Daily American Drama - Chapter 560

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:59:32 AM

Chapter 560: 560

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Inside the restaurant.

Katie took the phone and went out.

"God bless!"

Robin folded his hands together and prayed to God.

She didn't lie.

It was precisely because she had almost become a stall woman at the beginning that she was very disgusted and worried for the little girl to go her way again.

"Do not worry."

Adam smiled and comforted: "They must have said it a long time ago. Now Katie is going to test him and postpone activities. How can he be able to stand the high school boys who are full of hormones? 80% will directly break up with angrily."


Robin was overjoyed.

"of course it's true."

Adam smiled: "If you don't believe me, ask Matthew."

"Yes it is."

Matthew nodded sympathetically: "I wanted to wait for the first time with Lily, but I couldn't wait, and I lied about it."

"Like the olive theory."

Lily complained: "I really believed it at the time."

Girls prefer to do this kind of thing, and at first they said not to eat.

But after your boyfriend has ordered it, you will eat from the bowl and look at the boyfriend's pot, one by one eating more happily.

Even if the boyfriend feels a little unhappy because of the unpleasant eating, he can't say anything.

after all.

Do you want the happiness of the evening?

When Lily met the good old man Matthew, she made a smiley face that most boyfriends would choose to accompany, and even a kind of "creation" theory of love: the olive theory.

That is to say that men and women complement each other, you don’t like to eat, I like to eat, we don’t grab food.

If she meets Joey's kind of foodie.

Joey would really turn her face when she did it.

"Did you see it?"

Adam smiled and said: "Even good old people like Matthew are like this, let alone the cockscomb and long tongue Karl, he will probably turn his face directly."

"I hope so!"

Robin looked forward to it.

When she saw the wretched man with a combed head sticking out his long tongue to her younger sister at the airport, she almost couldn't help going up and beating him.

"Adam, you are such a scumbag."

Lily murmured: "At least in high school, it must be!"


Adam dissatisfied: "You take it seriously, didn't you say it, I made up those things."

"is it?"

Lily sneered and said, "Is it so vivid and substitutable?"

She was angry just now. It turned out that she didn't pretend. After listening to Adam's description, she couldn't help but substituting in. The sense of justice exploded and she scolded her sincerely.

This is so real...


Adam took it for granted: "You forgot, I am also a well-known writer anyhow."

"I don't believe it anyway."

Lily shook her head: "The master of the mysteries you wrote is based on imaginative ideas. It is completely different from what we are talking about. The details you talk about are absolutely impossible to think of without personal experience."

"You are prejudiced."

Adam smiled and said, "Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running? I have read a lot of books in this area. I don't have to experience it personally, and I can tell many moving details."

"Stop pretending."

Robin murmured: "I don't believe it either. You are definitely the scumbag among the scumbags. You are just the kind of scumbag."


Adam gave a light cough and reminded: "Our focus tonight is Katie, don't mess up the subject, the past is gone, what's the point of mentioning the true and false things? With this time, it might as well Go back to the hospital and save a few more people."


The three Robin were speechless.

No matter how much they despise the scumbag behavior that Adam may have had before, but the image of Adam who is now working hard to save people is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even Ted and Barney, who had opinions on Adam, had nothing to say.

If they had the conditions of Adam, the level of the waves would be exaggerated ten thousand times.

Where can I even run to the airport, randomly accost the beautiful ladies who are going to take a plane to leave New York, and then buy tickets urgently to follow them. Only after getting on the plane did they know that they were all going to see their boyfriends, and then they were too tough because Back down?

If they are Adam, even if their boyfriends are all strong rugby players, what about?

Not only did they harm them, they also dared to green their boyfriend's entire rugby team.

To this.

Irving Lee speaks to the insider.

When he was in high school, all the football players of the school were cried by him.

"Well, Katie is back."

Adam reminded.

Everyone's eyes immediately shifted away.

I saw Katie walked over with a cell phone with a skeptical look of life.

"Katie, how is it?"

Robin almost didn't jump up and cheered, but he had to try his best to control the expression on his face, trying to pretend to be nonchalant, and asked with concern.

"I told Carl that I wanted to wait, and then he dumped me, woohoo."

Katie cried.

"Oh, that's a shame."

Robin immediately walked over, hugged Katie, and said comforting words, but facing the expressions of the three Adams, he was full of ecstasy, grinning and making fists.

"Everything will be fine. You came here to spend Christmas with me, didn't you?"


Katie wiped her tears, nodded, looked at Adam, and said to Robin: "Am I going to your place at night?"

"of course!"

Robin shouted: "We sleep together at night, drink juice together, and see mermaids."

"Then him?"

Katie looked at Adam: "Don't lie to me, you are just friends."

"Let him go to hell!"

Robin waved.

"Ha ha."

Katie smiled in tears: "Then you need to add a tablespoon of sugar to my juice."


Robin nodded entangledly: "Just once tonight, and don't tell mom."

Westerners like to eat sweets too much.

Girls are even worse.

But sweets are the natural enemy of the body.

A conscientious mother will strictly control the amount of sweets her daughter eats.

The atmosphere is much better afterwards.

Although Katie said what she said, she told Adam and Robin not to terminate their original activities because of her.

But Adam left wisely.

God knows what will happen tonight.

He didn't want to really face Robin's bullet.

Life is endless, and learning is endless.

On Christmas Eve like this, he chose to go to New Jersey to find Peggy, study mathematics together, explore the deepest mysteries of the universe, and gain physical and mental joy in the growth of knowledge.

Learning makes people happy.

When Adam arrived, Peggy's apartment had been decorated by Lisa very festive.

"Boss, things are ready."

Assistant Lisa had a strange expression.

Even if I have followed Adam for a long time, I have seen many different tricks of Adam, and she is even responsible for many of them.

But she still sighed in her heart: "The boss really knows how to play!"

Adam ignored this look.

It's just a little taste of life, what's the matter.

Adam found the gift under Lisa's signal, and when he opened it, it was a red Santa Claus costume.

It's just different from the normal Santa's bloated costume, this one is very small and slim.

It was Adam who asked Lisa to tailor it to Peggy's figure.


White is pretty.

Red and red are good.

Adam, who is no longer a child, naturally wants everything.

This set is the little red Christmas dress that Asia has made a deep impression in a certain art movie in this life.

After Adam drove Lisa away with his eyes, he personally sent it to Peggy, put it on her, and happily spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with Peggy.

Merry Christmas!

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