Damn Necromancer - Chapter 49

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:47:09 AM

Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

[Translator – Proks]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 49: Sado Alliance (3)

Heading toward the grand hall where the leader of the Sado Alliance resided, the scene was lavish and ornate.

“The Fifth Young Master is here.”

The Second Elder as the Sado Alliance leader looked up.

Kim Minwoo recalled what Jang Sam had mentioned.

– ...The Fifth Young Master was extremely fearful of the Sado Alliance leader. There was no sense of familial affection from the leader. Given how the other young masters are still in fierce competition, it’s obvious.

– The Fifth Young Master has no followers. If there’s anyone loyal to him, it’s just me, Jang Sam...

In summary, the Sado Alliance leader lacked any familial affection.

There were no perks to being a child out of wedlock.

It was as if they were just acknowledged for being blood related and nothing more.

It had been a year since he came here, and the fact that he was assigned only Jang Sam showed how little they cared.

This “Fifth Young Master” Baek Socheon, was half-discarded from the start.

Was there any need to bow and scrape in front of someone like that?

‘Of course not.’Cheeck out latest novels on novel/bin(.)com

Seeing the snake-like eyes of the Sado Alliance leader, Minwoo instantly knew: this wasn’t the kind of person who’d throw a bone just because you wagged your tail a little.

‘Just show him you’re useful, and he’ll want to make use of you. He’ll turn greedy if he sees potential to exploit.’

That’s all he needed to do—make himself useful, and the rest would follow.

As the Sado Alliance leader spoke as he scrutinized him.

“I heard you took care of that punk, Sagongja.”

“Are you talking about the Fourth Young Master?”


“As long as I didn’t kill him, it’s not a big deal, right? I believe I’ve saved your face, don’t you think?”

“Seems like someone has developed a new attitude.”

“The Thread of Ascension? I hear it’s quite valuable. Even you seem to covet it.”

The Sado Alliance leader’s face tightened slightly.

“If a loser like Sagongja is holding a spot, how do you expect to find the Thread of Ascension? He can barely collect third-rate materials.”

“So, you’re saying you want to take part in the Dragon Phoenix Gathering instead?”

“That’s the plan. Not a bad proposition for you, right?”

“...There’s just a little over two weeks left before the final tally. You think you can make an impact in that time?”

“Just one big explosion, that’s all it takes.”

“...There’s no mission that awards 3,800 points in one go.”

“Then let’s create one.”

One reason for him in dealing with the Fourth Young Master was to prove his worth.

If he could eliminate someone in the top ten with a single move, he would have shown his credentials.

If he couldn’t participate in the Dragon Phoenix Gathering, the one who’d lose out would be the Sado Alliance leader.

More talent meant a higher chance of finding the Thread of Ascension.

“...Create a mission?”

“Or, you’d have to send someone even more useless than a crippled guy.”

“There are many eyes on this. If I just hand you a mission out of nowhere, there will be internal backlash.”

“I believe you’ll handle it with your leadership.”


The Sado Alliance leader stared in disbelief for a moment, then suddenly drew his sword and swung it.

[Sado Alliance Leader uses Spirit Sword Art (S)!]

Massive mana split into seven streams, rushing toward him.

‘Looks like I’ll need to lose an arm.’

He thought, quickly assessing the situation.

Skeletons, including Cedric, were summoned in an instant, absorbing three of the attacks.

One was dodged by twisting his body.

Two more hit him directly, causing a spray of blood, but they weren’t fatal.

However, the last one was aimed straight at his heart—there was no avoiding it.

He raised his sword to deflect it.

When it struck, it shattered the blade, redirecting the force enough that it cleanly sliced through his arm.

Blood sprayed from the cleanly severed limb.

‘Not bad.’

Considering the opponent was one of the most formidable martial artists, the attack was fierce.

If he only lost an arm, he’d done quite well.

Holding onto the severed limb, he turned to the Sado Alliance leader.

“Is the test over?”

The leader remained silent, his expression rigid.

After rummaging through his robe, he tossed a pill.

“Reattach the arm and take this.”


He reattached the severed limb and chewed the pill.

[You have consumed a high-grade healing pill!]

The severed arm began to reattach seamlessly.

‘Looks like he stopped just in time.’

It seemed the leader didn’t really intend to kill him.

After all, if he died, it’d be the Sado Alliance leader’s loss.

He probably thought he could put him to the test.

But now what?

No wonder the Fourth Young Master had freaked out.

“Anyway, we will only use our real names when we’re alone. Don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea,”

“Then what do you want to call me?”

“How about just ‘Ang-ang’?”

“Ugh, you’re killing me.”

“What can I do? I’m a young master, and you’re a maid.”

If she didn’t like it, she should’ve had a higher status.

It’s the kind of world where a young master who politely respects his maid would be considered a lunatic.

“Didn’t your father ever say anything? Like, if the maid fights well, she might get promoted?”

“No, he never mentioned it.”

“All right, do whatever you want.”

She pressed her fingers to her temple like she had a headache, then sighed as if she’d given up.

“Let’s get down to business. Do you know how to clear this place?”

“I have an idea. The Dragon Phoenix Gathering.”

She nodded, showing she had some basic common sense, fitting for a former A-class hunter.

“I’m going to be part of that. There’s no option for leaving the central zone.”

“I figured as much. Be honest with me. Did you enter the Gate on purpose?”


No need to lie; she had likely already figured out his level of skill.

At least she knew he wasn’t just some idiot who stumbled into a Gate by accident.

And she’d be right about that.

“Is there a skill in Necromancy that lets you push people in with ghost hands or something?”

“Hey, Whitey.”


Whitey, perched on his shoulder, appeared, drawing a surprised reaction from Seo Yerim—err, Ang-ang.

“Whoa, when did it get here?”

“He’s good at hiding. Even the Sword of Justice can’t detect him.”

“... That little bird pushed you in?”

“Yeah. It has some strength as a divine beast.”

Seo Yerim chuckled at that.

“Well, Cho Pilwook is probably fuming. I cussed him out pretty badly to his face.”

“He’s going to get cursed out a lot more in the future, so don’t worry.”

“... True enough. Phew. So, you don’t plan on playing nice, huh?”

“I’m busy enough just trying to collect the rewards. By the way, what are your plans, Yerim?”


She crossed her arms, deep in thought.

“Well, the rewards do look pretty good.”

“I’ll be taking first place, though. If you’re aiming for second, be my guest.”

“... Ha, who’s going to just hand you first place?”

“You’ll have to. Otherwise, you won’t even get to participate in the Dragon Phoenix Gathering. How are you going to earn points?”

“... I’ll just complete the missions.”

“That won’t be enough. Most missions barely give any points.”

“... Can’t I just work really hard?”

“It’ll be tough. Not only is it hard to gather points, but there’ll be tons of interference. Once you’ve got a decent amount, everyone will come for your head.”

A maid daring to gather points? He guaranteed it.

Those whose ranks are teetering on the edge will be gunning to kill her.

It’s a surefire recipe for headaches.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Seo Yerim scratched her head.

“But isn’t that the same for you?”

“That’s why I messed up the Fourth Young Master and went to negotiate.”

“What was the deal?”

“I’ll get a big mission. One large enough for both of us to share the points and still get into the Dragon Phoenix Gathering.”

“And I have to back you for first place?”

“That’s how things work in this world.”

“What if I betray you?”

“If you were that kind of person, you wouldn’t have come to save me in the first place. I thought someone was trying to commit suicide.”

“... Don’t get the wrong idea. I didn’t come because I like you.”

“I know. So, do we have a deal?”

There’s no chance Seo Yerim will betray him.

She’s the one who came to save him.

If she were going to stab him in the back, why would she come in the first place?

How would she explain it to the Sword Saint?

It’s not that he trusts her.

It’s that he trusts her boundless affection for the Sword Saint.

That’s why...

“Sure. Might as well grab a decent martial arts manual while I’m at it.”

“Good choice.”

Kim Minwoo smiled inwardly when she agreed.

‘Strong competition eliminated.’

The odds of getting first place just skyrocketed.

[Translator – Proks]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!