Published at 28th of July 2023 03:03:12 PM

Chapter 21

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As Svanna and I return to the College like thieves in the night, I keep a close eye out. Part of me, the illogical and irrational part, is half-expecting Ancano to come leaping out from behind any corner at any moment. Maybe even zombified, with his head held in his hands as he screeches something like ‘I’m ESSEEEENTIIIIIAL!!!’ at the top of his lungs before throwing himself at us.

… That doesn’t happen, of course. Ancano is gone, dead by my hands, and while I’m still somewhat shaken by that fact, it doesn’t change the plain and simple truth of the matter. He’s not coming back.
I’m also keeping an eye out for something else though… the arrival of the Eye of Magnus in the College. Luckily, it’s nowhere to be found. And neither are Tolfdir or Savos Aren. The two are absent from the College, undoubtedly over at Saarthal still making plans for moving the Eye back to Winterhold. That makes sense, since the Eye of Magnus doesn’t actually complete its journey to Winterhold until after you complete the Hitting the Books quest, and Svanna and I haven’t even started that yet.
It does, unfortunately, mean we can’t get to Tolfdir or Savos tonight. But at the same time, that’s fine. If there was anyone in the College, I would have been nervous about approaching in this way, it would have been the Arch-Mage. Coward though he was, Savos had to have some magic up his sleeves. But then, so did the other Masters of the College.
That’s why I start in the lower floor of the Hall of Attainment. There, I waste no time in sneaking up to the beds of my fellow Apprentices. The Khajiit J’zargo, the Nord Onmund, and the Dunmer Brelyna… I’ve barely interacted with any of them at this point, other than that one lesson. I was aware that they all had their own personal side quests, but being honest, I only really cared about getting to know Brelyna better. I had ideas for how that was going to go.
Still, if I wanted to make the College of Winterhold into my own personal fiefdom, I needed as many people on board with that plan as possible. And so, stopping by each of the current crop of Apprentices’ beds, I prepare to use my Dream Charm on them, in order to raise their disposition with me, their opinion of me, to its absolute maximum.
It’s the same thing I did with Arcadia back in Whiterun, but this time I’m even more careful. First, I start by casting the high-level Pacify Spell on them. Combined with their slumbers, it makes them all the more vulnerable to Dream Charm. None of them make nary a sound, as I make sure they think of me in the most favorable light possible, viewing me like I’m God’s Gift to this World.
Brelyna in particular, I enjoy the blush that spreads across her cheeks, and the soft smile that forms on her lips. I also enjoy the way her hands begin to wander unconsciously on their own accord, and how my name falls free of her mouth.
It’s clear she’s having one of THOSE kinds of dreams, and I chuckle softly before continuing on my way. My work is FAR from done, after all.
The lower floor of the Hall of Attainment has the apprentices’ rooms, Tolfdir’s room, and Ancano’s room located in it. Given the latter two are gone for VERY different reasons, my work there is finished, and I can move up to the upper floor.
There, I find Nirya, Enthir, and Mirabelle Ervine all deep asleep, with Arniel Gane’s bed empty, as the man is still back at Saarthal with Tolfdir. But that’s fine. Certainly, I’m all too eager to Dream Charm all three of the people in the Hall of Attainment’s Upper Floor. Nirya and Mirabelle for obvious, sex-related reasons… and Enthir because the Bosmer is basically the College of Winterhold’s resident Fence, and it’s ALWAYS good to make new connections with Skyrim’s Merchants.
Nirya and Enthir, I do first. Both go off without a hitch, just like the Apprentices’ downstairs. To be fair, neither are Masters of the College in the way the others are. They’re also not Apprentices, but instead exist in a quasi-intermediate state as Scholars. Although I do recall that Nirya in particular has grievances against Faralda, while being quite the haughty She-Elf. Hm, maybe I’d take advantage of that, at some point.
Regardless, I save Mirabelle for last in the Hall of Attainment, because… well, I’m nervous as all hell. My Stealth and Illusion should be more than high enough to keep her from reacting, but still, Dream Charm DOES say it has a chance to fail, and the fact that it hasn’t yet… bothers me. Especially when I can’t just quick save scum my way to victory like how I usually did whenever I was training up Pickpocketing in any given Skyrim Playthrough. Cheese it till you make it, that was my strategy!
Nodding to Svanna, who has been following along and watching me cast spells on all of these powerful mages in silence thus far, I direct her to place herself in a position where she can silence Mirabelle swiftly, if need be. Then, I cast Pacify on the Master Wizard. There’s no reaction, so I lean forward and activate Dream Charm on her.
The Master Wizard’s eyes snap open at the attempt, making my own widen as her gaze focuses on me a moment later. Luckily, Svanna is quick. Her hand covers Mirabelle’s mouth before she can scream, and she uses her other arm to press down on the Master Wizard’s windpipe. I, meanwhile, grab Mirabelle’s hands and squeeze them tightly shut, not allowing her to cast a single spell in her defense.
Without her magic, Mirabelle is just a distressed, beautiful woman caught between two amoral villains. And while her muffled screaming and struggling might have been heard over the Mana Well in the center of the Hall and woken some of the other people up under normal circumstances… they have no effect under these circumstances. Not when I’ve already cast Pacify on everyone else in the Hall of Attainment.
Mirabelle falls unconscious from lack of blood flow shortly after, Svanna choking out the Master Wizard. I immediately lean in and ‘activate’ Mirabelle again. This time however, I don’t cast Dream Charm on her… I cast Dream Geas.
You could only have one Dream Thrall at a time, according to Ordinator’s Perk. And I already knew who I wanted to permanently put under Dream Geas, who I’d been saving it for all this time. However, that just meant I would need to corrupt and warp Mirabelle through other means until by the time I needed Dream Geas again, I could take it off of her and put it on the other intended target without any consequences.
For now, I just let out a sigh of relief, as Dream Geas works. A moment later, and Mirabelle’s eyes begin to flutter open as she regains consciousness from Svanna’s brief choke out. However, when she looks up at me, the Master Wizard just smiles happily, breathing out a single word through her pretty, pretty lips.
Chuckling softly, I just nod.
“Yes, Mirabelle. I am your Master. But you can tell no one this. It will be our little secret, alright?”
Flushing, Mirabelle just nods, acting like… well, like she’s my thrall slave. Which she is now and until I decide to move the Geas to someone else. Only once I release her will she be able to think about anything besides my happiness and my desires again, and by the time I DO release her, I intend to make absolutely certain that she’s still going to prioritize her loyalty to me over everyone else.
For now, though, this will have to do. Out of everyone in the College, the Master Wizard was definitely the most dangerous foe. And now… she was my slave.
Mirabelle’s eyes immediately roll back in her head, and she falls unconscious right before me and Svanna. The Dragonborn looks decidedly impressed, and I give her a wink and a grin before gesturing for us to move on.
After the Hall of Attainment is the Hall of Countenance. I’m almost tempted to just leave it for another time… but no. This is my one chance to get this done with Savos Aren is away, to get the majority of the College’s Masters on my side and make them disposed to me and me above all others. Besides, I’m worried about Drevis Neloren. The Dunmer Mage is a Master of Illusion. I don’t want him to be able to detect something is wrong with the others.
In fact, when I and Svanna stand over his bed shortly after, I mime cutting my throat to my little Dragonborn… and grin when she immediately produces a knife, ready to cut Drevis’ throat if he acts as Mirabelle did. While it would likely be a lot worse to kill him than Ancano, I was willing to do it if it gave us time to take control.
Luckily, that didn’t happen. Drevis, for all that he was a Master of Illusion Magic, did not seem to have any defense against either my High Level Pacify or my Dream Charm. None of the Master Mages in the Hall of Countenance proved able to resist it as Mirabelle did, in fact. Whether that was simply because she got lucky and I got unlucky, or because she had something more than all of them, I knew not.
What I did know, was that by the time I was done in the Hall of Countenance, I had Drevis Neloren, Phinis Gestor, Sergius Turrianus, Colette Marence, and Faralda all under the effects of my Dream Charm ability. Given these were the Masters of every School of Magic in Skyrim, it was a heady feeling, having so much power over them. Hopefully, they would be of great assistance in my ascension to the position of Arch-Mage, because I certainly hadn’t given up on that yet.
 With everyone currently IN the College now under my control, I beckon to Svanna, and we depart back to town, moving through the shadows without a single one of Winterhold’s few patrolling Guards being any the wiser. Returning to Birna’s home, Svanna and I finally fall into bed together, and enjoy one another’s… physical company well into the next morning.
When we wake up the next morning, I leave Lydia in town to get our supplies ready with Birna since I know we’re about to be traveling out and about soon enough.. Or at least, that’s the excuse I give to keep the Housecarl in Winterhold while Svanna and I make our way back to the College.
As we get back to the College the next morning, I could kick myself for not realizing it sooner. There WAS one person in the College that I hadn’t put under the effects of Dream Charm last night… and it was the person Svanna and I had to talk to next. But then, to be fair, as I wrack my brain trying to figure out how I’d fucked up… I realize something.
Urag gro-Shub never fucking sleeps. In the game, he is ALWAYS in the Arcanaeum. He HAS no bed. Somehow… somehow, the cantankerous librarian is in the same boat as Svanna and I! Either that, or he sleeps in his chair, but I didn’t know about that… and I hadn’t thought of him the night before, so I hadn’t gotten the chance to check on that theory.
Regardless, it’s not the end of the world. And in fact, there’s a certain pleasure in walking through the College and being recognized as their new best friend by everyone we pass by. I grin and nod my greetings to both Apprentice and Master alike as the charmed members of the College of Winterhold all seem so very happy to see me. I’ve gone from relative unknown Apprentice to the most well-liked guy in the College in one night.
Not that that would help me… against Urag gro-Shub.
“Greetings, Librarians. I’ve been sent by the Arch-Mage to learn about something we found in Saarthal.”
“Heh, I know what you want. Word travels fast around here. Discovered some big mystery in the ruins, huh? Well, don’t waste your breath. I don’t have anything for you. Not anymore, anyway.”
I raise an eyebrow at that. Was he… not going to say anything more? Did he really have to string me along like this? Ugh, if I wasn’t worried about starting a magical fight, I’d fucking try to Charm him right now and be done with it. As is, Urag never left the Arcanaeum anyways, and seemed to be a decent enough caretaker for the place… save for this one blemish on his record.
“Not anymore, you say. Care to elaborate?”
“I said what I said. Orthorn stole a number of books when he ran off to Fellglow Keep to join those Summoners. Probably used them as some kind of entry fee. Hm, I’m pretty sure one of those volumes had some relevant information in it… but if you want them, you’ll have to talk to Orthorn.”
I consider asking all the relevant questions and getting all the relevant exposition from Urag, but I would honestly prefer to cut this short so…
“Sure, I’ll go to Fellglow Keep and get the books back then.”
The Orsimer Librarian snorts at that, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
“You do that then.”
Whether he believed us or not, it was definitely what I was going to do, lest Saren and Tolfdir NEVER return from Saarthal with the Eye of Magnus, all because of Svanna’s narrative effect. I could just imagine the world twisting and turning all over to find reason after reason for why they couldn’t get the Eye back here. But I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if we went and retrieved those books, the Eye of Magnus would show up in the Hall of Elements without me having to lift a finger beyond that.
Signaling Svanna to follow me, we both leave the Arcanaeum… only to immediately be accosted by the Master Wizard of the College.
“A-Apprentice… please, come with me. I need to… I need to talk to you.”
Raising an eyebrow, I shrug and follow Mirabelle. She leads Svanna and I over to an out of the way corner of the courtyard, glancing around for a moment before looking at me pleadingly.
“Please Master… please, I need you. Give… g-give me a task. Tell me what to do. How might I serve you?”
I grin at that and shrug my shoulders.
“Suck my cock, bitch.”
What? I’m not a good person. And the thought of Mirabelle sucking my cock has been stoking a fire in my loins since last night. I was half-tempted to fuck her back then, especially with the others all under Pacify, but alas, she’d only been halfway down my list of targets for the evening, and by the time I’d finished with the Masters in the Hall of Countenance, the Pacify effects on those in the Hall of Attainment would have worn off in spite of all my bullshit duration increases.
To her credit, Mirabelle doesn’t even hesitate. She drops to her knees, pulls my cock out of my pants with all due haste, and wraps those pretty, pillowy lips of hers around my tip. Looking up into my eyes, I see complete submission and subservience in hers. She is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, MINE through and through. This is the power of Dream Geass. This is the power of making someone my Dream Thrall. She would die for me in a heartbeat. She would KILL for me just as quickly.
Bobbing up and down on my cock, the Master Wizard sucks enthusiastically, and I let out a quiet groan as I wrap her hair around a golden fist, pulling it taut into a makeshift ponytail.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
As she works over my cock, Svanna keeps an eye out… but also watches, the lithe Dragonborn biting her lower lip as she presses the heel of a palm into the crotch of her pants, not quite touching herself, but certainly doing so above the clothes grinding. I make eye contact with Svanna and give her a raunchy grin as I force Mirabelle all the way to the base of my cock, choking my Thrall on my dick.
The Dragonborn had gone along with last night’s escapades without even really knowing what I was doing. The Pacify magic I’d been casting was one thing, but other than that, she couldn’t see the Dream Charm and Dream Geas I’d used. Those were all in my victims’ heads. Still, now she was getting a firsthand account of what I’d done… and the thought of me subverting the entire College of Winterhold for my own purposes was turning her on immensely.
Maintaining eye contact with Svanna, I cum down Mirabelle’s throat, forcing my Thrall to swallow every last drop. The esteemed Master Wizard, respected and adored by everyone in the College of Winterhold, gurgles as she does her best to swallow my seed. Her best isn’t quite good enough though, and in the end some of my cum explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, making quite the mess of her face.
As I pull out, I look down at her glazed, messy face and snort derisively.
“Clean yourself up. As for what else you can do for me… you will act completely normal. Do not let anyone doubt your loyalty to the College. You will continue to serve and do your duty, as before. But be ready. When the time comes, I will call upon you.”
“Y-Yes… yes, M-Master…”
I tuck myself away and then leave Mirabelle still recovering from the brutal face fucking she just received. It was time for Svanna, Lydia and I to go to Fellglow Keep. Which… was basically back the way we came, near Whiterun. Irritating not to be able to Fast Travel in this world.


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