Published at 20th of July 2023 07:46:36 PM

Chapter 14

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“And t-this will… this will allow you to accept my apology?”

“Oh yes. We’ll know you’re truly contrite, after this.”
“… Very well.”
I can’t help myself. I chuckle, as I watch Aela the Huntress, bereft of all clothing, finally don the pet collar that we’d procured for her. Once she’s done so, she holds her hair out of the way so I can reach forward and attach the leash to her new collar. Then, she places her hands behind her back, where Svanna takes a spool of rope and ties her wrists together.

With her arms pulled back behind her back by the rope, her chest juts out just perfectly, and I can’t help but reach forward and cup her breasts, one after the other. Shivering under my touch, the Huntress mewls, shaking slightly. Of course, when I reach up and pat the top of her head next, that’s when she really trembles, her tits all a-jiggle as her legs spasm and turn to jelly from the head pats.
After a moment though, I draw my hand back… and give her leash a tug. Maintaining her balance, Aela walks along after me, with Svanna on her other side, as we begin our walk through Whiterun’s nighttime streets. This right here… was the culmination of our ‘revenge’ on poor Aela. Not that I honestly cared about getting back to her like Svanna seemed to. The little Dragonborn quite liked Aela’s new awe and reverence for her though, and the Huntress’ proven willingness to do ANYTHING to make up for her poor first impression is definitely a massive turn on for me.
The only minor hang-up had been getting rid of Lydia for the evening. Fortunately, I’d found a way to get my new Housecarl out of our hair temporarily. Namely, I’d shown how magnanimous I could be by telling her that because the Jarl’s appointment of her was so sudden, I was going to give her until tomorrow morning to get her affairs in order and have everything prepared for her new service to me.
Lydia had of course tried to tell me that she needed no time and was ready to begin her duties immediately. She’d tried to say as much, I assume, but I’d cut her off, overrode her, and seen her off to do whatever she wanted for one last night. Even if it was just to go and get drunk at the Battered Mare while commiserating with her fellow Nords about now being beholden to an Altmer, I did not care. I would not have her ruining mine and Svanna’s fun with Aela, and I also wasn’t ready to just crush Lydia’s mind and break her upon my magic so quickly.
In truth, I wasn’t entirely sure WHAT I wanted to do with Lydia just yet. I was still of two minds on whether or not I even wanted to bring her with us. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a residence in Whiterun just yet. While I had some gold from my leveling and cycling back and forth through the shops in the city, mostly from turning Arcadia’s potion ingredients into insanely high grade potions and then selling those back to her and everyone else, it wasn’t actually quite enough to buy the Whiterun Residence.
Nor did I really WANT to buy the Whiterun Residence. Unfortunately, having my own house in Whiterun was probably the only way I could have just told her to stay in one place. If I had a holding for her to watch over, then maybe it would be legitimate. But just leaving her behind with no place to stay while I went traipsing across the province with the Dragonborn? No, that wouldn’t work. And alas, Uthgerd’s home didn’t come either.
Ah, but I was allowing myself to get distracted. Tonight wasn’t about Lydia, it was about Aela. And Aela… Aela was currently walking through the back streets of Skyrim with a collar and leash around her neck and her hands tied behind her back. So very helpless, I could see that the gorgeous red haired Nord was struggling. On the one hand, she truly did want to prove she was sorry. On the other, her reputation was in danger… or so she thought.
“Dragonborn. Huntress. Thane.”
Aela stiffens as the Whiterun Guard approaching from her blind spot finally passes us by. Holding his torch aloft, there’s no way he doesn’t see all three of us… and yet, he pays no mind to Aela’s state of undress, nor the fact that I’m holding her leash right in front of him. Probably because he CAN’T see it. I’ve used Illusion Magic to find Aela’s current state. To the eyes of everyone but me, Svanna, and Aela herself, everything looks perfectly normal.
As the Whiterun Guard continues his patrol, I smile as Aela’s freezing slowly relaxes into confused, gobsmacked silence. Meanwhile, Svanna just looks between the two of them, curious. Perhaps since she’s so familiar with it, she can see the glimmer of my illusion magic, even though she’s exempt from it. Either way, I lean in close and whisper in Aela’s ear.
“Did you think we’d let anyone truly see you like this but us? You belong to us pet. No other man or woman deserves to lay their eyes upon this body. It’s ours.”
To punctuate my sentence, I reach up and cup one of her breasts again, even as Aela mewls. And as if to back me up, Svanna does the same on the opposite side of her, though the lithe Dragonborn is quick to turn the cup into a grope into a pinch as she tugs on Aela’s nipple, making the Huntress yelp. Laughing as the smaller Nord grins wickedly, I tug on the leash again, leading Aela along.
We still don’t pass by the main streets, because part of the illusion is based on shadow. I couldn’t quite manage to do this in the light of day… but perhaps with some practice and theory-crafting, I could one day. For now, it was something that we had to keep to the back streets for, until finally my arousal grew too great. The Thalmor in me in particular was eager to put this she-wolf in her place once and for all.
Stopping out of sight of everyone behind a stone building, I turn to Aela and wrap her leash around my hand a few times before clenching it into a fist.
“Down, bitch.”
Blushing, Aela nevertheless obeys, dropping into a crouch right then and there. With her hands behind her back and her bent knees spread, she looks between me and my crotch until Svanna reaches past her and frees my golden, throbbing cock from its confines. Then, one hand around my length and the other grabbing a fistful of Aela’s hair, the Dragonborn feeds the other Nord my shaft, forcing it down her throat.
“Glughk! Gagkh! Hulghk!”
As Aela chokes on my cock there in a back alley of Whiterun, collared and leashed, bound and naked, I make eye contact with Svanna, and we smile at each other. Though, as much as I’m enjoying the moment… there is a part of me that’s far away, conflicted.
I don’t quite know what to do next. It’s just that… well, I see two clear paths in front of me and I have no idea which to take. The two places I most want to go in all of Skyrim are the College of Winterhold, and Riften. But at the same time, these are oddly the two places I least want to go in all of Skyrim as well.
Riften represents Svanna’s past and possibly her future. Based on her Stealth Archer Build, and her Riften background, she was practically almost as destined to become the Thieves Guild Guildmaster as she was destined to defeat Alduin and save the world. And part of me was a little worried that I’d lose her in the process, as ridiculous as that sounded.
The College, on the other hand, represented my past and future. The magic I could learn at the College was one thing, but the influence I could garner there was another entirely. I fully expected that I could become Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, if Svanna and I went there and did the questline. Svanna, after all, had no interest in being Arch-Mage, and as I’d just got done proving with the Thaneship of Whiterun, just by being near her, I could easily end up with the titles that the Last Dragonborn was supposed to get.
The Arch-Mage’s Quarters would be a lovely base of operations for Svanna and I’s adventures across all of Skyrim. Especially because I could easily see myself setting up the Home Mythal from the Ordinator Alteration Perk there. Not to mention, the Enchanter and the Alchemy Table in the Arch-Mage’s Quarters would be all mine. They were the perfect set to transform into the upgraded versions I got from the Ordinator Perk Trees for both skills.
At the same time, the College of Winterhold was… scary. Though the Thalmor half of me scoffed at that thought. But in this, I was in disagreement with myself. See, I knew that there was a Thalmor already involved with the College Questline. And I knew that Ancano was an absolute idiot who would cause no end of trouble if we let him.
And yet, I also knew that Ancano was likely higher ranking than me within the Aldmeri Dominion, and it was my responsibility, as a Thalmor Agent, to help him in whatever he was doing. Except, what he was doing could cause the doom of not just Skyrim, but all of Tamriel.
My human half was convinced that if I went to Winterhold, I would be forced to kill Ancano. My Thalmor half was convinced that if I just explained what was going on to Ancano and tried to help him, we could avoid what my human half remembered from his previous world.
Both sides of me couldn’t possibly be right, which meant when we did finally get to the College, there would almost certainly be a reckoning. The College of Winterhold, more than anywhere else in Skyrim, was the Crucible through which my fractured mind would be melted down and made anew, and that… that did honestly scare both halves of me.
In the present, I grunt and proceed to cum down Aela’s throat as Svanna holds her head to my crotch. To her credit, the Huntress swallows down my seed to the best of her ability and doesn’t do much more than gasp and squeak when I pull out of her mouth, yank her to her feet by the leash, and press her up against the stone wall behind me before thrusting into her from behind.
As Svanna leans into my back and hugs me from behind and I fuck Aela hard and fast without mercy and without hesitation, I force myself to truly think things over. Winterhold or Riften. Winterhold would allow us to prepare for Riften in a way Riften would not allow us to prepare for Winterhold. But Riften would allow me to run from my problems for a little while longer, by focusing us on Svanna’s past and well-deserved revenge instead.
Truly, it was a difficult choice before me, and honestly… I was happier just setting it aside and focusing on Aela’s tight, tight body. Because this was it. This was the last time I’d be burying my cock inside of the Huntress, at least for a while. I had no intentions of coming back to Whiterun any time soon, and I certainly wasn’t planning on bringing her with me.
It was going to be me, Svanna… and likely Lydia, unfortunately. Three was fine. Any more than that would be a fucking crowd.
So, with that in mind, I settle in to giving Aela the proper fucking she deserves, complete with plenty both of choking her by pulling on her leash, and running my hand through her hair to give her the head pats she’s become so desperate for in just a couple of days. As she clenches down around my cock time and time again, I finally reach my finish, and cum DEEP inside of her.
Aela squeals into the stone she’s pressed up against, even as her insides milk me for every last drop of my seed. I pump and pump until there is no more. As I pull out of her, she slowly drops to her knees, her legs too shaky for her to stay standing any longer. Sliding down the wall, she mewls pathetically for a moment, but I’m already yanking her around so she’s facing this way.
And then, I’m grabbing a startled but no less appreciate Svanna and pushing her into Aela’s place, pinning her up against the wall with one minor difference… Aela’s face is right where Svanna’s mound ends up being. As I insert myself into Svanna from behind, I’m quite literally fucking her pussy right into Aela’s mouth, with the Huntress’ tongue working over my shaft and Svanna’s clit without either of us even having to order it.
The lithe Dragonborn takes my cock nice and deep, even as she twists her head back to be able to kiss me and moan into my mouth. And together, the two of us settle in to enjoy our pet she-wolf all night long…
The next morning, Svanna and I leave Whiterun behind. On our way out, those two Redguards are once more arguing with the Whiterun Guard. Obviously, I know exactly who they are and what scripted quest they represent. I just don’t care. And so, I let the opportunity to bang Saadia slip by, more than ready to leave Whiterun behind instead.
Of course, it can’t be just the two of us, unfortunately.
“Heading to Ivarstead then, my Thane? From there, we can begin ascending the Seven Thousand Steps to High Hrothgar.”
I consider Lydia for a moment… or really, I pretend to. In reality, I’m opening up my map and checking on it. Hm, that WOULD give me another day or two to waffle about indecisively, now, wouldn’t it? And in the meantime, it would allow me to begin Lydia’s… reconditioning. Yes, that would work out quite well. Dropping back out of the Menu and unfreezing the world around me, I roll my shoulders and nod.
“We’ll make our way East.”
Noncommittal as all hell, but Lydia simply nods her head in agreement. Svanna, meanwhile, who knows full well I have no intentions of us going to High Hrothgar, just watches Lydia in silence for a long moment before looking at me expectantly. I give her a small grin and a quick wink, before beginning to lead the way down the road.
Of course, as we make our way East… I don’t let the opportunity to clear out the nearby dungeons pass me by. First up is White River Watch. While Lydia is a little confused by the detour at first, like any true Nord and a daughter of Whiterun, she’s all too happy to deal with a bandit hideout so close to her city. In the meantime, I’m looting all I can, while also getting even more level ups off of the combat and pumping more points into juicy, juicy stamina.
After White River Watch, the next cave is Graywinter Watch. Unlike the previous bandit hideout, this one is a single room cave with two hulking trolls. We down them easily enough of course, and I even get Svanna a new boy in the form of the enchanted Froki’s Bow. Lydia is less understanding about this detour, though she keeps her thoughts to herself.
However, she’s happy enough to fight and kill the Necromancers at The Ritual Standing Stone that we come across mere minutes after. But when I try to take us off the road again, she finally speaks up.
“My Thane, the day already grows late. Where… where are we going now?”
Looking at her with a raised brow, I point up the path. There are Giants up this way. I mean to slay them.”
Indeed, there’s a giant’s encampment called Guldun Rock just up this path, a little way away from the main road. I can see it on my mini map and remember it from previous playthroughs. Lydia opens her mouth at that, and then closes it a moment later… and then opens it again.
“G-Giants?! My Thane, please do not doubt my courage… but certainly we would be better off not trying to tangle with such foes! What would be the point? It is not Giants that threaten all of Skyrim!”
I was wondering how long it would take her to speak up, but I have to admit, I thought she’d last longer than half a day. Still, I suppose now that I thought about it, the wanderings of a murder hobo RPG player collecting money and loot to sell for money WOULD look rather strange to someone like Lydia. Still, it’s honestly kind of amusing the way she’s trying to be as respectful to me as possible, while at the same time questioning me so soon.
Even Svanna looks unsure whether she’s bemused or amused by Lydia’s antics. She too can tell what a struggle it is for the honor and dutybound Nord to talk back to me.
Smirking, I cock my head to the side.
“Tell me, Lydia… what does a Housecarl DO, exactly?”
Straightening up, the beautiful raven-haired Nord holds her head high.
“As my Thane, I am sworn to your service. I’ll guard you and all you own, with my life.”
Nodding along, I pretend to hum consideringly for a moment before pausing.
“Guard me. Protect me. Serve me. But not… argue with me, no?”
Lydia’s face falls as she finally sees where I’m going with this, and though she’s a professional, her shoulders do slump ever so slightly as she bows her head in apology.
“No, my Thane.”
“Then get ready, my dear. We have some Giants to slay.”
And slay them we do, despite Lydia’s misgivings. Of course, when it comes to Giants, I’m no fool. Rather than engage them in melee, I simply enhance Svanna’s skills with some Illusion magic and that, combined with her new enchanted bow and endless stamina from her enchanted gear, lets her fire enough arrows that she might qualify for an arrow gatling gun, if that were a thing in Tamriel.
Neither Lydia nor I ever get close enough to even smell the Giants until after they’re dead, and I gaze at Lydia in amusement as she stares at Svanna in shock after the fact.
That said, this one final detour DOES cause us to reach Valtheim Towers rather late… and as we do so, as we make our way down the road in the very last minutes of daylight, a female Bandit steps in front of us and clears her throat.
“Oi. There’s a toll for this road. Two Hundred Septims.”
I raise my eyebrow, even as Lydia scowls at my side.
“Excuse me?!”
My Housecarl’s dangerous tone causes the bandit to take a step back and drop her hand to her weapon, but I just grin as I stop Lydia with an outstretched hand.
“Calm down, Lydia. It’s getting late. I’m sure we can come to an arrangement…”
I’m not quite sure what the bandit sees in me as I speak, but perhaps its my auras. Either way, she relaxes and straightens up, giving me a cocky smile.
“Sure. An arrangement, heh.”
As she relaxes, I just grin. Last mistake she’ll ever make.


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