Daily American Drama - Chapter 593

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:58:33 AM

Chapter 593: 593

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Medical center.


"Liz, what are you doing here?"

Adam was surprised when he saw Liz in surgical gown waiting outside the emergency room.

"I don't know, someone called me."

Liz spread his hands.


Adam looked at the emergency nurse.

"Doctor Duncan, there will be an ambulance next time."

Nurse Carol immediately explained: "The patient is a 35-year-old male with difficulty breathing, rapid and irregular pulse, and the medical record states that he suffers from acute rhythm disorder and congestive heart failure and is a patient of Dr. Burke."


Liz exclaimed: "It's Danny!"


Nurse Carol nodded: "The patient's name is Danny."

"That Danny waiting for a heart transplant?"

Adam looked at Leeds.


Liz nodded his head and said anxiously: "Last time he came to wait for the heart transplant, I was the one who managed the bed, but in the end he didn't wait for the heart."

"Are you OK?"

Adam frowned.


Liz was in a trance.

"I mean I will take over this patient."

Adam kindly reminded: "In your state, it is obviously not suitable to be his tube bed doctor."


Liz shouted: "He is my patient, I can take care of him."

"are you sure?"

Adam took a deep look at her: "Your emotions are no longer a doctor's normal attitude towards patients. This is not good for you to patients."

"I can!"

Liz met Adam with firm eyes.


Adam shrugged: "I'm just kind, you think you can do it, I don't lack this heart transplant, and I don't want to be headshot by a mace."

"What mace headshot?"

Liz breathed a sigh of relief first, then asked puzzledly.

"A joke, you don't understand."

Adam smiled.

Adam knew this patient named Danny, and looked exactly like the **oss Negan at the peak of The Walking Dead.


It was a coquettish man who directly headshot the takeaway brother Glenn with a baseball bat hooped with a wire.

The takeaway brother Glenn is also really miserable.

First, he was tortured by roommate Sheldon and escaped, but in the end he did not escape the disaster.

However, Adam guessed that if he could choose between being headshot by a mace or being tossed by Shelton's collapse, the takeaway brother Glenn would be really entangled.

4, 6 open it.

The choice to be a mace headshot is 6.

When Leonard and Shelton watched The Walking Dead in the future, they didn't know if they recognized him.

Shelton probably didn't care.

But Leonard must be grateful to him, and regret not listening to his repeated advice.

Because when Leonard came to see the room, he happened to ran into the takeaway brother Glenn escaping from Shelton’s apartment. After learning about Leonard’s intentions, he repeatedly advised: "Run! Run as fast and as fast as you want. How far is it!"

If Leonard had listened to it, there would be no more torture for decades.

But it's not good.

After all, Leonard is suspected of hiding M attributes.

It was painful on the outside, and only Leonard knew whether it was joy or happiness inside.

Just as Adam's thoughts were flying, the ambulance came over.

"It's really Danny!"

Liz hurried up to greet him: "What was done on the spot?"

"He was my patient before he changed hands to you!"

The emergency doctor who followed was very upset with Liz's attitude.

"I know him."

Liz didn't show any weakness and went back: "He is at the top of the list of heart transplants. He is a patient in our surgery. Dr. Burke will come soon. You'd better change hands now! What was done on the spot?"

"He was injected with 40 units of urinary agent and 6 units of adenosine."

When the emergency doctor heard Dr. Burke's name, although he was still upset with Liz's attitude, he could only answer while handing over.

"what's the situation?"

Dr. Burke came over.

"It's Danny."

Liz said anxiously.

"Heart rate is chaotic, heart failure."

Dr. Burke is checking up.

"Bisoprol can reduce mortality."

Liz said anxiously: "You can try blood pressure medicine or digoxin, yes, give him an injection of digoxin!"


Dr. Burke waved his hand to interrupt the nurse's movements and looked at Liz with a cold face: "Dr. Stevenson, he is my patient. I know his condition and he can hold on."

"What more can we do?"

Liz took a deep breath.

"What we can do now is to send him to the intensive care unit to see if his heart can stabilize."

Dr. Burke said.

"I will be his bedside doctor, and I will take good care of him."

Liz volunteered.

"Do not!"

Dr. Burke glanced at her and said to Adam on one side: "Dr. Duncan, you are in charge of Danny."


Liz emotionally said: "I can, the last time his tube bed doctor was me!"

"Doctor Stevenson!"

Dr. Burke said solemnly: "Are you questioning my decision?"


No matter how excited Liz was, and the reason was still there, how dare to take this, he could only look at Dr. Burke pleadingly: "I just want to have the beginning and the end, and I am more familiar with Danny."

"We are a doctor-patient relationship, not in a relationship."

Dr. Burke reminded: "We do what is best for the patient, and what we want has a beginning and an end? Besides, how many people have a beginning and an end in a relationship now? Do you think your level is higher than that of Dr. Duncan?"

"It's not..."

Liz's face was flushed.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Dr. Burke looked at her no more..."

Liz was unwilling.

"Danny has been my patient for many years."

Dr. Burke looked at Adam.

"I know."

Adam smiled and said, "I will pay more attention to him."

"Well, I can rest assured that you do things."

Dr. Burke nodded.


"Liz, do you have nothing else?"

Adam looked at Liz, who was busy, and shook his head.

"I'm fine."

Liz looked at Danny in a coma, and said without looking back.

Now Dr. Bailey is on maternity leave.

The trainees under her are like wild horses that have taken off their reins, all looking for their own operations, blatantly avoiding Xue Ni, who is taking them temporarily, and Xue Ni, who is walking in the warm tie, can't control it at all.

"It's so unfair."

Liz murmured.


Adam is puzzled.

"We treat idiots every day, heal them, and send them away, whether they deserve it or not."

Liz shook his head and smiled bitterly: "But Danny, he is a good man, he is a good man with a bad heart, but we can only wait, wait and wait, and don't know if we can wait for the good heart that suits him."

"Nicky, stare for me. Dr. Stevenson will not be allowed to come in without the permission of Dr. Burke and I."

Adam turned his head and ordered the nurse.

"Yes, Doctor Duncan."

The nurse nodded.


Liz froze there, looking at Adam incredulously.

"Doctor Stevenson, you heard."

Adam said blankly: "This is the patient that Dr. Burke arranged for me, not your patient, and you are not the patient's family member. You are not qualified to stand here, please go out!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!