Damn Necromancer - Chapter 68

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:43:30 AM

Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 68: Wave (1)

The live interview was broadcasted to millions of viewers, and the questions from the reporters were relentless.

“Seo Yerim! What do you mean you’re no longer a swordswoman but an archer?”

“It means I’ve changed my job.”

Seo Yerim shared her status window, showing her new job as an archer.

“This is crazy!”

“She really became an archer?”

“How is that possible?”

The reporters were in disbelief.

A job change was considered impossible after it had been chosen.

Yet here was a clear case where it had actually happened, with the system information as proof.

“Seo Yerim! How did you change your job?”

“It was a special reward from the gate.”

“But even S-rank gates have never had such rewards!”

“Just because it hasn’t happened before doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the future.”

“What happened to your skills and achievements from the sword-based job?”

“Those have also changed.”

“Why did you switch from sword to bow? Was there a specific reason?”

Everyone was keenly focused on her response.

Seo Yerim had trained with a sword her whole life and was skilled enough to outmatch most high-ranking swordsmen.

Changing jobs to archer seemed like a drastic move.

Minwoo stepped in to answer on her behalf.

“Seo Yerim is a natural archer. She developed a skill as soon as she picked up the bow.”

The reporters were visibly shocked.

Developing a skill immediately after picking up a weapon indicated exceptional talent—something incredibly rare, even on a global scale.

“So you’re saying she had a hidden talent for archery?”

“Yes. And the gate reward provided an opportunity to switch. We took it,” Minwoo explained.

“What’s your evaluation of Seo Yerim’s archery skills, then?”

“I’d say world-class.”


“The landscape in the archery scene will be turned on its head soon. You can even bet on it.”

Minwoo’s tone was entirely different from the time he’d critiqued her sword skills.

He had previously dismissed her swordsmanship, but now he was proclaiming her archery skills to be world-class.

The reporters were skeptical, but Seo Yerim’s decision to change jobs indicated that she must have had good reason to do so.

“You’ll see her performance soon enough.”

The reporters nodded, acknowledging that they would have to wait and see.

“Kim Minwoo! Dorim has issued a public apology. Are you willing to accept it?”

“Dorim? Who from Dorim sent it?”

“It was a general company statement.”

Minwoo chuckled at the question about Dorim’s apology.

“Do you think a simple company statement will make up for trying to bury someone?”

“So you’re not accepting the apology?”

“I’m not convinced this was an isolated incident, given that my advertisements have impacted Dorim’s sales, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to think they might have planned this to deal with me. Maybe they’re willing to sacrifice a not-so-promising son to eliminate someone successful.”

“Are you suggesting that Chairman Cho from Dorim instructed his own son to carry out a sort of kamikaze attack?”

“It’s just a theory, but Dorim might consider it a fair trade. After all, they could give up a problematic son to get rid of a major thorn in their side. Doesn’t that sound like a plausible exchange?”

Even if it wasn’t logically sound, that wasn’t Minwoo’s concern.

He was spreading rumors and creating doubt.

The burden of proof was always on the one who had to defend against accusations.

In the current climate, with Minwoo’s popularity soaring after successfully conquering the A+ gate, his words carried significant weight.

The ripple effects of his comments were likely to hit Dorim’s stock and public perception hard.

Since Dorim was a second-tier group, it had many overlaps with Ilsung in business.

If Dorim’s reputation took a hit, it would benefit Ilsung in various ways.

‘Whether I only damage Dorim’s reputation or take something more significant, it’s a win either way.’

He didn’t plan to let Dorim off easily.

Given that his backers were more substantial, he had the upper hand.

As the interview continued, news headlines rapidly spread across social media and news platforms.

[(Breaking) Gate Conquest Shared 50-50! A D-Rank Awakened Challenged the A+ Gate!]

[(Breaking) Verified by Sword of Justice! The 50-50 Conquest is Legitimate!]

[(Breaking) The Sword of Justice Is Now an Archer? Seo Yerim Changes Job!]

[(Breaking) International Super Rookies Gather! Seo Yerim Joins the ‘Money Talks’ Guild!]

[(Breaking) Did Dorim’s Chairman Order His Son to Commit Murder to Eliminate Minwoo?]

[(Breaking) Dorim Dismisses Allegations as Baseless Conspiracy Theory.]

The rumors spread quickly, stirring significant public interest and debate.

Minwoo’s comments had hit their mark, setting off a chain reaction of events that would impact Dorim’s future and his own standing within the world of awakeners.

* * *

After the interview, Minwoo turned to Seo Yerim.

Her form became a blur as she moved across the training grounds.

However, the Sword Saint anticipated her movements and was already closing in.

She released another volley of arrows, but he deflected them with ease.

‘Stay calm.’

She had dueled the Sword Saint many times, and he always seemed to know her moves before she made them.

It was a source of great frustration in the past, leading to demoralizing defeats.

But she had changed since then.

The Sword Saint had proven his power by clearing an S-rank gate, so she knew this wouldn’t be easy.

Even if she tried her best, she doubted whether she would be able to inflict even a single wound.

‘But I can do it.’

Now, with the Divine Bow Epherin, she had more than just arrows; she had a powerful weapon capable of inflicting real damage.

As the Sword Saint closed in, she used her bow to parry his sword.

The clash of steel and wood echoed through the training grounds as they engaged in high-speed exchanges.

Sparks flew from the impact of their weapons.

Despite his overwhelming strength, Seo Yerim’s enhanced agility and quick reflexes allowed her to keep pace.

The powerful bonuses granted by her bow and her inherent talent with archery translated into fluid, martial-arts-like movements.

The S-rank martial arts manual she had acquired in the gate came to mind.

It wasn’t just about hitting targets; it was about using the bow as an extension of her body.

She moved with grace and precision, turning the bow into a weapon as deadly as any sword.

[Chil Sal Bo]—a martial arts skill focusing on close-range combat—was what Seo Yerim decided to use.

[PR/N: (chil-sal-bo) is a Korean word that refers to a traditional Korean belief system involving seven-year cycles in a person’s life.]

It involved taking seven steps and striking with an arrow aimed at the enemy’s neck.

Despite only having read the manual once, her innate talent allowed her to replicate the skill.

[You have perfectly replicated Chil Sal Bo!]

With a mana arrow in one hand and the Divine Bow Epherin in the other, Seo Yerim parried and countered the Sword Saint’s attacks.

However, by the fifth step, she noticed a problem.

‘Even this won’t be enough.’

The Sword Saint’s swordsmanship was far more advanced than when they last sparred three years ago.

She needed a more potent attack if she wanted to make any impact.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through her mind.

What if she combined the precision of “Chil Sal Bo” with the enhanced range of the “Killing Zone” skill?

This would involve integrating multiple skills—a seemingly impossible feat.

But Seo Yerim was determined.

By the seventh step, her figure blurred, closing the distance with the Sword Saint.

She drew her bowstring and released it.

[Chil Sal Bo and Precision Shot are perfectly linked!]

[The Killing Zone skill enhances the effect!]

[A new skill has been created!]

[Chil Bo Gyeok (SS) has been created!]

[PR/N: A chilbogeok (칠보격) is a Korean traditional divination tool used to predict a person’s fortune and destiny. It is typically made from seven pieces of wood or bamboo, each representing a different aspect of a person’s life, such as health, wealth, and love.]

Three arrows shot forward from close range, but the moment they did, a sharp cracking sound echoed across the training ground.

The arrows shattered in mid-air, crushed by a force that was too quick to comprehend.

Seo Yerim’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Her best effort, her combination of skills, was effortlessly blocked.

She didn’t even see what happened, but the Sword Saint’s blade was already at her throat.

‘Am I really not enough, even with a bow?’

But then the Sword Saint spoke, his voice filled with admiration.

“...You surprised me.”


“To make me use the Heart Sword... That’s something I haven’t done in a long time.”

“Heart Sword...?”

She asked, recalling the brief mention of this term from their past discussions.

“Congratulations. You’ve found a job that suits you perfectly. You’ve got talent, and I acknowledge it.”



Years of training had finally paid off.

She might not be wielding a sword anymore, but it didn’t matter.

She had achieved the recognition she’d longed for all her life.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the Sword Saint’s words sank in.

* * *


Minwoo glanced at the message that suddenly appeared in his mind.

“What’s this? Why are my achievement points...”

It was as if they were multiplying rapidly.

He hadn’t done anything specific to trigger it, but his achievement points were increasing at an unprecedented rate.

What could be causing this sudden surge?

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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