Daily American Drama - Chapter 377

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:05:05 AM

Chapter 377: 377

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in a blink.

It's time for get off work.

Changing room.

"Adam, go out to play together tonight?"

Bald Chris invited.

"Yeah, I promise to make you burst out."

White Fatty Stu smiled wretchedly.

"No, you guys go and play."

Adam shook his head and smiled.

"Don't, see what this is?"

White Fatty Stu took out a thick stack of paper tickets from his pocket, all with a denomination of $1.

"You are going to the dancer's club."

Adam was stunned immediately.

This kind of small denomination, a large ticket can be exchanged a lot, the most suitable for rewards, is the standard equipment to go to the dance club.

"Adam, you are very skilled."

Fatty White Stu has an expression of "I see you through".

"I've been there, it's not interesting."

Adam didn't pretend, telling the truth.

In order to divert Chandler's attention from Joey's girlfriend, Adam often took Chandler there.

But for the high-level people, there is really nothing interesting there.

"Well, where does Adam still use this condition?"

Bald Chris interrupted Stu's next words.

His invitation was only polite, and he knew it was impossible for Adam to go with them.


The white fat Stu was a little disappointed, and gave Adam an expression of "you don't know how to appreciate", put on a coat and hurriedly followed the bald Chris, without even changing the blue shirt inside.

But Adam noticed that the bald Chris was also dressed in this fashion, and couldn't help seriously wondering if the two of them did it on purpose.

To paraphrase the words of the golden armor warrior Zhang Yida: If the price tag is torn off, how can others know whether he is wearing high-end goods or local stalls?

Bald Chris and White Fatty Stu ran to the dance club to play. Apart from the few small denomination paper tickets, what is more attractive than the faintly revealed blue shirt representing the surgeon?

Don't bully the youth to be poor.

Maybe the dancer is a big-eyed heroine, and she may be willing to post it upside down because of their potential.

In fact, this is also related to the fact that the salary of the interns is not high, the consumption is not low, and there is no money.

Otherwise, they directly exchanged a small ticket worth a few hundred dollars and took a shot on the edge of the stage to ensure that the dancers on the stage would dance here immediately.

Adam changed his clothes and walked to the hospital lobby. Meredith, who was dressed in daily clothes, walked towards Dr. Sheputt, who was also dressed on the sofa.

Dr. Shepute got up and straightened Meredith's coat without shy. The intimacy was an announcement to the world that they were together.


In fact, their affairs have spread throughout the hospital long ago.

everybody knows.

Meredith was even severely punished by Dr. Nazi Bailey for a few days, specifically letting her do the most tiring, dirtiest and least technical work.

She survived, and even once said to Dr. Bailey: "We are true love. This is my choice. You have no right to interfere. If you have any punishment, just let it go, I can hold it."

Dr. Shept is the superior doctor of Dr. Bailey.

Dr. Bailey said that it was over, how dare you really punish the boss girlfriend to death?

Aren't you afraid that Dr. Sheputt would also toss her like this?

So Meredith ‘won’ and Dr. Bailey was moved by the ‘True Love Declaration’, and the matter ends here.

Now this act of showing affection in public is also a silent declaration after Meredith's victory.

Look! We are upright!

The two also saw Adam.

Meredith smiled at Adam.

Dr. Shepute nodded to Adam.

Adam nodded and smiled, but suddenly saw Dr. Sheputt's face become stiff, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Then I saw a tall red-haired girl, stepping on Hentiangao, and walking towards the upright couple.

"No way?"

Adam immediately noticed something, and said in his heart: "It won't be so bloody, right?"

"Meredith, I'm really sorry."

After Dr. Sheppert froze for a while, he immediately looked at his girlfriend apologetically.

Meredith was there in a daze.

what's the situation?

"Addison, what are you doing?"

Dr. Shept looked at the red-haired woman standing in front of them with one hand on her hips.

"If you call me back, you know what I'm doing."

The red-haired woman has a strong aura. She stunned Dr. Sheputt and stretched out her hand to Meredith, who actually had an ominous premonition in her heart. "Hello, my name is Addison Shept." "


Meredith almost couldn't stretch himself.

She has the same last name, but the red-haired girl doesn't look like her boyfriend's sister.

"You are my husband's little lover, right?"

The red-haired lady's generous words completely shattered Meredith's last illusion.

"I'm a junior..."

Meredith reverberated all over his mind.

At the risk of being isolated and punished, she bravely announced that she and the boss's boss Dr. Shept are a true love relationship.

But now I find that she is just a little mistress who thinks too much...

Seeing the mocking gaze of the redhead, Meredith turned and left.


Dr. Sheputt stretched out his hand to think about La Meredith, but Meredith was thrown away severely. The hateful gaze prevented Dr. Sheputt from making the next move.


Seeing Meredith's departure, Dr. Sheppert took a look at Adam, who had seen enough blood and was about to quietly flash people: "Help me take care of Meredith."

Adam was helpless, so he nodded and went to chase Meredith.

Dr. Shept always called him "Adam" directly, instead of the usual estranged "Duncan", which meant it was not a request.

It's called Adam, and it's Duncan.

Dr. Shept is also realistic enough.

Adam can naturally refuse this kind of private matter.

But just take care of it tonight to prevent Meredith from doing anything stupid when he is emotional.

Regardless of whether it is Meredith's friend or the favor of the attending doctor, Adam will not refuse this kind of thing.

Opposite the medical center.

Joe's bar.

Adam secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Meredith charge directly.

It's Meredith to dispel your sorrows by drinking wine!

After Adam followed into Joe's bar, he saw Meredith, who had just sat at the bar, suffocated a glass of whiskey, and then snapped it upside down on the bar.

The bartender owner Joe immediately added it.




Meredith was bored three mouthfuls in one This only slowed down slightly.

Adam was a little afraid of drinking this way.

Because Meredith has a traditional performance of ‘100% drunk and drop the belt’.

Once she went drunk, Adam would be extremely dangerous.

And even if Adam refused to accept it, she would definitely launch an offensive against other men.

Watching others give Dr. Sheput a green hat, what about Dr. Sheput’s favor?

emmm, this is really bad...

Adam began to call the memory data of Dr. Sheputt in his brain and began to analyze this possibility seriously.


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