Daily American Drama - Chapter 956

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:47:48 AM

Chapter 956: 956

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The MacArthur Genius Award has temporarily come to an end.

The awards party will be a month later.

Adam is looking forward to Sheldon's on-the-spot reaction.

Maybe Adam can entice him to have a glass of wine and come to the stage.

That will be very interesting.

It's a pity that Shelton is only 20 years old now, less than 21 years old to drink.

Forget it in private. For public occasions like awards parties, it is not allowed to drink alcohol.

Adam naturally couldn't confuse him to drink in public.

Otherwise, Sheldon can publicly popularize where Uranus is.

After all, he should be considered the most professional.

But Adam wondered if Shelton would dare to pass.

Because it's Chicago over there.

There are three famous signs in the world, one is the Chicago typewriter, the other is the Chicago Police Department CPD, and the third is the shameless.

These three can actually be counted as one, and they all represent chaos and danger.

CPD, NYPD (New York Police Department) and LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) are also known as the three major police stations in the American drama world, and they are all famous.

But just imagine, where would the police station be so prestigious?

As long as the abbreviation is mentioned, everyone knows.

That's right!

That's only Sin City.

Gotham City in the DC Universe speaks directly to the insider.



Adam was letting go of his thoughts of continuing to tease Sheldon, and Peggy deeply explored the mystery of the binary source numbers in the matrix matrix, and the pager on the bedside table rang.

The director of surgery called him.

"it's time to go."

Adam took a look, kissed Peggy, turned over and got up to get dressed.

Peggy didn't say anything.

This is already the third day after Valentine's Day.

Her pre-set romantic math 777 song has been played perfectly.

For Adam's homework, she not only scored the highest score, but also gave 5 + signs.

The wait for a month is obviously worth it.

Such an interesting game will have to be organized frequently in the future.

When Adam walked out of Peggy's apartment and drove back to New York, he read a poem unconsciously.

The remnant sound rises high around the beam, three days without an early morning.

It's fallen.

Medical center.

"what's the situation?"

Adam asked as he watched the ambulance go through, stepping forward to take over the case.

"Florence Foster Jankins’ concert, the scene collapsed, and many injured people were sent here."

Lexi said quickly.


The director of surgery rushed to Adam's side in three steps and two steps: "I will leave it to them here, and there are patients over there who need you to take a look."

"What patient?"

Adam did not stop his movements.

"Mrs. Jane Kings..."

The director of surgery leaned into Adam's ear and whispered.

"Let's take a look first, there are so many patients here!"

Adam frowned and refused directly.


Looking at the appearance of the director of surgery, I knew that there was too much Jane Jinsi and it was not a big problem, just because she was an old money and was the most upper-class person.

So the director of surgery wanted to provide her with the highest quality medical services: whether AKA is sick or not, or just frightened, let Adam go and have a look first.

It's a pity that Adam didn't buy it at all.

For the past three days, he has been playing the perfect and romantic Math 777 song with Peggy, and has delayed the daily task of treating illness and saving lives.

Although the previous three days have increased his life for half a year.

But in the matter of curing diseases and saving lives and increasing life expectancy, in a state of harmony between yin and yang, without arrogance or rashness, the more the better.

At this moment, the concert scene collapsed, and a large number of critically ill patients are being sent here, which is his best opportunity to make up for the task.

He wouldn't be wasting time just because the other party is the most high-class character, but because of her minor ailments.

In the past, he might have to be forced by the rules of the game.

But now, he doesn't need to worry about these things anymore.

As long as it wasn't against the four mountains or against the entire rule itself, Adam didn't have to wrong himself for anyone, his thoughts were extremely understanding.


The director of surgery looked at the figure of Adam who was busy saving lives, tangled for a while, and finally said nothing, reluctantly agreed to Adam's suggestion.

As Adam guessed.

Those people like Mrs. Jane Kings actually didn't have much to do.

But she pointed out that Adam would help her check in the past, and he would naturally not refuse.

Because the collapse caused a lot of critically injured people, Adam sits in the emergency room, handles one, and assigns one to the corresponding doctor for surgery.

After the busy schedule, Adam did not refuse again when seeing the director of surgery again, so he came to take a look.

In the VIP ward, an old lady is lying on the hospital bed. Next to her is a handsome middle-aged housekeeper in a suit and gentleman, who is talking and laughing with the lady.

"Mrs. Jane Kings, this is Dr. Duncan."

The director of surgery introduced the lady.

"Hello, Doctor Duncan."

The old lady greeted Adam with a smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Jane Kings."

Adam nodded and smiled at her, but his eyes were attracted by a short man on the side.

"Don't call it that, just call me Florence."

The old lady waved her hand and smiled. Seeing Adam's eyes fall on her side, she immediately smiled and introduced both parties.

"Dr. Duncan, this is Mr. Sam Vorowitz, a very good musician, and my piano accompaniment."

"Hello, Mr. Vorowitz."

Adam smiled and stretched out his hand to the familiar face.

"Hello, Doctor Duncan."

Sam Vorowitz, even though he was in his thirties, was still very shy, his voice was very soft, and he was faintly feminine, and he was not as sassy as his son.

That's right!

This Mr. Vorowitz has a face exactly like Howard Vorowitz.

Ninety percent of this face, this surname, is the father who abandoned Howard's mother and son, and was sassy outside, who has been deceived by Howard to get sympathy.

Now it seems that Howard, the legendary father, is mostly a music fanatic and has been dreaming of the music circle.

And Howard not only inherited his height and appearance, but also inherited his musical talent.

In the future, Howard will write songs for his wife Bernadette, play and sing, and sing with the big bang friends circle. That is quite talented.

The old sorrows were cheap, three points returned to the original, and there was only one wave left, and it was still a romantic wave.


Just when Adam was amused when he met Howard's legendary father by accident, the door was knocked.

Another familiar face suddenly appeared, making Adam quite stunned.

"Doctor Duncan, can you talk alone?"

This familiar face smiled awkwardly at everyone, and then pleaded with Adam.

"it is good."

Adam looked at Sam and looked at the familiar face at the door, thinking weirdly to laugh.

But fortunately, his self-control is very good and he held it back, but he was also very curious about what the other party wanted to say.

So he agreed and said to the old lady: "Sorry, I'll go out."

The old lady smiled, nothing unusual.

But the elegant and easy-going handsome middle-aged housekeeper standing beside her showed dissatisfaction.

But Adam didn't go to see him, and walked out the door: "How do you call it?"

"Doctor V.M. Kusapari."

This familiar face said Adam's expected name.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 956, The Origin of Rajesh and Howard's Sins), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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