Daily American Drama - Chapter 711

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:55:05 AM

Chapter 711: 711

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Rescue scene.



News reporters have arrived long ago, and they kept shooting and videotaping here to broadcast the latest situation here.


The red area and the inside shuttle back and forth, and if the command is determined, the countless alive Adam becomes the center of the lens.

The disaster is terrible.

But the disaster relief was positive and inspiring.

In particular, the artistic silky smoothness of the disaster relief process and the beauty of the disaster relief center are naturally eye-catching, making them the favorite of the media.

They can't wait to interview Adam right away.

But none of them can get close.

The police had already set up a cordon, and after a few beautiful reporters ignored the intense rescue work in the red zone, they insisted on interviewing Adam immediately and were dissuaded from leaving.

In the red area, there are special police guards, and reporters are not allowed to stand by and commit crimes.

Even if the reporters did too much, everyone maintained maximum restraint.

Even Adam, who holds shares in many large media groups, is no exception.

no way.

In the United States, the power of the media is very powerful.

Once you offend them, just add a filter to Adam, and everything that Adam does now will all change its flavor.

If there is another re-editing, malicious interpretation and other one-click three consecutive, God can instantly become a demon.

This is the power of Mi Media!

Therefore, even if he is a billionaire, Adam, who lives in such a legendary American drama world, must be cautious in his words and deeds. If he does not offend the media, he must not offend the media.

Otherwise, if they were targeted by them and made Adam’s reputation worse, he would not be considered a doctor even if he was a billionaire.

At that time, in order to save people steadily and increase life expectancy.

Adam either left the United States and went to be a doctor in other countries.

Either it will be completely blackened and not take the usual path.

Shuren Zhou said: Blackening is ten times stronger!

If it really gets there, Adam may be able to accumulate a massive life span many times faster than now.

It's just that he is completely insulated from normal daily life.

He didn't want to do it as a last resort.

"Help me find the information about this handsome doctor right away, all!"

A beautiful female reporter is on the phone.

As time passed, it was night, and the rescue scene at the wharf still didn't mean anything to stop. There were still a steady stream of victims falling into the water and trapped. They were rescued and sent to the red area for first aid.

And so long is enough time for the media reporters on the spot to dig into Adam's information.

As more and more information was dug up, everyone's eyes began to shine.

Self-made best-selling author.

The youngest billionaire.

The most talented intern.


Almost all reporters are paying attention to a series of dazzling names of Adam.

But one of the beautiful female reporters stared at Adam thoughtfully, muttering: "Master of Mysteries, Tarot Club, billionaire, professional doctor...Is it you..."

"Sandra, what are you talking about?"

The photographer looked at him as a new reporter who entered his own newspaper after graduation and was appreciated by the editor of the newspaper.

"It's nothing."

The beauty reporter Sandra smiled slightly.

Before the change, she would communicate her thoughts with the photographer as soon as possible.

But she is no longer the immature student of New York University's journalism department who hadn't graduated a year ago.

She has learned to hide her true thoughts, and grasp clues of explosive news that may make her further famous. Afterwards, she can complete the follow-up investigation with confidence and independently.

No one can resist her charm.

Especially men.

Medical center.

The TVs in the corridors, offices, and lounges are all broadcasting the latest reports of cruise accidents.

The scene of Adam saving people is impressively listed.

After such a long preparation, the TV station directly invited professional doctors to give professional comments on Adam's first aid process.

Naturally, there are praises and exclamations.

As a result, Adam's first aid technique is truly amazing.

Secondly, Adam’s reputation has already spread in the medical world, but anyone with a bit of a brain will not offend a billionaire in public because of envy and jealousy.

Thirdly, the tone of the TV station's publicity is still positive.

As a guest, I will naturally be very interesting.

As a result, under the interpretation of the famous medical profession and the propaganda of the host's professional rainbow fart, Adam has become a mainstay in the medical field and a beacon of hope for mankind.

Adam, who is strong, handsome and rich, with countless auras added to his body, instantly went out of the circle.

"Adam is really hot this time."

Juno and Heather were in Adam's office and couldn't help muttering when they saw this scene.

"63! Uncle Adam is great!"

Whenever Tatiana rescued a critically ill patient after Adam, she followed the host's rhythm and cheered and shouted the bright red numbers displayed on the big screen.

This is the number of patients that the TV station has seized the time to find an opportunity to verify that Adam has rescued.

Now everyone is looking forward to how many people Adam will save.

"This is the real superhero!"

Megan, a painless super-powered girl, has her eyes gleaming.

The little girl who couldn't find her mother, was dragged by Megan to the medical center, and changed her pants. She stared at Adam on TV in a daze. The panic in her eyes dissipated for most of the time.

"Adam is the sun, warming everyone."

Heather stared lovingly at the busy figure on the TV.

"You guy..."

The corner of Juno's mouth was helpless.

She had long known that Adam's light would bloom completely one day.

But unlike Heather, who only admires love, she thinks more.

Before, she had always hoped that Adam could be more ordinary.

Because light and darkness are relative.

The brighter the light, the darker the darkness.

Her workload has increased again.

But this is the end of the matter.

She can only face the difficulties.

"Fantastic Amy, it's a pity..."

Juno couldn't help thinking of Adam's ex-girlfriend.

If you give her more time, Magic Amy is really a potential helper.

In that case, she would be less worried today.

"It seems that Rachel can't give up anymore."

Juno thought of the girl in red, are you going? "

Heather, who had been staring at the TV with Tatiana and others, cheering for Adam, caught a glimpse of Juno getting up and leaving, and couldn't help but curiously said.

"I'm going to see Rachel."

Juno smiled meaningfully and said: "This is the task Adam gave me. I naturally have to do my best to complete it so that I can help him, otherwise I am his best friend?"

"Then I will be with you!"

Heather also got up quickly.

"No need to."

Juno held Heather's shoulders and smiled: "Just stay with Tatiana and the others. It's better for me to do this kind of thing. The division of labor is different. You do yours, I do mine, and I need me. I won't be polite to you."

Heather flushed immediately and nodded obediently.

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