Daily American Drama - Chapter 464

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:02:24 AM

Chapter 464: 464

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Medical center.

VIP ward.

"Barney, your fracture is healed, but don't forget that your fascination has not been completely cleared."

Adam reminded: "At this time you don't go out to harm others."

"Don't lie to me."

Barney sneered and said, "I've inquired clearly. As long as the safety measures are proper, there is no problem at all. You have so many doctors in your hospital, so can you wait until half a year later?"

"It's not the same."

Adam retorted: "You also said that New York can't live without you Barney Stinson. They add up to not as widespread as you. They can, but it doesn't mean you can, unless you are the same as Joey."

"What's wrong with Joey?"

Barney's eyes lit up.

"He's getting better now."

Adam smiled and told Joey to avoid the tragedy of human relations, and also began to talk about the romantic things.

"Barney, how about you?"

"That is more than ten years later."

Barney didn't care: "I'll talk about it then."

Then there was a scornful smile: "Joy Tribbiani, really old!"

"You pray."

Adam complained: "There will be such good luck next time."

"Barney, I think you can consider Adam's suggestion."

James hesitated: "He is not only your good friend, but also a doctor, he won't harm you."


Barney looked at his brother with an incredible look.

"Don't look at me like that."

James smiled and said: "It's just that your luck is too bad. As your brother, choose between life style and safety. I will always choose your safety."


Barney lifted his chin and pointed to Adam: "If you are really good for me, take me out of this hospital and leave this person immediately. He is my mold star. As long as I stay away from him, I will be safe. Chic."

"I'm still here~"

Adam said leisurely.

"Don't be foolish."

James smiled and said, "How can there be such a thing."

He said, ignoring Barney and looking at Adam: "Did someone jump off the building just now?"


Adam said the matter.


James looked angrily: "Everyone has the freedom of choice. To be a man or a woman, you have the final say. Why should outsiders dislike her and despise her? Adam, you look after Barney, and I'll see her."

He said, carrying the high heels, and walked out of the ward angrily.

"He too?"

Adam thoughtfully.


Barney smiled and said: "James is gay, so we are the best partner forever. Ted compares with him, and he doesn't even deserve shoes."


Adam listened to Barney's endless talk about the battle between him, James, and his brothers.

such as.

The two went to the bar.

First scan for each other.

Barney looks at the handsome guy.

James looks at beautiful women.


James stepped forward and harassed the beauty Barney liked, wearing low-rise jeans with tattoos on the back, sitting at the bar drinking.

"Oh, baby, such a coquettish tattoo."

"Go away, you dead hooligan!"

Even if a woman opens up again, she feels deeply uncomfortable with James' direct action.

"Hey Hey hey!"

At this time, Barney came out, stepped forward to pull James away, and said solemnly.

"Her tattoos are not used to invite others to touch her, but to express her connotation. I believe her inner world is indeed like a dolphin in a flower bush."

Adam couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

But he also knows, don't look at how ridiculous it is, but many girls eat this one.

The fact is also true.

As soon as Barney said this, in line with his appearance and high-end customized suit, the beauty immediately smiled.


James got angry and staged a standard Eastern country dialogue with Barney.

"What are you looking at?"

"What are you looking at?"

"Look again and try!"

"I just took a look!"

"Don't get excited, you are good, okay?"

As Barney continued to push his chest closer, and the frontal **** was hard, James finally raised his hands in a surrender gesture, blinked at Barney secretly, and walked away ‘dirty’.

Leave the great hero Barney there to pretend to be cool!

"Next time he harass you, you will tell me."

After speaking, turn around and leave while secretly counting in my heart: "1, 2, 3..."

"Thank you, you should stay... just in case."

Within three seconds, the beauty really shouted behind him to stay.

Barney, who turned around, looked at each other with the beauty. After confirming his eyes, he knew that this time the hero saved the beauty very successfully.

Change the place.

It was Barney's turn to assist.

The routine is simpler.

James fell among the men.

Barney called out there, "Help, he stopped breathing, will anyone give artificial respiration?"

James is also a handsome guy.

Here is the pile of men again, and there will be ugly men rushing up the first time, his eyes light up: "I will, I will!"

At this time, Barney would skip the active ugly man and point directly to the handsome man James was fond of.

The two brothers worked together in this way.

Their most successful case is dating a pair of four siblings.

If it weren't for James not to be in New York, there would be nothing wrong with Ted.

Adam listened to Barney's previous glorious record while taking him to an MRI.

Nurse station.

"Still thinking about what was just now?"

Seeing John Carter in a daze, the little nurse couldn't help but comforted: "It's not your fault."

"Thank you."

Carter glanced at her gratefully.

"You're welcome."

The little nurse smiled sweetly: "And if it weren't for you, we still couldn't see Dr. Duncan's handsome side. He flew to catch the person who jumped off the building, and then a big windmill easily dragged the person back to the sky, too. It's so handsome!"


Carter's face froze.

He really shouldn't be polite.

In fact, they didn't care about his mood at all, but wanted to find someone to talk about Dr. Duncan's handsomeness.

"Carter, you are at the scene, you should know the best, give me a detailed description of the situation at that time."

The little nurse smiled.

"Didn't you know it?"

Carter said with a strong smile.

"Their perspective is different from yours."

The little nurse urged.

Carter was helpless.

The first lesson Adam taught him before was not to offend the nurse.

He could only tell the matter once.

The little nurse repeatedly interrupted and kept asking about his psychological activities at the time. He was shocked and grateful, and smiled with satisfaction.

"You care about Dr. Duncan so much. You should be very clear about some things about Dr. Duncan, right?"

Carter hesitated.

"of course."

The little nurse patted her chest and said, "No one knows Dr. Duncan better than I."

"Dr. Duncan asked me about the pig's feet and said that the stewed pig's feet are the kingly way. What does this mean?"

Carter asked the question he had been pondering just now.


The little nurse touched her chin, turned her eyes, snapped her fingers, and pointed to Carter: "I see."

"How to say?"

Carter looked at her expectantly.

"Do you know how to marinate trotters?"

The little nurse looked at him with a smile.

"will not."

Carter shook his head.

"This won't work."

The little nurse waved: "Go back You have to learn braised trotters, it is best to follow the master."

"You mean Dr. Duncan wants to eat my braised pig's feet?"

Carter opened his mouth wide.


The little nurse shook her finger: "Dr. Duncan is a billionaire. He will naturally have someone to do what he wants to eat. He will fall in love with you, a newbie stewed pig's feet?

Don't you want to learn from him?

What he gave is a chance!

I have to say that Dr. Duncan is so kind. "

When Carter heard this, his eyes gradually lighted, and he murmured: "I will find someone to learn braised pig's feet when I go back tonight!"

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