Published at 28th of July 2023 03:03:11 PM

Chapter 22

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I’d never even bothered to check if Fast Travel was possible or not. For a moment, I feel stupid as I open up my Menu and look at the Map of Skyrim, moving over to the ‘discovered’ marker for Whiterun and try ‘clicking’ it. Thankfully, nothing happens. Which means I was totally right not to check whether I could Fast Travel. Thank God, crisis averted.

Still… I refused to believe that in a world of magic, there was no known teleport spell. In fact, I KNEW there was teleportation magic, because the currently-absent Psijic Order used it in the damn game! Not only did they teleport into the College, they teleported themselves and the Eye of Magnus back out with such ease that… that I had to believe it was possible to learn that magic!
And so, with that in mind, I turn back around with a confused Svanna at my side and catch up to my Dream Thrall before she can even clean herself up properly. Mirabelle is all too happy to see me of course, I am her Master now after all. Her eyes light up at the very sight of me, and so I go ahead and ask… does she know any teleportation magic?
It turns out, she does. It’s quite high level stuff, to the point that it’s not something they would ever teach to an Apprentice… and in fact, they haven’t even shared it with the other Masters of the College. Only she and Savos, in all the College, know the Mark-Recall Magic. Which sort of explains things, I suppose. It’s certainly a very convenient way of filling in that plot hole, I supposed. Mirabelle and Savos die before you ever become a Big Damn Deal in the game. You get made Arch-Mage on the back of their deaths, in fact.
Luckily, Mirabelle is able to provide me with her very own Spell Tome featuring the Mark & Recall spells in it. The tome ‘teaches’ me both, and I spend a moment marveling at what this now means for me. The Mark Spell allows me to mark up to ten locations with it. If I try to mark more than ten, it will force me to choose which of the previous ten locations I wish to remove from my list.
The Recall Spell, meanwhile, allows me to teleport back to any of the locations I’ve Marked, and if I dual-cast it, I can even bring anyone nearby me along for the ride. It’s… not perfect, nothing ever is, but it’s more than good enough for my purposes.
Well aware that Mirabelle is showing me ‘forbidden magics by giving me these Spell Tomes, and only her complete and utter enthrallment is causing her to give up such power, I don’t leave a Mark in the College itself. Even if I’m now the majority of the College’s favorite person, there’s still Savos Aren and I don’t want to go about signaling how much of a threat I am to the Arch-Mage QUITE yet.
And so, Svanna and I return to town and I set up my first Mark in the upper floor of Birna’s Oddments. With her brother exiled to the Inn for the foreseeable future, Birna is the only one who would even see as teleport back, so it makes for a great spot.
Of course, while that WILL make our return trip easier… it does still mean we have to travel to Fellglow Keep the old-fashioned way.
There is one small saving grace, however. This time around, I’m not dragging my feet and waffling about on where I want to go. I know where I want to go, and so we catch a ride on the wagon leaving Winterhold that morning and pay the driver to head down to Whiterun. The travel is certainly quicker than on foot, and what took days is instead reduced to less than a day.
Especially since, because this isn’t the game but a real world, we can just hop off of the wagon when we reach the point in the road where we would pass our destination, if we continued all the way onto Whiterun. The driver certainly doesn’t care, given that he’s already been paid in full for the trip to Whiterun.
And so we leave him and the road behind, and make our way East, into the foothills. I’m tempted to stop by Shimmermist Cave on our way to Fellglow Keep, seeing how the path takes us right past it… but ultimately, I decide against it and keep us moving. The Falmer loot always has such a poor weight to value ratio to it after all.
Normally, that alone would not be enough to keep me away from looting another cave, but the sun is already nearly completely gone by the time we hop off the wagon. Best to get our business done in Fellglow Keep, and then Recall back to Birna’s Oddments for another session of late-night fun, right?
Heh, somehow, I didn’t think the denizens of Fellglow Keep agreed with me on that front. We’re forced to fight our way through, of course. Supposedly, all of the mages in Fellglow Keep had left the College of Winterhold behind in order to practice forbidden experiments. None of them are at all… noticeable truth be told, despite supposedly being a bunch of unique folks, they remind me of all of the mages and necromancers that have been infesting the other forts we ran into on our travels.
Svanna, Lydia, and I have no problem whatsoever shredding through the lot of them, as well as their projects… the vampires they have locked in the cells of their dungeon. Finally, we reach a room where a certain Altmer is locked in a cage.
“W-Wait! I’m not a threat! Don’t leave me in here!”
Raising an eyebrow at him, I smile thinly.
“Orthorn, I presume?”
The Altmer Mage’s eyes light up at that.
“Y-Yes… yes! Did Arch-Mage Aren send you? He sent you here to rescue me, right?!”
I probably enjoy the way his face falls more than I should, as I shake my head in the negative.
“The Arch-Mage didn’t send me at all. Urag sent me to retrieve the books you took from the College.”
“The Librarian? Oh… oh dear. I shouldn’t have taken them, I know. I was stupid. B-But at the same time… it brought you here, didn’t it? Please help me get out of here and I’ll help you find them! Please!”
Cocking my head to the side, I consider him for a moment.
“… Where are the books you stole?”
Blanching, likely intimidated both by my maxed out Speech Skill and my Illusion Auras, Orthorn shrinks back.
“I-I don’t have them anymore, I swear! She… she took them. The Caller. She’s the leader of this place. She’s the one who put me in here! Let me out and I swear I will help you retrieve them from her! I want my revenge!”
Amusingly enough, his attempt at persuasion is actually what causes me to make the decision I do. See, I’d forgotten all about The Caller… and her status as a female. And honestly? I didn’t want Orthorn cramping my style.
“I have no need for your help, Orthorn. As you can see, I travel with two very capable women already. As it is… we’ve already slain everyone in Fellglow Keep that we’ve come across, and we’ll slay the rest too until we reach those books.”
Orthorn’s eyes grow wider and wider as I speak, my conversational tone belying my words and producing quite the intimidating, threatening atmosphere. Shooting him a toothy grin, I shrug my shoulders.
“Your best bet to survive is to stay in here until we’re done. After which, there will be no one to stop you from using your magic to free yourself.”
“M-My magic?”
I raise an eyebrow. Was he an idiot?
“I assumed the only reason you hadn’t used the Flames Spell to burn through the bars on your cell was because your captors would likely have killed you for it. Was I wrong? Are you truly that inept?”
“A-Ah… u-um, n-no sir! Thank you… thank you for the opportunity to escape!”
He truly is terrified of me. Good. Smirking, I just give him a single nod, before turning on my heel and leading Lydia and Svanna away. As we leave him, I throw one last parting remark over my shoulder.
“I’d wait another hour or two more before trying it! And once that’s done… I’d avoid ever coming back to the College, if I were you!”
I don’t wait for a response, before leading Lydia and Svanna onward. There aren’t many more foes left to kill in Fellglow Keep, to be honest. Soon after, we enter Fellglow Keep’s Ritual Chamber, where the lady of the hour awaits us.
“So then, you’re the one who barged into my home and laid waste to my projects. How nice to meet you.”
The Caller’s icy tone makes it clear that she barely means that. Meanwhile, I take in the Caller herself… and decide I like what I see. Even with her hood up, the Altmer Mage clearly has a pretty face and a busty body, just like every other woman in this world. But even better than that is her personality. Stepping forward to stand across from her, well aware that she’s quite the powerful ‘mini-boss’, I smirk easily.
“And you must be The Caller.”
Eyes narrowing, she inclines her head in acknowledgment.
“Someone has been talking, I see. No matter. Do you have a reason for making such a mess?”
“I’m here for the books from the College, of course.”
That makes her nostrils flare in anger.
“So you’re just another one of Aren’s lackeys? How… disappointing. You show real promise and yet…”
I cut her off with a sharp hand gesture.
“Please, don’t insult me. I am not that coward’s anything. He might be Arch-Mage of the College… but not for much longer, I can assure you of that.”
That takes her by surprise, her eyes widening as she draws back a beat, as if seeing me for the first time.
“… Then what do you want with these tomes? They are useful, I’ll grant you that much, but nothing worth coming all this way for. I and my acolytes chose Fellglow Keep for a reason after all. We’re quite far from the College…”
“Actually, the books are secondary, at this point. I already have all the information that I need. But it’s good to keep the Arch-Mage unaware of just how much I know.”
I’ll admit it, I’m flying by the seat of my pants here. As I’m having this conversation with The Caller, I’m realizing something… I don’t need to complete this Quest. I don’t need to complete any of the Quests. It’s already fucking over. Ancano is dead, and if the Psijic Order hasn’t shown up yet, they may not show up at all. Meanwhile, there’s no NEED for me to talk to the Augur of Dunlain, or go to Mzulft and risk alerting the Synods to exactly what the College had found in Saarthal. I don’t even really need to go to Labyrinthian and retrieve the Staff of Magnus, but if I wanted to, I could just find a way to get the Torc off of Savos and be done with it.
All in all… the world is my oyster, or rather, mine and Svanna’s oyster. If I hadn’t killed Ancano, I might have preferred trying to stay on the rails for the College Questline, but as things currently stood, we were already fully off the rails. No, more like, there was no stop at the end of the tunnel. I’d blasted the end of all of this to pieces when I cut off Ancano’s head. And if there was no Ancano to kill Savos and Mirabelle and result in me becoming Arch-Mage, I would have to forge my own path.
Not that I minded all that much. I was all too happy to keep Mirabelle alive. And I had ideas for how to deal with Savos even now.
First though… The Caller. Needless to say, my words have not left her all that happy.
“Then… why are you here? What do you want?! You come here, kill my assistants, disrupt my work… and for what?!”
Smirking evilly, I roll my shoulders.
“What else? For you.”
That takes The Caller aback even further, leaving her sputtering at me.
I lean forward, letting a glint of utter malice enter my eyes as I stare the powerful mage down with Lydia and Svanna flanking on either side of me.
“I’ve come here, to your seat of power, and slaughtered my way through your assistants and experiments like they were cattle. Not one person in this Keep still lives besides the four of us, my dear. As such, you have a choice to make. You can die with the rest… or submit.”
Truth be told, I’m only trying this because first, you can one hundred percent persuade The Caller to back the fuck down and give up the books without a fight in the game. Second, I’m bullshit powerful, with all of my Perks backing me up, so I figure there’s really a chance of me intimidating her into submission.
And indeed, though she hides it well from me, The Caller has a tremble to one of her hands, a spasm of fear that I do not miss as she keeps her beautiful golden face as stony as possible.
“What… what do you want from me, Mage?”
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
The Caller glares up at me angrily as I face fuck her right there on the floor of the Ritual Chamber, the beautiful Altmer kneeling before me, her robes striped down to her waist and her golden tits bouncing with the force of my thrusts as I slam her head down onto my cock again and again, my hands through her hair. Her own hands are currently tied behind her back, something Svanna did after her surrender.
She’s very unhappy about what’s happening right now, but I could care less about her opinion. In fact, I grin down at her, my eyes twinkling.
“You know that glare of yours only makes me want to fuck your throat harder. I love a bit of hate sex.”
The Caller flushes at that, her tongue wiggling a bit as I continue to rape her throat hard and fast. Of course, unbeknownst to her, my hands atop her head, my fingers massaging her scalp, are not just for the physical touch. I’m also pushing into her with my Charm Magic, slowly but surely making her reluctantly aroused. I’m working faster on her than I did with Lydia, of course, but not quite as fast as some who I’ve mind whammied.
This is for a simple reason… I want The Caller to still be functional, once I’m done here. She’ll make for a good agent out in the world. Even my Thalmor half, which has been quiet of late, agrees with that. Even if The Caller isn’t Thalmor, she IS Altmer, which puts her above most non-Thalmor in that part of me’s esteem. For that alone, I’d spare her life… but not her mind.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
“Here it comes!”
With a loud groan, I thrust forward one last time down The Caller’s throat, before proceeding to pump a hot, thick load of my seed directly into her gullet. She chokes mightily of course, tears streaking her golden cheeks as she squirms and writhes. But she can do nothing to stop me, not with her hands behind her back and my magic working away at her mind.
All I’d needed was a foot in the door, and the realization that I would almost certainly kill her if we came to blows was precisely that for me. At the end of the day, The Caller was just another coward. I was beginning to think most powerful mages were. Savos, The Caller… both were too afraid of death to stand and fight, in the end.
Pulling out of The Caller’s throat, I spin her around and force her face first into the stone beneath her. She gasps, but once again, her hands are behind her back… she’s not going anywhere. Continuing to hold her by her hair, continuing to pump magicka into influencing her mind, I use my other hand to tear away the bottom skirt of her robes, yanking her undergarments off next and exposing her to open air… and the not-so-tender mercies of my cock.
As I spear into her cunt from behind however, I find she’s already relatively wet and growing wetter still by the moment. Smirking evilly, I pump in and out of The Caller, even as I make her cry out, even as I make it feel GOOD. The humiliation she’s experiencing is soon outweighed and eclipsed by the pleasure I’m bringing her.
Meanwhile, over to the side, Svanna is not idle. My lithe Dragonborn lover had considered whether or not to join me in my conquest of this sexy, haughty Altmer Mage, but ultimately had chosen to just watch instead. Not just watch though, but also make use of Lydia at the same time. My Housecarl kneels between Svanna’s legs and eats out the Dragonborn, her tongue writhing along Svanna’s inner walls, causing her breath to hitch and soft moans to leave her lips, even as she watches me plow The Caller silly.
After making the haughty Altmer squeal around my cock half a dozen times, I drop a hot, thick load inside of her womb… only to receive a reaction I’m not expecting.
“N-No! Not inside! You… you boor!”
I raise a brow at that, remaining inside of her until I’m done. And then, just because the thought amuses me, I plant the beginnings of a pregnancy fetish in her mind. She’ll be embarrassed and ashamed of her fetish for at least a little while, but eventually embrace it wholeheartedly. By the time we next met, if we met again… she’d BEG me to knock her up.
Smirking at that mental image, I pull back out of her, leaving her shivering and shuddering and spasming on the floor of the Ritual Chamber.
“Never forget who spared your life, my dear. Never forget who owns you now.”
“What… what am I to do now? You’ve destroyed everything. Killed everyone…”
I cock my head to the side.
“Well, I did tell a little fib. Orthorn still lives and if he hasn’t escaped yet, is imprisoned up above. You can use him as new fodder for your experiments, or make him into the first of your new assistants. I care not.”
As I speak, I stride around the room and collect the three books. Even if I’d decided I didn’t need them, it would be odd to not have them when I returned to Winterhold. Urag would question it, and best not to give the old orc any reason to question anything. Finished grabbing the three tomes, I turn back to The Caller, even as she slowly lifts herself into a kneeling position, looking defeated.
“Farewell for now, my dear. Be good. Or rather, be as bad as you want… just don’t get caught.”
And then I cast Recall on me, Lydia, and Svanna right in her face. The last thing I see is the way her eyes widen in disbelief at my use of the ‘lost’ ‘forbidden’ magic, before we’re gone and teleported halfway across the Province back to Birna’s Oddments.


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