Daily American Drama - Chapter 500

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:01:20 AM

Chapter 500: 500

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Medical center.

Operating room 2.

"Call Dr. Montgomery and ask her to come here quickly after the end."

Dr. Burke ordered.

"Yes, doctor."

The nurse went away.

"Ultrasonic equipment is still not advanced enough."

Adam shook his head: "Can't see this."

"Before the actual operation, you will never have an accurate measurement."

Dr. Burke said solemnly: "This is why our doctors need to continuously improve their skills."

The baby Emily's atrial septum was separated by a membrane due to stunted growth. The aorta was much narrower than imagined. It was only 1 mm in diameter and could not get enough blood flow.

No matter how well Adam prepared, how exquisite the Norwood operation, and without continuous and stable blood transfusion from the aorta, Emily would not survive.

According to his estimation, it will be within 24 hours.

When Dr. Montgomery heard the news, he hurried over.


They were all professional doctors, and they knew what was going on at a glance. Dr. Montgomery closed his eyes and cursed in a low voice.

"If you have no opinion, we will close our chests."

Dr. Burke reminded.

Norwood surgery can no longer go on.

Now she can only sew up as soon as possible and restore her to the original state, so that she can live a few more hours.


Dr. Montgomery opened his eyes and nodded sadly.

"Do it."

Dr. Burke motioned to Adam.

Adam nodded and closed her chest for Emily with the fastest speed and best technique.

"Send her to the neonatal intensive care unit."

The operation is over.

"Doctor Duncan, come out, I have something to tell you."

Dr. Montgomery greeted.

"it is good."

Adam removed the surgical gown, gloves, and mask, walked out of the operating room, and followed Dr. Montgomery to her office.

What a big office.

In the hospital, and even in any other place, a large independent office is a symbol of status.

In order to attract Dr. Montgomery, Richard, the director of surgery, proposed the best private services, including such a large independent office.

"Dr. Duncan, I hope you don't tell Dr. Stevenson the results of the operation."

When Dr. Montgomery sat down, he said something like this.


Adam was surprised.

"Emily lives less than 24 hours."

Dr. Montgomery looked at Adam and said seriously: "I hope that Dr. Stevenson will be in charge of her the whole process."

"You're thinking……"

Adam glanced at her and understood her thoughts.


Dr. Montgomery nodded: "Dr. Stevenson is very talented in pediatrics. I want to train her well? Emily is already like this? Let her take care of her.

In the process, she will be afraid and afraid.

But once she survived.

The next time she encounters a similar situation? She will be able to withstand more pressure.

Only by letting go of too much emotional attention to patients? Can you become a better doctor.

Dr. Stevenson's greatest shortcoming is also here.

I also came here back then. "

"I understand."

Adam nodded.

At this time, he believed in the sincerity of Dr. Montgomery.

Because if it is not very important? I would never choose this cruel way to teach students.

In many cases, these are thankless.

"I hope you don't just tell her? You also don't respond to her call."

Dr. Montgomery said: "If Emily can last until night? I hope you will not be in the hospital tonight. Dr. Stevenson will take care of everything."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Adam looked at her: "From what I know about Leeds, she probably won't appreciate you for doing this, but may give up the development of pediatrics because of this."

"Then I can only say regret."

Dr. Montgomery shook his head: "Whether it's pediatrics? Or other departments? To become an excellent doctor, you have to go through this test.

If she can't overcome it today, she will give up pediatrics.

Will you give up once you encounter it in the future? "

"Maybe she can only become an ordinary doctor."

Adam reminded.


Dr. Montgomery was startled: "But at this moment, I hope to give her a chance so that her talent will not be buried? As for how to choose in the future, that is her freedom."

This kind of opportunity? In fact, it is also very rare.

If you are not sure that you will not be able to save your life, the attending doctor will not let your interns practice their hands like this.

And it also involves risks.

Once the family knows that they are emotionally excited, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not sue the treating doctor.

Doctor Montgomery is willing to teach in this way.

Change to Christina and Adam? I would be very grateful to know in hindsight.

of course.

If it is Adam and Christina? No such teaching is needed.

Say they are indifferent or ruthless.

They just have the mentality that they already have a good doctor.

"I hope Liz can understand Dr. Shepté's good intentions."

Adam nodded: "I know how to do it."


Doctor Montgomery smiled helplessly.

Adam knew it in his heart.

In addition to this completely altruistic factor, there are naturally some selfishness of Dr. Montgomery himself.

After Adam declined.

She has the only way to train her own helpers.

Originally, I could only take it slowly.

But now suddenly there is such an opportunity, once Leeds can cross, the mentality will be able to achieve a qualitative improvement.

And the mentality of a mature and excellent doctor, combined with Leeds's good talent, coupled with the full training of Dr. Montgomery himself.

Liz is easy to get ahead quickly and become her good helper.

So even if there are some risks, Dr. Montgomery is willing to take it.

Adam leaves the office.

Hiding Liz intentionally during the day.

Even the small stove was not turned on at night.

Of course, I can't open it even if I want to.

For each of the quintuplets in the neonatal intensive care unit of Mrs. Lusaibin, a full-time doctor is assigned to take care of them.

Liz is naturally responsible for Emily.

The remaining four consist of Meredith, Christina, George and an intern, one for each.

Adam alone can naturally communicate with Alice Grey.

But he agreed to Dr. Montgomery, fearing that Liz would really find him, so he simply left the hospital and went to Robin's apartment, just to change her dressing.

She broke her conscience.

Need extra care.

late at night.

Adam's pager kept ringing.

Liz called him desperately like crazy, showing how anxious and terrified she was.

"Why don't you respond?"

Even Robin, who was able to sleep to death because of his attempts, was repeatedly awakened and asked incomprehensibly.


Adam said the matter.


Robin took a deep breath and didn't dare to say: "Your doctor still has to receive such training?"


Adam shook his head: "Only good doctors need to have such a mentality. Either they are born or cultivated. Tonight is a key node."

"But this is too cruel, right?"

Robin looked The cruelty tonight may save hundreds of patients in the future. "

Adam sighed.

"This Liz probably won't forgive Dr. Montgomery, nor will he forgive you."

Robin murmured.

"I don't need her forgiveness."

Adam smiled freely: "I just want you to forgive~"


Robin took a breath again, and he didn't know if he was shocked by Adam's sudden sorrow, or for other reasons, the whole style of painting immediately changed.

The cruel reality is indeed uncomfortable, but life is still to be lived...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!