Daily American Drama - Chapter 828

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:51:36 AM

Chapter 828: 828

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Monica was discharged from the hospital holding little Adam.

Farewell to the apartment.

Going to a new home in the suburbs, the joy of moving.

Three things are worth celebrating.

Adam deliberately spared time and had a good time with everyone.

It is indeed the first goal to treat diseases and save lives.

But the purpose of increasing life span is to enjoy life.

In the past, the life balance was unbalanced, and if you didn't work hard, you would die soon. Adam could only focus more energy on increasing lifespan.

Now the planned doctor's career has been on the right track, and the life span has been steadily improved, and it is no longer necessary to work as hard as before.

Participate in the Moments activities that you should participate in.

Otherwise, what's the use of this longevity?

Medical center.

Emergency room.

"A major accident again?"

Adam and Christina waited at the door with a group of interns and looked at the chief resident Kelly.

"A major accident is not counted, there is only one patient."

The chief resident Kelly shook her head and said, "But I can guarantee that you have never seen such a ‘big’ trauma."


Christina's eyes lit up immediately.

"Oh, I'm 100% sure."

Kelly, the chief resident, sighed.

When the ambulance came, everyone immediately understood what she meant.


There was a classic exclamation from the intern under Christina.

But no one went to watch him stare at him.

Because everyone's eyes were shocked by the case before him.

"what's the situation?"

Adam stepped forward and asked the firefighters and first responders.

That's right!

This time the case was not only accompanied by first responders, but also accompanied by a team of four firefighters.

The patient's trauma is indeed very serious.

Because he was wrapped in a pile of cement, except for his head, exposed palms, and one foot, the rest of his body was buried in a huge pile of cement.

"You have to ask them about the specific situation."

The captain of the firefighter gestured to the three men and one woman high school students who followed.

I saw them watching there, laughing and playing, as if watching the excitement is not too big of a problem.

"Melendez, Grey, go and ask for the detailed process!"

Adam gave an order, and then led everyone to the emergency room.


Patient Owen was also stunned when he saw the doctors, his heart was cold, and he cried out in horror.

"We will."

Adam soothed and looked at the fire chief: "How long has he been like this?"

"We carefully blasted him out of the cement. It took 3 hours. Before his classmates called the police, it seemed that it was delayed for more than 1 hour."

Said the fire chief.

"More than an hour?"

When everyone heard it, their expressions were instantly wonderful.

"The child is really stupid and cruel!"

Christina complained.

"O'Malley, use vinegar to drip Owen's burned skin."

Adam commanded: "Owen was trapped in several tons of cement for more than four hours. The alkaline substance in the cement is eroding his body.

Carter, give him water.

The cement will continue to absorb the water in his body. Pay attention to the intake. Once the cement under the body is knocked open, be ready to insert the urinary catheter at any time to prevent the bladder from exploding.

Dr. Torres, you are in charge of Owen's limbs.

We must act now.

The cement is still shrinking. If the body is squeezed like this for a long time, a lot of toxins will be produced. Once we rescue him from the cement, the circulation will accelerate, and the toxins will instantly invade the whole body.

So we must be fast!

Captain, bring your tools, wait and listen to my orders! "

"Awaiting your instructions at any time, doctor!"

The fire chief agreed.

Adam nodded and quickly simulated the best solution for breaking the wall in his brain.

Then commanded the chief of the firefighter, led the firefighters, followed him, began to knock the formed cement, and continuously quickly removed pieces of broken cement from the patient.

Carter helped Irving hydrate.

George took the vinegar and dripped it on the burn site to relieve the burn caused by the cement to the patient Owen.

"what are you doing?"

Patient Owen swallowed and watched as people around were knocking and carrying cement.

When she saw Kelly pouring the disinfectant on his leg, the scalpel showed up again, she couldn't control it anymore, she cried out in horror.

"I want to perform a fasciotomy."

Kelly explained: "Reduce the pressure on your leg, or you will lose your right leg."

During the conversation, the disinfection was over, and Kelly used a scalpel to cut Owen's thigh.

Ding Ding Ding!

There was a rhythm of percussions in the ward. Under the command of Adam, everyone performed their duties in order to rescue Owen from the cement pile of several tons as quickly as possible.

After half an hour.

The little man and Lexie also returned.


When the little man and Lexie confided the cause of the incident, everyone was surprised and looked at the frightened and embarrassed Owen: "Did you jump in on the initiative?"

"Silly, isn't it?"

Owen said with shame: "Actually, I was not before. I have always been an excellent student and a teaching assistant. I have never been the kind of fool who can jump into a cement tank.

They booed that I didn't dare to jump.

I actually don't care what they think.

But she is watching, she is watching..."

"So you did it for girls?"

Christina murmured: "It's not surprising at all. Are you sure you are an excellent student, teaching assistant? Which school do you come from?"

"Doctor Yang!"

Adam glared at her.

"I know I'm so stupid!"

Owen said painfully: "Now she is not only indifferent, but also treats me as a fool. Even if I die, I will no longer be the boy who almost kissed her, but will just jump into the cement tank and die. The big idiot of cement sculpture!"

"Don't be so negative."

Adam soothed: "As long as you survive, you are not."

While speaking, he glanced at Lexi.

Lexi immediately understood sighed and shook her head.

She knows what Adam meant. When she asked Owen, she also talked to the girl alone.

It can be seen that although the girl behaved indifferently like the other three boys, and followed that ridicule and ridicule, her eyes still exposed her concern for Owen.

After Lexi pointed it out, she did not deny it either.

Lexie proposed to let her accompany Owen in the past and give Owen courage.

The three boys sitting there waiting obviously also heard Lexie’s persuasion, and imitated that grandiosely: "Oh, Lola, Lola, please hold my hand, I need you~"

She glanced at the three male friends behind her, and refused without hesitation.

Lexi repeatedly persuaded her, but she was unmoved, and her attitude was very firm.

Obviously, in her eyes, the ambiguity and affection with Owen could not be compared to a ridicule of friends.

This is cruel.

But it is extremely realistic!

Adam and the others abandoned the girl who was the root cause of the incident, helped Owen invigorate and strengthen the illusion of the will to survive, and began to focus all their attention on saving Owen.


The staff of the hospital also started to call Owen's family members according to the process.

Owen’s parents, no one answered the phone.

When I called Owen’s brother, the phone rang for a while, and when the nurse was about to hang up, there was a very magnetic male voice: "What's the matter?"

"Is it Mr. Dyke Shaw?"

The nurses, like most Americans, have an unusual fondness for the British accent, so when they hear the pure British accent on the other side, their attitude will automatically rise from treating P to VIP and telling the situation again.

"I'll go over at once."

On the other side of the phone, Owen's brother was silent for a moment, said, and hung up.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!