., who should I choose?

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