Daily American Drama - Chapter 72

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:14:15 AM

Chapter 72: 72

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New Jersey.

A small group is chatting.

"The Lord of Mysteries is really wonderful, a perfect fusion of the elements of Cthulhu and the Suspended Detective."

"I prefer the world view, pathways and sequences inside. A pathway has multiple sequences that grow continuously, and a sequence is a profession. What an interesting setting."

"We are the guardians, and we are also a group of poor bugs who fight danger and madness all the time. We are a group of poor bugs who fight danger and madness all the time, but we are even guardians, what a great night watcher."

"Klein finally met Melissa and Benson as a clown. It was really touching."

"It fits well with the theme of this volume, doesn't it? The clown is the promotion sequence of the servant house in the'acquisition of the servant's house'. The servant can occupy the destiny of the servant, but for the real destiny, everyone is just being That's the clown playing with fate. Klein was killed and resurrected again, isn't that true."

"Volume two should go to Backlund, right? I really look forward to it. Will Klein and Miss Justice meet in the real world? Will they burst into love?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but I prefer not."


"Klein can continue to die and come back to life, and he is the ruler on the gray fog. There is obviously the shadow of God, and Miss Justice Audrey is more like a saint serving God. The saint may worship and adore God. Little love, but God only has big love, Audrey, The Hanged Man, and even Susie, in the eyes of God, there is actually not much difference."

"Is this an allusion? There is also a blasphemous slate, the true creator and the fallen creator, will there be trouble?"

"What can be the trouble? It's not Middle World for a long time, otherwise there won't be so many'heretics'. Even the IRS, who dared to collect taxes by God, can't help them. The Lord of Mysteries is just a novel, so why bother? Gang is online."

"I have a proposal, we can also form a tarot club, what do you think?"

"You are the second in the middle too, right?"

"I think I can try, I will choose the Hanged Man."

"I choose the sun."

"I choose the hermit."

"I choose justice!"

Suddenly, an immature female voice sounded, and everyone was frightened. Following the reputation, I saw a little girl holding a golden retriever puppy, hiding behind the curtain in the corner, watching them through the curtain. .


The host Gerald snorted, and then looked at the crowd apologetically: "Sorry, since Annie has accidentally seen Lord of the Mysteries, she really likes Susie inside, so we bought her a golden retriever named Susie. Later, she even thought about giving Susie a potion, and wanted Susie to speak, but now she doesn't know when to hide here secretly..."

"Haha! Annie is in the audience with Susie."

"Anne is so cute and beautiful, and Susie is the best fit for Miss Justice Audrey."

"The key to a potion is not mastery, but digestion! It is not digging, it is acting! Kate is an actor, observing the world, imitating and playing the world, Annie is so beautiful, she will definitely become an excellent actor like her mother Kate in the future, and will Better."

"The Lord of Mysteries will definitely be adapted into a TV series in the future. If you wait a few years, Annie can become a true Miss Justice."

"Gerard, Annie is so young, isn't it suitable for watching this?"

"What does it matter? There are not so many messy things in it. It is pure and unbelievable. If it doesn't contain some horror elements, it can be a children's book. As long as Annie is not afraid, there is nothing you can't read."

"The Lord of Mysteries is still too small. I went to check it out and there was almost no publicity. Will this seriously dampen the author’s enthusiasm, let alone the future of the big world, and I don’t even know if it is possible in the second volume. Publishing it."

"It seems that it was published by Random House Publishing House. Anyone of you who knows the publishing house, we can make suggestions. By the way, see if we can contact the author, and contact the author directly to discuss the plot?"

"Randon House? I know their editor-in-chief Jack Cerf. I'll call him now."

The protagonist Gerald here is a lawyer, and the hostess Kate is an actor. He is considered to be a middle-class family. Naturally, he comes into contact with people with good family backgrounds and considerable status in society.

are mixed in New York, naturally some people know Jack Cerf.

Random House.

Chief Editor's Office.

"No problem, come over tomorrow, I will help you arrange."

Jack Cerf hung up the phone, frowned and thought for a while, pressed the phone, and called in the secretary Linda.

"Bring me the sales report of the Lord of Mysteries, yes, there are letters from the readers."

After a while, Linda came in with a bunch of things in her arms.

"So many letters from readers?"

Jack flipped through the pages, surprised, and then looked at the sales report. In two months, 9,696 copies were sold, and the first edition of 10,000 has been exhausted.

Of course, this has nothing to do with bestsellers, but without any publicity, being able to reach this level is absolutely Especially the growth curve is completely explosive.

Looking at the letters from the readers, there are many praises, a lot of insults and even threats. In Jack's eyes, this is the hot spot.

If the publicity keeps up, the New York Times bestseller list might be about to move.

"My eyes are really good."

Jack first affirmed himself, and then frowned: "Damn, I knew I was determined to take down all the copyright..."

But he has only been addicted to his mouth, with Nora, the queen of color novels, helping to speak, and giving him another chance, he still doesn't dare to overdo it.

"Rick said that they are fans of the Master of Mysteries, and they have to meet the author. It seems that they really like the Lord of Mysteries. In this case, they will not be suppressed."

Thinking of this, Jack called according to the phone number left by Adam.

After all, he is a businessman, all interests are the most important thing. Since the suppression has no effect, he naturally and decisively changes his attitude to maximize the interests.

The next day.


Adam came to Random House.


Jack is extremely enthusiastic this time, and he is not at all arrogant as ‘no matter how good the quality of the book is, it’s not as powerful as the publisher’s channel traffic’.

"If you reprint 100,000 copies and increase the royalties to 10%, will you invest a lot of publicity resources?"

Adam heard Jack's words and was a little surprised at the other's initiative, but he didn't lose his temper, because this was what he expected.

In the past life, the master of the mystery has ordered more than 100,000. You must know that this is a genuine reader, and pirated readers are at least 10 times more than that.

Regardless of the 1st edition of the first edition or the 100,000 editions of the second edition, it is just a fraction.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!