Daily American Drama - Chapter 372

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:05:14 AM

Chapter 372: 372

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Medical center.

Outpatient ward.

"Doctor Duncan, come here~"

Elizabeth was very engaged: "Is there something wrong with my heart? Why don't you come to listen?"

"Dr. Plinton, please get dressed."

Adam suppressed the full grooves in his heart, and said sternly: "I don't know what Leonard said to you, but I am not the kind of person you imagined.

"I know you are a serious person~"

The smile on Elizabeth's face was about to overflow, and she simply stepped forward, tried to catch Adam's hand, and forced Adam to auscultate her.

"You are a doctor, I'm all up to you~"


Adam's mouth twitched, avoiding her hand, looking her eyes squarely, and said solemnly: "I'm serious, not playing any game!"

Elizabeth was startled, and looked at Adam carefully, and found that she seemed to have misunderstood.

"I am sorry."

She put on her clothes quickly and apologized: "I heard Leonard say...I thought you were my confidant..."

"It's all Leonard's fault."

Adam smiled bitterly: "He likes you very much, sometimes he has to exaggerate, can you understand?"

"I understand."

Elizabeth nodded, but her eyes were filled with indelible loss.


Don't laugh!

Although she loves to play fifty-degree games, she is an outstanding scientist genius after all.

This kind of game is just her hobby, not all of her.

So seeing Adam's attitude, she quickly recovered.

"I'm ready."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Thank you Dr. Duncan for the treatment."

"You're welcome."

Adam also appreciates her attitude.

Elizabeth is gone.

The little nurses looked at Adam with full admiration.

It is said that Dr. Duncan is romantic.

But in the face of such a temperamental beauty, and it is obvious that it is a plot, Dr. Duncan can be as calm as a mountain.

It's simply a representative of a good man.

Next time someone hacks their Doctor Duncan, they will definitely not follow it.

Adam didn't care about other people's gazes.

A corner of the corridor of the hospital building.

There is a small cart that sells food and drink to medical staff.

From time to time, doctors come to replenish energy.

When Adam walked by, I saw George, Christina, and Meredith all lying on the cart, eating bread and drinking coffee.

"Adam, can I have something to eat?"

George greeted enthusiastically.

Adam glanced at the trolley. There was no special food like braised pork knuckles at all. It was completely unattractive. He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "No, I'm not hungry."

Christina and the others were talking gossip as they ate.

Adam habitually stood on the side and listened, first to increase the knowledge of new cases, and second to grasp the latest wind direction in the hospital.

But today he was a little stunned.

no way!

Since he was promoted to a super genius, his high-definition image memory ‘copied’ from Sheldon has been fully loaded.

Although this ability is very helpful to his study and work, it also has some side effects.

For example, now, the pictures of Elizabeth just now clearly appeared in his mind, lingering.

"Sure enough, he is a senior player. When he ran to the hospital in broad daylight, he dared to go into battle in a vacuum. Is it for convenience?

Adam couldn't help but complain.

Seeing her serious posture, Adam deeply suspected that if he was not too upright and serious, she might really dare to stage a drama of "seeing a doctor by day" with doctors and patients.

Really know how to play!

Adam sighed and couldn't help but magnify the details countless times, but he thought: "Forget it, I can't let her go for nothing, just help her diagnose it by the way, rule out possible illnesses, and count as mine. Thank you."

Alas, ruthlessness may not be a real hero.

He is hard-hearted, and his heart is still very gentle.

"Adam, Adam!"

Christina's cry interrupted Adam's diagnosis.

"What are you thinking about? So ecstatic?"

"It's nothing."

Adam smiled.

"I heard that you had an androgynous oophorectomy today?"

Christina said with envy and jealousy: "Or Burke took the initiative to find you responsible?"


Adam looked at her with a faint smile: "Don't be envious, in fact, if you hadn't been busy with major events these days, Dr. Burke would be responsible for you."

Christina's level is the best except Adam.

If it weren't for her intentionally or unintentionally to avoid Dr. Burke these days, because of her ambiguous relationship with Dr. Burke, Dr. Burke would really have to struggle for a while between her and Adam.

"What's the big deal for me?"

Christina avoided Adam's gaze and said hard.

"You must have something!"

Meredith couldn't help but speak out Adam's logic.

Christina's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Hi, do you smell it?"

George suddenly got close, winking secretly at everyone.


Christina quickly took over the topic.

"Over there, the anesthesiologist, Dr. Taylor."

George glanced at a middle-aged male doctor standing not far away: "He seems to be a little drunk."

"As long as it's not during the day when you go to work, you don't care about him drinking."

Meredith dissatisfied: "Should we go back in the evening, do we have less relaxing drinks?"

"We were drinking."

Adam joked: "You are alcoholism."

In the U.S., alcoholism is simply too common, with members of the Alcohol Rehabilitation Association spread all over the country.

Meredith clearly has a tendency to drink alcohol.

When I drink too much, my pants will fall down, and no one can stop it.

Drink fragments at every turn.

It's normal for her to refute George like this.

"I mean working hours."

George whispered: "Dr. Sheputt admitted a small patient. I am a bedman. I seem to smell Dr. Taylor's body because of alcohol, so I asked you if you smell it."


Meredith shook his head.

"George, don't ask for trouble."

Christina reminded: "Dr. Taylor is the most powerful anesthesiologist in the hospital. Once you offend him, you will definitely be kicked out of the operating room, and you will not be able to enter the operating room if he is there in the future. Believe it or not? "

"But he is so despicable!"

George struggled: "The patient trusts him so I reflect on it?"

"The patient trusts Shept, the attending doctor."

Adam glanced at him: "The one who trusts him to find him as an anesthesiologist is Dr. Sheput. If you really feel it is necessary, don’t say it in public. You can tell it to Doctor Sheput in secret, and it will be your business. After all, the rights and responsibilities of the operation belong to Dr. Shept."

Although George was facing the goddess Meredith, he sometimes licked it without principle.

But under normal conditions, the sense of justice is still very strong.

Otherwise, a small intern would have the idea of ​​making a small report from the best anesthesiologist in the hospital?

Once the anesthesiologist is offended, Christina's reminder is not empty talk.

No attending doctor would be willing to offend a top anaesthetist for an intern who makes a small report.

Therefore, Adam still made a point.

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