Daily American Drama - Chapter 829

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:51:35 AM

Chapter 829: 829

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Ten hours later.

Medical center.

A don't touch me and stopped at the door.

The car door opened, and a bald man with sunglasses walked out of the car. He took off his sunglasses and put it in his pocket. He looked at the hospital and walked in.

"I'm looking for Owen Shaw."

The bald man in sunglasses walked to the nurse's station and said indifferently.

"He is undergoing surgery."

When the nurse heard it, she immediately glanced at him and explained, "Operating Room 3."

The name of the cement boy has long been spread throughout the hospital.

"Thank you."

The bald man nodded and went to the operating room.

"What a cool accent, he is the brother of the cement boy."

"It's pretty cool, look at his steadfast and fearless eyes, so masculine, it's a pity that he is bald."

"It's good to be bald."


"You are too young to know the benefits of a bald man~"

"What's the benefit?"

"I heard that they like to think about things in bed, so they are bald."

"Puff! Really?"

"Of course it is true. I have a friend who really likes this one. She also summed up her experience. If you want to find such a boyfriend, it is best to be bald."

"Just make up, I heard that scholars like to think about things in bed."

"It's okay, a bald scholar!"

"Have you met Dr. Duncan's father?"


A crowd of nurses immediately went gossip.

Operating room 3.

Adam led the people to rescue Owen from the pile of several tons of cement. When the last large cement slab was removed, the circulation in Owen's body suddenly accelerated, swept the toxins all over his body, and went into shock instantly.

Fortunately, Adam was well prepared and successfully rescued him, and then sent him directly to the operating room.

After more than ten hours of surgery, Owen was successfully rescued.

As soon as he left the operating room, he saw the cold bald man facing him.

Adam's eyes shrank instantly.

"Doctor, how is he?"

The bald man looked at Adam.

"you are?"

Adam asked.

He is very familiar with the face in front of him, but he doesn't know his identity, is it a mechanic, a very human trafficker, or something else?

"Owen's brother."

Dyke Shaw explained and repeated: "How is he?"

"...He is out of danger, you can visit him later."

Adam introduced the situation.

Bald Dyke nodded and said nothing.

"O'Malley, you take Mr. Xiao to the ward."

Adam assigned George to be responsible.

Although he liked this movie very much in his previous life, to be honest, no matter what his identity, this is an existence of both good and evil.

From the perspective of film appreciation, both righteous and evil are full of positive charm.

But if you really live in this world and encounter such a righteous and evil existence, it is better to regard the other party as an evil person as much as possible, which is more stable.

Because Adam did not want to be part of the dark side of this kind of existence that was not shown in the movie.

In the ward.

"People say that if they want to see the future, they look back at the past. I used to think this was bullshit."

Bald Dyke stood in front of the glass window, looking at the high-rise buildings outside, the traffic was busy, and he sighed, turned around, walked to the bed of Irving who had not yet awakened, and looked at him: "Now I understand. I can't escape in the past. of.

My stupid brother!

When we were young, you always looked for the strongest child to fight.

But in the end, I always come forward to solve them.

You steal from the corner shop.

In the end, I was always beaten by my father.

Then you went to school, and you grew up and became the best student in the school.

I understand that, as a typical second child in the family, you have no sense of existence, and have always cared about the closeness between me and Heidi.

But this is not my problem with Heidi.

When we are playing Keith Moon (a violent explosion that can cause permanent ear damage), you don't want to play with it, thinking that we are crazy.

Heidi and I entered the military academy to learn more advanced and professional violent methods. Do you think you can never compare with us in this line of business.

So you directly gave up the immature and timid violent means of childhood, became a good student, and wanted to surpass us from other tracks.

We all understand.

We also support you very much!

Whatever things are played to the apex, they have the same extraordinary achievement.

We think you can be smart, strong, and better.

But I never thought that you would become like this now!

For a girl, in order to let the girl know that you have courage, you are so stupid that you jump directly into the cement tank, just because other people coax you dare not?

In the past, you must have beaten them directly with your fists, or kicked them all into the cement tank one by one.

Such you, although unable to surpass me and Heidi in the professional field of violence.

But at least he won't become a complete fool.

And it almost gave me no chance to wipe your ass.

How can I tell my mother then?

It doesn't matter if you die, but you shouldn't die in this way.

You are humiliating our family's reputation and making our proud mother sad. This is something I cannot accept!

So you have no chance to choose the track freely.

Such a weak you need iron-blood correction!

When you wake up, I will arrange it for you.

We don't ask you to be outstanding, but don't die into a joke! "

Having said this, Bald Dyke reached out and took his brother Owen's hand, his eyes cold and firm.

"But no matter what, you are still my own brother. Your business is my business. Take a good rest, and I will continue to teach you how to behave."

George O'Malley, who was next to him, turned pale when he heard it.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that the bald man in front of him was an extraordinary violent figure.

"Take good care of my brother. If he has any shortcomings, I will come back to you to settle the account."

Bald Dyke got up and glanced at George.


George trembled.

"That Doctor Duncan is very good?"

Bald Dyke took out his sunglasses from his pocket, and asked while wiping with the cloth for the glasses.


George didn't dare to say more.

"Notify him and let him stay in the hospital tonight."

Bald Dyke wiped off his sunglasses, put on his face, and said coldly: "There will be four patients coming over later, I hope he will do a good job in the rescue work, it is best not to die!

After speaking, without waiting for George to answer, he stepped out of the ward.

When the bald Dyke left, George walked out of the ward with a soft leg, and told the nurse to call Adam.

After Adam came over, George said the matter.

"damn it!"

Adam cursed secretly.

Sure enough, a person who is both righteous and evil is an absolute evil person to those who really live around him!

Otherwise, how can there be any positive person threatening to save his younger brother's medical staff?

"O' don't need you to take care of it."

Adam saw George being so, worried about bad things, and ordered: "Call Melendez and let him take care of Owen."

"I'll be with him."

George said with a bitter face: "His brother told me, I'm afraid he will trouble me if I'm not here after he comes..."


Adam nodded and calmly said: "You can take care of you as usual. If something goes wrong, I will make it clear to his brother that he won't let him offend you, don't worry."

"Okay... Dr. Duncan, where are you going?"

George breathed a sigh of relief first, then he immediately called out when Adam was gone.

"I'm going to the emergency room."

Adam sighed: "The four cruel high school students will probably know what cruelty is."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!