Daily American Drama - Chapter 608

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:58:07 AM

Chapter 608: 608

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Into the night.

Medical center.


Christina and Meredith gathered around.

"How about what?"

Adam was surprised.

"How is the director going to deal with Leeds?"

Christina pointed out.

"How do you know?"

Adam gave George a frown.

"They are all friends of Leeds."

George said with a guilty conscience: "They have the right to know."

"I hope you will still be in the mood to say this when the director fires you."

Adam mocked.


George didn't dare to speak immediately.

In the previous closed-door meeting, the director of surgery, Richard, had a dark face all the time, and he had only one attitude towards him: "Shut up, O'Malley, there is no place for you to speak, just listen!"

"We will keep it confidential."

Meredith saw George so frightened, he couldn't bear to relieve George: "It's only for us to know."

"That's best."

Adam nodded and said: "Otherwise, the director will definitely choose to expel Liz directly."

"That's not expelled?"

Christina keenly grasped the key words.

"Not expelled."

Adam sighed: "Although we all want to expel Liz, this reason cannot be made public."

This is the reason for the rat avoidance device.

Liz is a doctor and belongs to the Medical Association, and she cannot be expelled without a proper reason.

Those things she did, of course, could completely expel her.

But I can't say it, because it involves the reputation and interests of the entire medical center.

"You want to fire Liz too?"

Meredith looked at Adam incredulously.

"Any questions?"

Adam asked rhetorically.

"She is your friend!"

Meredith called.

"I don't care about my friends so much."

Adam sneered: "If it weren't for our firm attitude, I've been dragged into the water by her now, maybe the director wants to expel me, do you want such a friend?"

"But Liz has been punished, she was shot."

Meredith stopped.

"What's the connection between her being shot and her lack of medical ethics and her unworthiness to be another doctor?"

Adam sneered and said, "You don't think that the gunman shot Liz for the people's sake, did you?"


Meredith was speechless.

"All right."

Christina interrupted: "What Liz did is really too outrageous. There is nothing to wash. Let's talk about the result now. It's not expulsion. What is it?"

"Persuade to retire."

George said: "Regardless of whether Liz's hands are good or not, Liz will not be able to continue his residency training at the medical center."

"That's it?"

Christina was surprised: "That's okay, isn't it heavy."

"Isn't that heavy?"

George stared.

"Please, think about what Liz did. Is this really heavy?"

Christina shrugged and said: "If Dr. Burke didn't bring the heart back in time, and you really listened to Liz stupidly, cut Danny's power cord, and Danny would die.

That is murder in disguise.

Have you thought about the consequences?

In contrast, dismissal treatment can at least go to another hospital to start again.

Isn't this result not good?

You don’t really think you’ve done this kind of thing, the director would curse a few words, remember a big mistake, just let Liz go?

She is not Meredith! "


Meredith was displeased when he heard it.

What does this mean!


Kritisna squinted at Meredith: "You know that the director treats you differently. Human relations are human nature. What is there to avoid?"


Meredith sighed: "I hope Leeds will go to another hospital in the future and stop being so impulsive."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Adam's mouth.

The four talked for a while, and Adam repeatedly confessed that they would not spread it out indiscriminately, and walked towards the VIP ward, ready to see Tatiana.

Juno has already contacted Heather.

When Heather heard it, he was very interested and expressed his willingness to adopt.

But in her capacity, it is not easy to pass the scrutiny of child protection organizations.

So Adam consulted professional Caroline and came up with a way.

That is to let Caroline's charity fund adopt Tatiana first, then change hands, and then let Heather adopt it.

But this involves the qualifications of an adoption agency.

Caroline needs time to deal with it.

In addition, Tatiana's body needs time for treatment and recuperation, so Adam asked Tatiana to stay in the medical center first, with her loving nurse Carol taking care of her, which was also reassuring.

Adam also helped her find an English teacher. During this time, he taught her some simple English so that he could communicate with Heather and her.


Christina chased from behind.


Adam stopped.

"It's not that simple, is it?"

Christina whispered: "I saw you sneered just now, you don't agree with Meredith's words."

"Of course I don't agree."

Adam smiled and said: "It's easy to change, and it's hard to change nature. Liz is so crazy, can you imagine it beforehand?"


Christina shook her head.

"That's not it."

Adam Tan Shoudao.


Christina stared into Adam's eyes: "More than that, there must be other things in your sneer. Are you planning to retaliate against Liz so that she has no chance to go to another hospital to start again?"

"Why do you have this idea?"

Adam was surprised.

"Stop pretending."

Christina murmured: "You were careful. This time Leeds almost got involved in your career. Although due to the reputation of the hospital, you can't expel Leeds publicly, but I don't believe you will swallow this breath."

"You think too much."

Adam smiled and said, "I'm always a big man, and Leeds was persuaded to retreat. For me, it was enough."

"real or fake?"

Christina was surprised.

"of course."

Adam smiled and said: "But the director is very angry, and the consequences are serious. In Leeds’ medical files, the director’s comments are not very good. Dr. Burke was greeted by the director and they will not give Liz a letter of recommendation. I’m afraid it’s not easy to find a new job."


Christina was stunned: "What's the difference between this and expulsion?"

In the United States where credit history is important, resume is very important.

The director of surgery at a large hospital gave a bad review in the file and did not allow the higher-level doctors that Leeds had practiced to give her a letter of recommendation. Other hospitals knew what this meant.

Not to mention that Leeds is just a dispensable unknown person.

Even if it is a very capable doctor, there is a high chance that it will be difficult to move.

The Dr. House next door is truly forced, if it were not for the female dean who admired him, he would be willing to employ him under tremendous pressure.

No matter how awesome he is, there is no use for his abilities, and no one wants to use him at all.

Because all hospitals are afraid of trouble.

Compared with the benefits created by top-notch doctors who have worked so hard to save people, troublesome doctors can make trouble once, and the bad effects caused by him may not be able to make up for his entire working is completely uneconomical.

The hospital opened its doors to make money, so how could it be so troublesome.

Dr. House was so, let alone Liz who was nothing.

"Of course there is a difference, so that Leeds can be more acceptable. People always have a little hope."

Adam smiled and walked towards the VIP ward.

As for hope, will it be endless despair?

Then you can only use the classic ending sentence of Adam's second sister Teddy recording a growth video for the fourth sister Charlie.

Good luck, Liz Stevenson!

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