Published at 20th of July 2023 07:46:40 PM

Chapter 11

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While it takes Aela a moment to properly recover from her surprise, once she does, she doesn’t speak. Nor does she fight back, however. If she had made any move to resist, or to struggle to her feet, or to shout, I wouldn’t have hesitated to use Charm on her and bring her fully under my control. But in this moment, Aela the Huntress does the only thing I’m not expecting.

She stays petulantly silent, on her knees before Svanna and me, and doesn’t say a word… nor try to stop Svanna from pinching and pulling at her nipples. As the silence drags on, as seconds pass by, I come up to stand beside the Dragonborn and see the realization in the young Nord’s face that Aela isn’t going to just obey her.
Svanna shoots me a look, and I grin at the expectation that I’ll just take care of any resistance. Already, the Dragonborn is completely inured to my use of Mind Control on those around us. Fuck, she even liked it when I used Charm on HER in the middle of sex. Truly, I was the luckiest man alive to have such a naughty little minx at my side.
Still, in this instance… I found myself reluctant to Charm Aela into obedience. After all, she wasn’t fighting us. She just wasn’t submitting the way Svanna wanted her to. Hm, perhaps there was still a way we could have fun with this. Reaching down, I loosen the straps on my armor and free my cock from its confines a moment later.
“Not to worry, Svanna. Words are hard for bitches like Aela here. Perhaps she’d prefer to show her apology via her actions instead.”
My golden-skinned cock comes flopping down onto the kneeling Nord’s face, and from around my girth I get to watch Aela’s eyes widen in surprise and outrage at my audacity… even as her nostrils flair and her tongue, completely of its own will, traces out to lick at my cock for a second.
Chuckling, I reach out and slide my fingers through Aela’s hair, palming the top of her skull and trying something a little new. I’m pushing Charm Magic directly into her scalp, just the smallest spark of it… not to make her fall desperately in love with me, not to make her fall into a trance and obey my every order… but in an attempt to make her associate my hand atop her head with feeling good.
I watch Aela the Huntress jolt a bit at the positive feedback she gets from having my hand pat her head, and I smirk as I begin to smear my precum across her face.
“If nothing else… she’ll show that she knows how to submit to someone who’s stronger than her.”
That, ultimately, seems to do the trick. Aela still glares up at me, but she wouldn’t have been standing there naked in her quarters waiting for us to enter if she didn’t want this. And so, knowing she has to give somewhere, and admittedly likely very turned on by my earlier defeat of her if her actions now were any indication, the red haired Nord opens her mouth and finally takes me past her lips.
I enjoy sliding my cock into the willing woman’s waiting maw. Sure, she’s a werewolf, and that’s perhaps a little scary… but it’s also exhilarating. I COULD control her, make sure Aela couldn’t hurt me or Svanna, and the two of us could have our way with the she-bitch… but it wouldn’t really BE here. In this case, if Svanna wanted revenge on Aela… then Aela had to keep her mental faculties.
Seeming to realize this, the lithe Dragonborn turns and steps behind Aela, facing me as she looks at me over the kneeling Huntress’ head. I give her a grin and lean forward to kiss her, something she happily reciprocates as she brings her hand down atop mine, her fingers splaying over my fingers through Aela’s hair.
All of the sudden, Svanna is pushing Aela forward, forcing her into my crotch with both her hand and her own body against Aela’s neck and back. The Huntress, trapped between an Altmer and a Dragonborn, can do nothing but choke on my dick until I pull back and give her some room to breathe. But only a little, before we go ahead and do it again and again and again.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Hearing Aela the Huntress choking and gagging on my cock is music to my ears and judging by the way Svanna is panting into my mouth and using her other hand to finger herself, its music to hers as well. Both of us are greatly enjoying each other AND the kneeling werewolf between our bodies. There’s something MOST gratifying, about making Aela submit without actually using Charm Magic.
Not that I’m completely foregoing Charm Magic. I’m still using it in those small, miniscule amounts as I run my fingers along Aela’s scalp, attempting an experiment to see if I can condition her to enjoy my head pats. Am I a complete degenerate? Yes, yes, I am. Oh, and the Thalmor half of me doesn’t understand the appeal at all either, not in the way the human side of me means. But… at the very least, the Thalmor in me can enjoy the subjugation of a filthy Nord bitch, especially if she IS a werewolf like my human memories all but assure.
With a low groan, I don’t bother giving Aela any warning before I cum. The Alpha needs not concern himself with the feelings of his bitches, or something like that. Honestly, I’m mostly doing it just to make Svanna happy. And she is happy, the Dragonborn disengaging from our lip lock to lean back and watch as Aela chokes on my seed, my cum ultimately exploding out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth as she spasms and bucks wildly between us.
I let go of her then, not wanting her to feel like her life is truly in danger. If I’d just Charmed her entirely, it wouldn’t have mattered, but as it is, we don’t want her going werewolf on us and tearing us to pieces, now do we?
In the end, she’s left kneeling, hacking up cum as she doubles over, looking quite… put-upon. But this isn’t enough for Svanna. She wants more, and before Aela has had much time at all to recover, Svanna is yanking the Huntress’ head back so she can look down at her from above.
“Bed. Now. Unless you don’t want Vayral’s cock inside of your hungering twat, you dumb bitch.”
Aela’s eyes narrow, and her nostrils flare.
“You didn’t do nearly well enough in our Archery Contest to speak to me this way, little one.”
The Dragon Soul the lithe little Nord carries doesn’t like THAT challenge one bit, and Svanna’s own nostrils flare, before I step in with a grin.
“She speaks for me, Huntress. So, if you DO want this cock inside of you… you WILL obey.”
There’s a chance Aela will choose now to try and end this. The downside of not going heavy with the Charm Magic. But no… no, she glances to my cock with a hunger that can only be a result of a mixture of my auras and my skilled showing earlier in the training yard. I’d handed her her ass on a silver platter, and while that had pissed the Nord woman off something fierce, it had also spoken to her inner primal instincts.
Letting out a lust-filled growl, Aela jerks her head from Svanna’s grip.
Getting to her feet before Svanna can stop her, she stumbles over to her bed and climbs up on it. Am I surprised she instinctively takes the position of a bitch in heat, begging to be mounted? As she lowers herself into a downward doggy pose, her hips high in the air and her face in the furs, with one hand coming up under herself to spread her pussy lips apart with her fingers, I give Svanna a grin and a wink before nodding for her to go to Aela’s head.
While Aela is focused solely on me approaching her from behind with my cock swinging back and forth, rock hard and ready for another round, Svanna puts that quietness of hers to work and gets on the other side of the Huntress. Then, right as I sink into Aela from behind and the Nord woman tosses her head back, letting out a guttural moan, Svanna is there, grabbing Aela by her hair and positively shoving her into her crotch.
The muffled squeals from the Huntress as we spit-roast her between us are… well, I hate sounding like a broken record, but they’re once again music to my ears. A melody I might never get tired of, in fact. Aela might not be wearing a collar just yet, but right now she’s our pet, our fuck toy, and completely at our mercy.
Needless to say, I greatly enjoy railing her from behind, and Svanna is clearly getting off on her tongue in the Dragonborn’s cunt… but we probably ARE getting a bit loud. And so, I cast Silence Magic not on us, but on the sides of the room. I’m able to get all four walls without hitting us on the bed, meaning that we still hear everything, but no one else should hear anything.
As I groan loudly, letting myself fully express my enjoyment of Aela’s tight body, Svanna’s eyes snap to me sharply… and then she must have realized what I’ve done, because she too lets her voice go. Aela, for her part, was already not bothering to be quiet, but instead being quite muffled by Svanna’s cunt humping away at her face.
Keeping her between us, we fuck Aela the Huntress for a good, long while. I don’t hesitate to cum inside of her. Honestly, the thought of knocking the bitch up fills me with glee the more I think about it. At one point, we turn her over onto her back so Svanna can sit properly on her face and the two of us can lean forward and make out atop her body. As I hold her by her thighs and plunge into Aela again and again, Svanna grabs her by her tits, squeezing them roughly, harshly.
By the time we’re through with her, Aela the Huntress is barely conscious, and willingly eating out Svanna’s quim as the Dragonborn lounges back on the bed, a satisfied, satiated, heavily lidded expression on her face. She’s not sleeping, but Aela certainly will need to soon. And in fact, I want her to be asleep soon. I’m eager to use one of my perks on her that I have yet to play around with.
“Let her sleep, Svanna. There’s something I want to try.”
Frowning, Svanna shrugs and nods, letting go of the Huntress’ hair and pushing her away from her. Within moments, Aela is lightly snoring. Leaning forward, I get the option to ‘Dream Charm’ her once she’s properly asleep… and so I do. As the Dream Charm Perk of the Ordinator Illusion Tree stated, you projected yourself into a victim’s dream, improving their disposition towards you.
To my mild surprise, the effect is almost immediate. Aela goes from a conflicted expression on her sleeping, dreaming face, to an almost soft, peaceful smile. Grinning wickedly, I give her a head pat and chuckle softly in amusement when she instinctively rubs her thighs together in response.
Looking to Svanna, I shrug.
“What do you think about taking her with us, when we move on from this place? She’ll almost certainly come if we ask.”
Svanna looks conflicted for a moment, so I sweeten the pot by leaning forward and whispering to her.
“Don’t you think she’d look quite lovely on her hands and knees, wearing a collar and leash as we walk her down the road?”
Eyes widening at the idea, the Dragonborn licks her lips… and then kisses me quite soundly on the lips. I grin and lean into the kiss for a moment before pulling back.
“I’ll take that as a yes. For now… stay here with her. If she wakes up, keep her so busy she won’t ask where I am, alright? There’s something I need to do to make sure we’re ready to move on. Something I want to check on.”
“… Where are you going?”
Placing a hand on her cheek, I smile.
“I’ll be at Arcadia’s Cauldron. If anything happens that you can’t handle, come get me, okay?”
“… Okay.”
And with that, I get dressed and slip out of Aela’s rooms. No one sees me thanks to my stealth, though I have to admit that I’m VERY tempted to just brazenly walk out of her room and out of Jorrvaskr for as many people who are still awake to notice as possible. But no, it would be best if both Aela and Svanna could act as my alibi, if need be.
Slipping out of the Mead Hall, still in Stealth Mode, I head along the back pathways over to Arcadia’s Cauldron. I’d done some trading here and there since arriving in Skyrim. With my abilities, buying a handful of Arcadia’s ingredients and turning them into potions that she would sell her firstborn for had been easy. Seeing how the aging woman didn’t HAVE a firstborn, I’d settled for her gold, which I’d then turned into more money with my other skills.
The end result was that I already had two of the key components for what I needed to do next. I had the ingredients for a handful of Fortify Restoration and Fortify Enchanting Potions. What I did not have, was something with the Fortify Alchemy enchant on it. It wasn’t easy to find something like that, at least in the video game version of Skyrim.
But who was to say that was the case in this version of Skyrim? If I was going to find something with the Fortify Alchemy enchant on it in Whiterun of all places, there was really only one place I could hope to, wasn’t there?
And I sneak my way over to Arcadia’s Cauldron and pick the lock to get in. And then, I creep upstairs to where the Alchemist is asleep in her bed… and much like I did with Aela, I activate Dream Charm on her. Arcadia shifts in her sleep, developing a broad smile of her own across her face as her dreams undoubtedly turn to thoughts of me.
And then I do it again, to further increase her disposition to me. I do it a few more times after that, just to be safe, before I finally reach out and physically jostle her awake. Her eyes open slowly, and her brow furrows in confusion at first… before she realizes its me, and she’s all smiles again.
“Oh. Hello.”
Giving into the temptation, I lean forward and give her a long, tongue-filled kiss that she happily returns. However, while I’m sure she’d also be happy to fuck me, I don’t want that right now. I want something else. And so, pulling back, I look Arcadia in the eye.
“Sweetheart… tell me honestly now. Do you have something that helps your Alchemy out? An item that increases your proficiency, to help you make such amazing potions?”
I know I’m onto something when Arcadia immediately tenses up, her brow furrowing as she bites her lower lip. Ah, quite the capitalist, this woman. But… my Dream Charms are even more powerful than my Charm Magic. This will not fade away. Arcadia will never see me as anything more than her closest ally for the rest of her days. And in the end… it’s enough to tip her over the edge as she lets out a shuddering breath.
“… Yes.”
The language of the perk Dream Charm specifically states that a High Disposition can earn you quests, discounts, and gifts. And so, I put on my best smile as I brush my knuckles across the Alchemist’s face.
“Let me borrow it for a day, would you? I only need it for a short while. And then I’ll bring it right back to you… I swear it.”
Once again, it’s a testament to how important her business is to this woman that she hesitates even now, even under the effects of my power. Though, to be fair, her business is all Arcadia has. I’m telling the truth though. With a certain perk in the Enchanting Tree, I don’t have to destroy her item to learn the Enchant. I just need it and an Enchanting Table, and all will be well.
“… Alright.”
Carefully, Arcadia gets up and moves over to the wall, where she pulls aside a hidden board. I can’t help but raise my brow, though I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. She didn’t have anything like this in the game as far as I knew. Honestly, this was a Hail Mary play to try and get what I needed. Still, when she pulls out the set of bracers and hands them to me, I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face as I read their Enchant. Created Potions are Fifteen Percent more powerful. It is… all I need.
“Thank you, my dear. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me tonight.”
“J-Just bring them back, okay?”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
The Thalmor in me didn’t see the point in doing so, but the human in me wasn’t a complete jackass. Once I was done, I wouldn’t NEED Arcadia’s shitty bracers anymore. The least I could do was stop by on my way out of town to give them back to her.
But first, I needed access to an Enchanting Table, and while I could have snuck into the Jarl’s Palace this very night to try and get it all done… why sneak when you can get permission directly from the man itself?
As I make my way back to Svanna and Aela in Jorrvaskr, I can’t help but vibrate with excitement.
It was time to get a move on. Time for the plot to move forward.


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