Daily American Drama - Chapter 520

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:00:45 AM

Chapter 520: 520

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Medical center.

X-ray room.

Everyone staged a funny scene.

Adam supported the plump woman and turned slowly counterclockwise, knowing what Liz and the others were laughing at.

And feel offended.

The bald man is also called Adam.

It's an offense to think of his bald father Bob.

It is indeed ambiguous for the plump woman to call out this name in this tone at this moment, in the eyes of Liz, who does not know the truth.

Because Leeds and the others can easily think of a classic romantic love movie that is famous for the posture of'turning the past upside down'. When the'hostess' called out their most familiar name, and the owner of this name was indeed on the scene, they also asked for it. Spinning with the'female host'...

This is the second offense!

Fortunately, Adam is professional.

He didn't care about these, his movements were still stable enough.


Christina stared at the computer and reminded: "3, 2, 1! Decoupling!"

"Oh! Sanya!"

The bald man smiled blankly.

Toot toot.

Toot toot.

At this time, an alarm sounded on the monitor.

"Blue alert!"

"He had a heart attack!"

"The aorta is torn! Notify the operating room immediately and we will go right there! The operation must be done immediately, or he will die!"

"Call Dr. Burke."

"Dr. Burke is performing an operation."

"Call Dr. Green."

While doing CPR for the bald man, Adam commanded: "Leeds, Meredith, stay, take this lady to Dr. Montgomery to deal with the dropped intrauterine contraceptive device."

"Christina, follow me to the operating room."

"it is good!"

Christina is very excited.

Heart surgery is her favorite.

"Everyone, we are leaving."

Adam straddled the push bed, gave the bald man who had been refreshed to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and asked everyone to push the bed to the operating room.

Operating room 2.

"Doctor Green."

Christina looked at Leonard ingraciously.

"Doctor Yang."

Leonard glanced at Adam who was standing in the position of the chief sword, and smiled: "Wait I have something to do. I have an incomplete operation. You can help me this time."

"Thank you Doctor Green."

Christina is overjoyed.

Leonard smiled and stood in the second assistant's position.

He understands and appreciates Adam's approach.

Every outstanding doctor must have an outstanding team.

And every chief doctor must have a few excellent doctors with his confidants.

such as.

Dr. Burke, Dr. Sheppert, Dr. Montgomery, to the director of surgery Richard.

Everybody knows Christina's excellence.

Without Adam’s radiance.

Christina at this moment is estimated to be the pinnacle of interns.

Such an excellent doctor, who will be trained in the future, is definitely a right-hand man.

Of course under normal circumstances.

Such a doctor will not be succumbed to his peers.

Just like legends such as Alice Grey, they can't let the excellent Richard give in at ease.

Only like the director of surgery Richard and Dr. Burke, they are a generation away, and they have been in the relationship between teachers and students.

Only in this way can we get along better.

Because there is such a big age difference, the subordinates have the opportunity to wait for the boss to retire.

But if you can really be as exaggerated as Adam, you can convince your colleagues that they have been suppressed during the internship stage, and cultivate your confidantes earlier, in fact, there is no problem at all.

After all, the limit of a good doctor is to be the director of the minor surgery department under the major surgery.

The limit of a better doctor is to be the director of a major surgery.

At that time, Adam will be the head of the hospital.

Which dean does not have a few confidant department directors?

if there is not.

That won't work at all.

Either he couldn't work because he was contradicted by his subordinates, or he couldn't work because of the board's interference.

Only with the support of the confidants who are in important positions can they downwardly coerce the doctors at the bottom, order and prohibit them, resist the chaos of the board of directors upwards, and truly control a hospital with great power.

Good medicine.

Regardless of the opposition of most people, the dean backed Murphy, who had obvious problems, but it was not what he said generously. He wanted to give people with problems a little hope and set an example.

His people asked him directly in private, but: "Is this the person you chose?"

As long as Adam’s growth rate is fast and stable enough, even if his peers are excellent, such as Christina, there is enough room for improvement to be a confidant, no problem at all.

Leonard is naturally very satisfied with such an ambitious and visionary Adam, and is happy to see it happen.

"Scalpel No. 10."

Adam ignored these and directly stretched out his hand and started the operation.

When the operation is carried out in an orderly manner.

The chat started.

"Ex-husband and ex-wife are stuck together, huh?"

Leonard also knew the strange scene at this time, and his face was a little ugly: "Since they are all divorced and still get together every day, what are they doing? Is there a job in that area?"

Obviously, he was thinking of his baby's eldest daughter, who was first married inexplicably by that **** Rose, and divorced inexplicably.

Then because of being together every day, he is now getting a big belly again, and his first granddaughter is about to be born, but he is an illegitimate child!

"After this time, I believe they will learn their lesson."

Adam smiled and said, "Maybe they will remarry."


Leonard snorted coldly: "Who is rare to remarry him!"

Adam smiled and did not answer.

"...Why, did he show this?"

Leonard was just stubborn. Seeing Adam was not answering, he couldn't help it.


Adam smiled while performing the operation, "But I guess when I tell him Mr. Morse's story, he will feel completely different.

After all, his second-married ex-wife Emily has told us with the same blood fact that he will not leave the circle of friends and leave Rachel for his wife.

In this case.

In the follow-up, even if he and Rachel are married separately and get together every day, it is inevitable that they will encounter Mr. Morse.

At that time, it was Emma who saw this scene. "

"He dare!"

Leonard exploded as soon as he heard it

"He dare not."

Adam smiled: "Plus Rachel needs to promote labor, maybe he will propose tonight, maybe."

"When the operation is over, you immediately tell the story to that bastard."

Leonard said: "There is still As long as he proposes before Emma is born, get married immediately, and prevent Emma from being an illegitimate child, then I will forgive him."

"You can try to propose, but the marriage time is too short?"

Adam hesitated.

"What's short?"

Leonard stared: "They were married in Las Vegas at the beginning, and now they are remarrying, go through a marriage proposal, go to the city hall to register, can't it? Then the grand wedding ceremony will be the future I don’t think it doesn’t matter if it’s the matter.”

"It makes sense..."

Adam laughed blankly: "When the time comes, I will ask the staff of the city hall to come over and give them urgent treatment."

"Good, good."

Leonard repeatedly applauded with satisfaction.

One help Christina is convinced: "..."

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