Published at 24th of July 2023 06:47:43 AM

Chapter 18

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In the wake of the Dragon Attack and our swift slaughter of the massive creature, the one Winterhold Guard in charge of watching over Whistling Mine didn’t have any issue with us commandeering a corner of the mine to spend the night in. Which was fine by me, because I’d had a little bit of a realization, as I was looting the dragon’s corpse and having to drop even more of my other loot to make room for the heavy bones and scales.

Namely, there was no Blacksmith in Winterhold. Here, at Whistling Mine, I would need to do all of my crafting for when I eventually gained access to the Arch-Mage’s Quarters and made some more gear. And so, despite Svanna definitely making noises about wanting to punish Lydia some more by fucking in front of her all night long, I had to say no.
Instead, I spent the night smelting and crafting, and unfortunately this did not help my inventory problems either, as most of the gear I was making and then having to hold onto for later, weighed more than the materials made to craft it. Annoying to say the least, but it was what it was. In the end, I still had tens of thousands of Septims worth of loot filling my inventory, to be fair. I just had to leave behind all of the heavy, near-worthless stuff for the miners and the Winterhold Guard to come across.
When morning came, Svanna, Lydia and I all departed… and finally made our way up the road into Winterhold. Lydia had of course been ordered not to touch herself again, with me in fact making it a standing order that she wasn’t allowed to masturbate without my permission. I had to wonder just how long it would take her to ask for that permission, but admittedly, it was relatively easy to put the games I was playing with her out of my mind as we entered the… town itself.
Winterhold truly was a broken down ruin, rather than a city. The place’s one single road led straight to the entrance to the College, and said College most definitely dominated the area, with its high walls and towers. Indeed, compared to the College, the rest of Winterhold could barely be considered a settlement. It was a little sad, knowing it must have been something special once upon a time. But since that was all abstract to me, it didn’t really hold my attention very much.
Admittedly, there were things in town I could be doing before we went to the College. I could probably spend days if not weeks in Winterhold handling their little quests. I could become Thane of Winterhold without much difficulty, though I had no desire to subordinate myself to Korir, and in truth, there was every possibility the Jarl would dismiss me outright for being an Altmer, even before he found out I was also a mage.
I could go and handle Nelacar’s quest first, and deal with Azura’s Star. There were several problems with that idea, however. For one… as much as Azura was one of the ‘good’ Daedric Princes, and Azura’s Star was actually an incredibly powerful and useful tool that would help me greatly with my enchanting efforts… it was still a Daedric artifact, and I still wanted nothing to do with those.
But more importantly, interacting with Nelacar before going to the College might reflect poorly on me. It never did in the game, they never seemed to give a shit, but there was always the possibility that that was one of the ways this reality would differ from the video game I’d played.
And so, in the end, the College had to be our second stop, right after a stop at Birna’s Oddments. The Nord pawnbroker Birna was the only business in town, as it so happened. While all of the Masters at the College were also merchants with large money bags, it was Birna who I made sure we stopped by first, buying things like her lockpicks and the Coral Dragon Claw, and some other odds and ends, and then selling all of the heaviest bullshit in my inventory that I wasn’t going to use any time soon.
I went ahead and invested in Birna’s business first of course, and by the time our interaction was done, the blonde Nord was practically fawning over me. I basically represented the most business she’d had in ages, of course. Which gave me an idea, but one I would have to implement later. For now, we parted ways with Birna incredibly happy and eager for me to come back again.
After that, it was finally time to approach the College. Needless to say, I had some… butterflies in my stomach, as we made our way to the bridge. As expected, it was guarded by Faralda, the College’s Master Destruction Trainer. Which is funny, because I know for a fact that she doesn’t ever guard the passage into the College again after this, at least in the game. Will she or the other College Members take turns doing so in the real world? Will I care enough to follow up and check? Probably not.
“Cross the bridge at your own peril! The way is dangerous, and the gate will not open! You shall not gain entry!”
I raise an eyebrow at the overly dramatic elven woman, noting that Faralda is quite gorgeous and already making plans to have my way with the beautiful Altmer. But at the moment, well…
“Come now, surely you can pick apart angry Nords from those who have an actual interest in the College, Miss. Well… these two fine ladies might BECOME angry Nords, if you insist on standing in our way…”
I keep my tone jovial, not actually trying to make a threat. Still, Faralda pauses and gives us both a slightly longer look, especially me. Her eyes narrow as she takes in my features, and I give her a guileless smile in response… one that makes the Master Destruction Wizard flush and rear back a little, as if surprised by just how handsome she finds me. Such are the cheats I’m using to be more irresistible and desirable than I otherwise would be, heh.
“… F-Forgive me, I… well, anyways. Welcome to the college of Winterhold.”

Drawing herself up, its clear that she’s quite proud of what she says next.
“I am Faralda, one of the senior Wizards here. I can only trust that you found your journey to Winterhold not entirely unpleasant, if you have it in you to make jokes in good humor. That said… what is it that you and your companions need?”
Smiling amicably even now, I bow at the waist, a sweeping thing that makes Faralda blush even more. Despite her status as a senior Wizard, she is clearly quite the sheltered woman. She’s probably spent her entire life in the pursuit of magical knowledge and research. After all, if she’d ever been with a man, they likely would have told her how silly and childish putting her hair up in pigtails made her look. Though they were already starting to grow on me. I did like a good set of reins…
“Well, I am here to join the College, of course. I’ve heard great things about your institution and am eager to learn more about the magical arts. Unfortunately, my companions are non-negotiable, but I like to think you’ll find neither of them objectionable.”
First, I gesture to Lydia.
“This is Lydia, my Housecarl. For defeating a Dragon that was attacking the outskirts of Whiterun, I was made Thane by Jarl Balgruuf. Lydia here was henceforth sworn to my service, and goes where I go at all times, I’m afraid.”
Faralda’s eyebrows rise at that, and it’s either a testament to my auras or a testament to her naivety that she just seems to take my words at face value.
“M-My word, you slew a Dragon?!”
“Not just one, Master Mage. There was another Dragon Attack at the Whistling Mine just last night. My Thane here and his companion, the Dragonborn, put it down before anyone could get hurt.”
Faralda jolts at that, while I look over at Lydia, thoroughly unimpressed. My darling Housecarl looks right back at me, a light blush on her cheeks, but face otherwise blank. On the face of it, extolling my virtues and spouting my accomplishments to Faralda wasn’t a bad thing. But given how I’d been training her, it was clear this was a small act of rebellion on Lydia’s part, her way of defying me.
“My word, the Dragonborn? It’s been so long since we’ve had any contact with the Greybeards! Do you really have the Voice? I would be most impressed to see that…”
Svanna glances at me, looking a little startled to have Faralda addressing her all the sudden, and just as annoyed by Lydia outing her as I was. Still, I just chuckle and sigh as I wave my hand for her to go ahead. Turning her head to the side, my cute little Nord Dragonborn lets out a simple ‘Fus’. She’s been practicing her shouting on our travels North and gotten rather good at it. As the blast of force travels off into open air where she directed it, Faralda gasps in wide-eyed wonder.
“Someone so young… so the stories are true then! You must be the Dragonborn! But… you’re not here to join the College? Only you?”
As her eyes return to me, confused and searching, I shrug my shoulders.
“Svanna wanted to come with me. Who’s to say she doesn’t also want to Apprentice at the College? I think we both have plenty to learn here.”
Slowly, Faralda nods. Peering at me for another long moment, she eventually makes a considering noise in the back of her throat.
“Hm. A test then, one I’m sure you’ll pass, but one that should be taken anyways. I can tell that you’re skilled in Illusion Magic more than anything else. A standard spell for one skilled in the Illusion Arts is the Fear Spell. Cast it on the seal here on the ground and you’ll have impressed me enough to let you on through.”
Huh, it was interesting that she could just… tell like that. She hadn’t made any comments about my auras, nor did she seem upset with me for indirectly influencing her mind. Perhaps she thought I was using Illusion Magic on myself to make me look more appealing or something? Either way, she wasn’t a Master Mage for nothing, I suppose.
Casting the Fear Spell on the seal takes all of a moment and Faralda smiles and nods.
“Well done. I think you’ll be a superb addition to the College… and I hope you, Dragonborn, decide to join in some lessons, and perhaps impart some of your knowledge of the Voice to us as well. Either way, welcome to the College, all three of you. I’ll lead you across the bridge now, and once we’re inside you’ll want to find and speak with Mirabelle Ervine, our Master Wizard. Please, right this way.”
“Thank you very much, Master Faralda. We are in your hands.”
Heh, its lucky that my Thalmor half isn’t afraid of heights, because my human half definitely had a minor fear of large drops, and the bridges connecting the College of Winterhold to the ruins of the former city surrounding it certainly qualified as that. The connecting pathway up to the College had decidedly seen better days, but we made our way through it quickly enough for me to calm my slightly faster heart rate.
Once in the College Courtyard proper, it wasn’t hard to locate Mirabelle Ervine. I recognized her by her distinctive clothing, because in truth she looked a lot better than she did in the game. Mirabelle was one of those female characters who got hit by an uggo bat in the game, possibly to make her look older. But really it just made her look fucking weird.
In this world, however, her hair was much more luscious, her cheekbones were high, her nose was pixie like, and her lips were full and pouty. She was a hottie, plain and simple, and just one look at her told me I was going to try and save her from her fate. Although, my Thalmor half wasn’t so sure about that, which meant I wasn’t so sure about that. After all, Mirabelle’s fate was presumably to die because of Ancano’s actions, though I didn’t have any more details than that.
I was still struggling with even the thought of going against a Thalmor who was so clearly above me in rank. Tch, but then, I’d known I would be. I needed to… well, I needed to talk to Ancano and soon, to try and sound him out. But first, Mirabelle was waiting.
“Greetings, we were told to come see you.”
Mirabelle’s eyes slide over all three of us, with her brow raising slightly at the sight of an armored Lydia.
“All three of you are joining the College then?”
“Ah, no. Just me… though Svanna here might do so as well…”
“Hm, unfortunately we do not have that many extra beds. Faralda should have known that, but… either way, will the three of you be alright with staying in one room?”
I don’t even bother looking to Lydia or Svanna. I just give Mirabelle a charming smile. Unfortunately, it doesn’t produce the reaction it did in Faralda, but still, it’s worth a shot.
“That won’t be a problem. Lydia is my Housecarl, and Svanna is my lover. We’ll be fine sharing a room.”
Both of Mirabelle’s eyebrows raise at that, before furrowing together.
“… I see. Well, first off, here are some robes. You’re not required to wear them, but you might find them more to your liking than your current clothes. I’ll be giving you a brief tour, and then we’ll get you to your first class. Are you free to begin?”
I just incline my head as I take the robes and, not wanting to reveal my Inventory to all of these mages so early, simply fold them over my arm.
“I’d love to hear all about your College.”
“Wonderful, please follow me and avoid wandering off.”
I won’t deny, I was tempted for half a moment to see how much I could stretch her patience by telling her I wasn’t ready for the tour just yet like you could in the game. Honestly, it’d never made much logical sense that you could just do that. You were a brand new Apprentice, and the Master Wizard of the entire College was offering to give you a personal tour and escort you to your first class. And you could just… blow her off forever if you wanted to.
Well, I didn’t want to. I was here and I could no longer hide. As Mirabelle begins the tour, starting to espouse the College of Winterhold’s charms to us and describing its esteemed history, I will admit I’m only half-paying attention to what she’s saying. She tells us about the Hall of Elements, the Arcanaeum, the Arch-Mage’s quarters, and more.
But in truth, I’m more focused on how I’m going to approach Ancano and what exactly I’m going to say to him, if I’m being fully honest. I don’t want to tell him outright I’m a Thalmor Agent. Neither part of me wants that, I find. Which is quite relieving, but also makes a strange sort of sense. Ancano… Ancano is NOT part of my mission. He is not technically in my chain of command.
I’m here, in the College… because I want to become Arch-Mage. That is a desire of my human half, however. My Thalmor half likes the idea of accumulating more power, but only so much as it might help the Thalmor. Becoming Arch-Mage might help me in my mission, handed down by my higher ups in the Aldmeri Dominion though. Only… becoming Arch-Mage, if my human memories were to be believed (which they were, damn it!) would lead me down a path that would force me to kill Ancano.
There had to be another way. I needed to maintain my cover, while also steering Ancano down a path that would not get him killed. This Eye of Magnus… the memories I have of it from the video game are irritatingly vague. Human me had never truly thought about it before, had never really considered it as anything more than a McGuffin designed to be a Big Damn Problem that eventually got solved by Ancano’s death and the Psijic Order taking it away for safe-keeping.
Thalmor me, however, wondered what the Eye of Magnus could REALLY do. It obviously possessed a huge amount of magical power and could be manipulated with the Staff of Magnus. A Staff that I could only obtain early if I somehow managed to get the torc to Labyrinthian from the current Arch-Mage before things progressed to the point where Mirabelle was forced to give it to me after his death.
That wouldn’t be impossible. If I got the Staff for Ancano ahead of time, before he was so foolish as to start fucking with the Eye without it, would that be enough to stave off disaster? But no, if I gave the staff to Ancano, that would be giving HIM access to unlimited power! Did I truly want that? Did I truly want that megalomaniac to be so powerful?
He was of the Thalmor! But that didn’t make it alright, fuck! The Thalmor fucked up all the time. And individuals within the Thalmor could fuck up to!
Tch, as I’d expected, coming to Winterhold was quite literally splitting my head in two. By the time Mirabelle shows us to our room, I have a huge migraine. And so, even though I know it’s not what’s supposed to happen, I stop her just before she can announce that she’ll be taking us to our first lesson next.
“Ah… Master Wizard, the journey to get here was quite long and arduous. Before we truly begin our lessons here at the college, do you mind if we take some time to rest?”
Blinking, Mirabelle pauses for a moment… but truly has no reason, save for the narrative that seems to be guiding everything, to say no to me. Finally, she gives a hesitant, reluctant nod.
“… Very well. When you are ready, there will be a lesson taking place in the Hall of Elements. You might catch the tail end of it, if you only rest for a short time.”
And then she leaves. Somehow, I suspect that we’ll arrive at the start of that lecture in the Hall of Elements, regardless of how long we take. And with her gone and all of the other students in the Hall waiting for us to show up, well… we have the Hall of Attainment all to ourselves.
You know what would help my splitting headache? You know what would help me take my mind off of my Thalmor problems? Perhaps a nice, thorough ‘talk’ with my Nord Housecarl about operational security and the benefits thereof.
Looking to Lydia, I can’t help the nasty smile that spreads across my face as she stiffens, looking to all the world like a mouse caught in a trap.


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