Daily American Drama - Chapter 900

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:49:25 AM

Chapter 900: 900

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Medical center.

With the help of Mr. Aubrey’s No Jitailai, Adam selected two lucky winners for clinical research.

But this will be delayed by one week.

Because the overall inspection and repair of the hospital takes a week.

The hospital was flooded and the ceiling of the operating room was smashed down, completely smashing the hospital management's thoughts of repairing for another year.

I spent a lot of money, hired professionals, and prepared to spend a week to empty the hospital’s infrastructure blind spots and potential safety hazards.

Surgeons, it's rare to have a week's rest.

"Adam, go hiking together?"

Dr. Shept warmly invites: "Camping, fishing, and being a wild man."

"Yeah, Adam, let's go together."

Dr. Burke also echoed: "It's interesting."

"You are a couple traveling in a group."

Adam smiled and said, "It's inappropriate for me to go."

"You take Dr. Adler with you, you can't do it."

Dr. Shept smiled.

"Then I want to ask for instructions."

Adam did not agree.

But it did not refuse.

It has been a year and a half since I came to the medical center after graduating from medical school.

Really never participated in a team building activity.

This doesn't seem very good either.

Therefore, he still tends to participate in it.

But he wasn't sure if Peggy was willing to go.

That night.

Adam upholds the principle of ‘Leinard asks afterwards’ and asked Peggy.

This is also the classic skill of getting along between men and women that the little clever Leonard has figured out.

When the man is not sure about the woman's attitude, he must ask afterwards questions that may upset the woman.

Otherwise, once the woman is unhappy, there will be no pre- and post-event.


Peggy opened his eyes and said, "I am very interested in you hunting in the forest together."

"is it?"

Adam was a little surprised.


Peggy closed his eyes again and responded lazily.

He fell asleep quickly.

Looking at the elf-like Peggy, a weirdness flashed in Adam's heart, got up out of the bedroom, called the assistant Lisa, took advantage of the time she got up, took the pen and paper, and started to draw.


Lisa, the assistant, came over with her mouth open.

"Lisa, you find someone to make this suit, the size is according to Peggy's."

Adam handed the drawn picture to Lisa.

"Boss, you called me here all night, just for this?"

Lisa took a look at the drawing, and couldn't help but complain: "Are you too exaggerated?"

"No way, when inspiration comes, we have to record it."

Adam ignored Lisa’s complaint and smiled: “Well, let’s make ten sets of each one. Tomorrow, I will go on an outing with Peggy. It should be over the day after tomorrow. Then I will call and send it over.”

"...What about this bow?"

Seeing that Tucao had no effect on Adam, Lisa could only tolerate countless slots and began to seriously consider how to execute it.

"The style should be exactly the same."

Adam solemnly said: "The material must be good, it must have real lethality, um, it is a real bow! At that time, we will wait for my call and send it over."


Lisa looked at the drawing, and in the familiarity with Adam, she already had a sense of the picture, and couldn't help but call out.


Adam looked at her, waiting for her question.

"You really know how to play."

Lisa said a thousand words, but only said one sentence in the end.

"It's okay."

Adam smiled reservedly.

He stays in the hospital every day to treat illnesses and save lives. For what?

It’s not just for a chic life!

It coincided with the hospital group camping out, and Peggy's condition reminded Adam of this.

Of course, you must act immediately.

Lisa, the blessing man, could only follow Adam’s instructions and contact professionals overnight to design and manufacture, and send it to Adam the day after tomorrow.

Fortunately, it's just a novel style, which is too simple for professionals.

As long as the money is in place, working overtime will be completed without any difficulty.

The next day.

Adam drove Peggy to the downstairs of Meredith's apartment.


As soon as he arrived, Adam was surprised when he saw the director of surgery in a casual dress, wearing a hat, and carrying a bag.

"Away from the city, go out and breathe, the unknown roads without people, strange places, in the mountains and forests, how can you be a real man without me!"

The surgeon said excitedly, and then saw Peggy in the car with a stunned expression: "Dr. Adler, are you with you too?"


Peggy nodded.

"Are you still bringing family members?"

The director of surgery gave Adam a wink and asked in a low voice.

"Without family members?"

Adam was even more surprised and almost didn't ask who invited you.

The director of surgery got stuck.

Then his face became more and more awkward.

Oncoming were Dr. Burke and the reluctant Christina.

Then Dr. Shept and Meredith.

Then came George and Kelly.

"I remember, I still have something to do in the hospital..."

The director of surgery finally understood what happened to Dr. Burke's embarrassed expression when he heard him say that he would join yesterday.

Affection This is a couple's team building, not a wild trip for the men in the medical center.

"Hi, big guy."

At this time, Mark, wearing sunglasses, also came over with his bag.

The director of surgery was even more embarrassed.

I didn't say that if I knew it, he was not single anyway.

"Anyone else?"

Adam curiously asked.


George said positively: "I also invited Dr. Bailey. She happened to be with Mr. Tucker on an outing with little George to enhance our relationship."

Dr. Shept's face became stiff.

He is the real initiator.

Originally, he only invited Dr. Burke and Adam to prepare three couples to build a team together. Who knew it was endless.

The fact is indeed the case.

When the enthusiastic big mouth of George was invited by Meredith, the hospital knew what he should know and what he shouldn't know, and they all actively expressed their desire to participate in this hospital surgeon group activity.

When it finally drove out of New York, it was a huge convoy.

At the foot of the mountain.

Everyone stopped the convoy.

Then cheered and started climbing.

"What are you carrying?"

Christina's eyes lit up when she saw Adam presenting a huge bag from the trunk.

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked over.

Because they have a strong interest in Adam's various banknote capabilities and equipment.

What kind of compact surgical Duncan special protective Almighty out-of-the-box Duncan special first-aid kit, that's really a show.

"It's tents, fishing rods, food, these camping essentials, and some spare materials."

Adam smiled.

"What spare supplies?"

Christina asked, "I can say there must be a scalpel!"


Adam nodded: "As a doctor, it is reasonable to carry a set of medical supplies with you wherever you go. After all, I still have a little strength. I don't want to take it with me. I'm prepared for trouble."

"anything else?"

Meredith glanced at Peggy and became interested.

"Bows and arrows."

Adam thought for a while, still confessed: "I'm going to teach Peggy to shoot arrows."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!