Published at 2nd of August 2023 07:32:27 AM

Chapter 25

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In the game, Colette Marence is a shrewish, prematurely aged sort of Breton woman. The Restoration Specialist was convinced that everyone else in the college was looking down on her for her field and was incredibly defensive about the Restoration School of Magic. As such, her in game depiction had quite a lot of lines on her face, which I’d always assumed to be self-given stress marks.

Especially since she constantly claimed the others were leaving nasty notes in her quarters but said notes could never actually be found in the game. Skyrim was a video game with a ton of detail in it, so the fact that a developer hadn’t dropped even one such note anywhere near where Colette slept had always struck me as rather telling.
Still, in this world, Colette Marence was as beautiful as every other woman, in her own unique way. And her appearance combined with her specialization… it gave me an idea. The idea I had in mind would take some time to set up properly though, so I’d decided to go to Colette first, as I began my pursuit of Mastery of every School of Magic that the College taught.
As I come to a stop before her, I marvel once again at whatever deity had sent me here. Because that same deity must have been the one who decided to make this world’s version of Colette Marence look quite similar to Mercy, from Overwatch. Of course, she was missing the suit and the techno-staff, replaced instead with her College Robes and a Staff of Restoration, but all the same… it was hard not to see Fantasy Mercy when I looked at her.
“Oh! Vayral! You… you consider Restoration a valid school of magic, worthy of study, don’t you? Don’t you?!”
Her desperation would be a turn off if she was any less beautiful. As it is, I smile and incline my head.
“Of course. As a matter of fact, I’ve put a lot of my focus into Restoration Magic as of late.”
Rather, I’d bought all of the Restoration Spells and had had maxed skill in Restoration, along with all of its Perks, for quite some time now. But of course, Colette was so in her own head that she wouldn’t know any of that. She probably didn’t even know how long I’d been at the College. All she knew was that she liked me a lot, and my words only reinforced that as her eyes light up.
“Show me!”
I raise an eyebrow at that but do as she says. The next several minutes are spent with the Restoration Expert running me through my paces. However, her happiness quickly begins to fade away as she realizes something that I’d already suspected… I’m better than her. The Ordinator Perks alone are enough to make me the best Restoration Caster on the planet, of course.
But more than that, out of everyone at the College, Colette is the only Master who isn’t Master-Level. Despite being the College’s Restoration Specialist, she’s the only trainer at the college who is considered Expert-Level. This is something I’d noticed previously, and always thought was an interesting little factoid. Here and now, it has a pronounced effect on Colette as I smirk at her.
“What else is there to be learned about Restoration Magic?”
Colette looks between me and my hands, where the last spell I’d cast is fading away. Her mouth opens and closes for a moment, before she crosses her arms under her chest and works her jaw.
“… L-Look at you. Such a devoted student of Restoration. I suppose it’s… comforting to see that not everyone has dismissed it like most members of the College. Truly comforting. It… would appear that you’re ready to speak with the Augur.”
Raising a brow, I can’t help but twist the blade, just a little bit.
“Oh? I thought you were the authority on this subject.”
Here, Colette looks down at her feet.
“Who, me? O-Oh goodness no… there are those far more skilled than I.”
I hum and nod.
“Then I suppose I’ll go speak with the Augur of Dulain.”
I move with semi-exaggerated slowness, as I turn to walk away from her. As I’d hoped, Colette stops me before I can go, my Dream Charm giving her the confidence boost she needs to impose herself on me.
“Vayral, w-wait!”
Turning back to her, I give her a warm smile.
“I… please, how did you become so well-versed in Restoration Magic? Can you… is there anything you can teach me?”
I hum, considering for a moment how I want to approach this topic. But in the end, I just had to go for it and rely on Colette’s Dream Charmed state to do the heavy lifting.
“Well… I suppose it’s all about how you view healing in the first place, Colette. Tell me, have you ever heard the term Healslut?”
Colette blinks and flushes.
I grin… and begin to explain. I go into the entire philosophy being Healslutting, how a healslut effectively exists to bring not just healing, but pleasure to her comrades. How it’s a Healslut’s duty to service their allies, and in the case of failure, it’s their warrior’s duty to discipline them for not living up to expectations.
I’m completely bullshitting here, but how can I resist? Colette looked too much like the quintessential healslut, Dr. Angela Ziegler, for me to not at least give it a try. And thanks to Dream Charm, she was quite predisposed to me as it currently stood. Indeed, while my explanation, frank and matter of fact in its delivery, makes Colette blush profusely and squirm intensely, she never the once tries to stop me from speaking, nor does she run away out of sheer embarrassment.
Instead, when I’m finally done with my explanation, she looks… floored. But also, just a little intrigued.
“I’m not… I’m not sure I fully understand. But… there may be merit to what you’re saying. Perhaps Restoration is more about restoring the health and vitality of a target, but also… also about restoring the mind to a restful state through… stress relief?”
I just grin and nod. Colette seems thoughtful for a moment, before her face falls.
“… I wouldn’t even know where to begin…”

Reaching out, I gently squeeze her shoulder.
“If you ask it of me, Colette, I will help you. Svanna and I are more than capable of being your warriors, while you train to become a proper healslut. Sound good?”
Looking at me with shiny, glistening eyes, Colette lets out a shaky breath and gives me a hesitant nod. I just smile as I glance over to where Svanna has been watching our conversation the entire time. My little Dragonborn looks downright intrigued by the game I’m playing with the Restoration Expert… and maybe a little shocked at what I’m managing to pull off here.
Heh, she hasn’t seen anything yet.
Of course, ultimately the Restoration Ritual Spell Quest is one that Colette can’t help me with. I go to the Augur alone and utilize my bullshit health pool and overpowered Restoration Magic to easily complete his challenge. I’m half-expecting the Augur of Dunlain to make some sort of comment about how I’ve changed things, given he was supposed to be the next part of the College’s Main Quest before I blasted everything off the rails, but either I’m a blind spot or he just doesn’t care.
After the Augur, I go to Drevos Neloren next. The Illusion Master sends me on a quest with a spell called Vision of the Tenth Eye and has me find the four invisible Master Illusion Texts scattered around the College. Easy enough, especially since I remember vaguely that there’s one in each area of the College. It takes a bit of going back and forth between the Hall of Attainment, Hall of Countenance, the Arcanaeum, and the Midden, but eventually I’ve got them all and learn the Master-Level Illusion Spells as a result.
The next morning, I do bring Colette along with me, Lydia, and Svanna to handle the Conjuration Ritual Spell Quest. As it so happens, Phinis Gestor, the Conjuration Master of the College, wants me to summon and defeat an unbound Dremora. Its not particularly difficult, but I do use it as one of Colette’s first tests.
Dressed in much skimpier robes, an outfit that makes her look a little like Sally Whitemane from World of Warcraft, albeit without all of the red and gold of the Scarlet Crusade, Colette does an admirable enough job of healing me as I take my time casually killing the Dremora. She’s definitely nervous about it though, and afterwards I make sure to stride over to her and grab her by the chin forcefully, pointing out every little flaw and mistake in her actions.
With it just being the two of us alongside Lydia and Svanna up on the roof of the Hall of Attainment, there’s no one around to see… but even the presence of my Housecarl and the Dragonborn is enough to give Colette pause, as she whimpers and apologizes to me, as a proper Healslut should.
After which, I proceed to praise her for all the things she did RIGHT. I can tell that it’s a surprise for Colette when I do so, her eyes widening as I smile warmly at her and make sure she knows she did a decent job, even with any minor flaws I’d nitpicked about. From the way her legs shake and quiver, her exposed shapely thighs jiggling, I’ve turned her legs to jelly, making her knees knock together not out of fear, but in a good way.
I finish off by kissing her deeply, something that my healslut-in-training happily accepts, her mouth opening wide and her tongue swapping spit with my own for a few moments before I pull away. As she hugs her staff to her chest, causing her top to bunch up a little in the process, I just chuckle, and we soon move on.
The day after that, I approach Faralda about Destruction Magic. I’ve saved her for last, because I’m well aware that her Ritual Quests will take me out of the college. Still, Faralda is as infatuated with me as one might expect, given I used Dream Charm on her. She’s also as introverted as Brelyna, from our scant interactions. In the end, Faralda might be a Master of Destruction Magic, but she’s a complete Novice at social interactions.
That’s probably why she just hands me a book called the Power of the Elements and leaves it at that. The book tells me precisely where to go though, so it’s not that big of a deal. As we prepare to leave the College, a party of four for the first time, I consider going to Tolfdir as well… but ultimately decide against it.
His Ritual Spell Quest is the most irritating, by far. Not only does one have to fight and kill a dragon for it, but they also have to retrieve Kahvozein’s Fang first. Ultimately, I’ve decided I don’t need him to accomplish my plans. We can always handle that later.
And so, the four of us head off, with Colette shivering a little bit in the cold, thanks to her… skimpy outfit. Luckily for her, she had magics that could heat her up, because she was definitely a tad under-dressed at this point.
Our first stop is the Windward Ruins, where the only enemies are Skeevers. We slaughter the few stupid enough to attack our party with ease, and then I place the Power of the Elements book on the nearby pedestal and cast Flame on it. From Windward Ruins, we have to go South, all the way to North Skybound Watch, South-East of Riverwood as it so happens.
I don’t let us get too far off track, but there are multiple places to clear out between those two spots, and of course, I do need to further my darling Healslut’s training. And so, we clear out dungeons and camps and tombs alike, before eventually stopping in Whiterun a couple days later. I make sure to put another Mark down in Uthgerd’s house, and we spend the night there, enjoying each other’s company before moving on.
North Skybound Watch at least has bandits in it, and they put up a tiny bit more of a fight than the Skeevers, which Colette in turn does her best to heal. She’s growing more and more eager for my praise, and considering how eager she was to begin with, that’s saying something. But then, of course. A Healslut’s entire existence should be based around their tank’s praise, though I didn’t use that word. Instead, I’m Colette’s ‘Warrior’, the one who will protect her with my swords, and who she in turn must protect and heal with her magic above all else.
After casting Frostbite on the book at that location, we once more move on. Our final destination lies in The Reach, at a place called Four Skull Lookout. It’s the farthest West I’ve gone, and I won’t lie… that’s partially because I have no desire to visit Markarth and get caught up in that clusterfuck of a city any time soon.
Instead, we stop in Rorikstead on the way to Four Skull Lookout, clear out every cave in between the town and the ruins, and then clear the bandits out of the lookout as well, before I’m finally able to cast Sparks on the book, once its properly on the Pedestal.
With the Power of the Elements teaching me Fire Storm, I figure the damn quest is complete… and for making me travel across the entirety of fucking Skyrim for her Master Quest, I’ve decided I’m going to teach Faralda a lesson VERY soon.
For the time being however, with all of us a little weary, I teleport our party of four back to Birna’s Oddments in Winterhold, a display of magic that decidedly shocks Colette. However, I know for sure that my healslut won’t tell anyone anything… she’s been conditioned properly at this point, and as we all land in Birna’s shop, I look to her with a wicked grin.
Seeing that look on my face, Colette blushes, but immediately drops into a crouch. Bending her long legs at the knee and spreading them apart, she holds her staff in one hand while she uses her other hand to make a V shape with her fingers, bringing them up to either side of her mouth as she sticks out her tongue for a moment.
I’ve trained her well. Stepping forward, I free my cock from its confines and slip it right into her waiting maw, making use of her mouth as she begins to suck and slurp at my dick. After all, a Healslut’s duties don’t end on the battlefield. She might have done her job and kept us topped up and healed as we traveled across the province these last few days, but under the philosophy I’d given her, that was only half of the battle.
In the background, Svanna has already started ‘helping’ Lydia out of her armor, the blushing masochist of a Housecarl letting Svanna begin restraining her with rope, even as Colette sucks my cock. Looking down into the Restoration Specialist’s eyes, I smirk evilly.
“You’ve performed well, pet. But do you think you’ve earned more?”
Using her free hand to stroke my cock up and down, Colette pops her lips off of my prick for a moment, licking her lips with her tongue as she looks up at me.
“My pussy belongs to you, my Warrior. You can punish or reward me… as you see fit~”
Nodding, I reach out and grab the top of her head, guiding her back down onto my cock, sliding her up and down my length as she gurgles noisily.
“That’s right. Hm, I suppose you have been a good girl. Alright then… I’ll fuck you tonight.”
I say it like it’s some big concession, but I was always going to fuck her. Having turned Colette Marence into my own personal healslut… the whole concept turns me on immensely. I just can’t get enough of it. Smiling at me, Colette pulls back when I finally relax my hold on her hair. Rising to her feet, she gives me a sexy pose, flaunting her gorgeous body to me and using her staff like a stripper pole as she licks her lips again.
“Well, you did tell me to work on positioning. How do you want me, my Warrior? Doggystyle? Cowgirl?”
Chuckling, I can’t help but shake my head in mild disbelief at just how… different this Colette is from the Colette of a few days ago. And I’d barely used any Charm Magic on her, besides the Dream Charm! She was just that desperate for affection, that desperate for positive affirmation and approval.
Making my decision, I move into place behind her without actually saying a word in response. Indeed, she’s already put herself in the perfect position by my estimation, and as she realizes what I’m doing, she moans and thrusts her hips out even further, arching her back more and standing up on her tip toes to really get her ass up into the air.
Flipping aside her skirt, I reveal Colette’s pussy. The Restoration Specialist has taken to not just wearing such skimpy attire to win my approval, but also going commando. As such, there’s nothing else in my way as I thrust forward into the healslut, into MY healslut, filling her quim with my cock.
As I fuck her relentlessly, Colette holds onto her Staff of Restoration for dear life, using it as an anchor as her hips rock back and forth, her wanton moans filling the room. Meanwhile, Svanna is toying with Lydia while both of them watch, their eyes drawn to the way I’m pounding into Colette quite vigorously from behind.
It’s too bad I can’t take Colette with me after this, but honestly, a party of four is just too large in my opinion. I’m not even sure how much longer I’m going to let Lydia continue traveling with us. It will likely require a bit of… mental rearrangement by Charm, but I’m going to set up Colette to be able to live without me… and possibly Lydia too, sometime soon.
Colette for sure though, because of course, now that she’s a proper healslut, she needs to be let loose upon the world, or at least the Province of Skyrim. Her ways will no doubt seem odd to people, but I like to imagine she’ll get some converts. Certainly, the Nords might find it more tolerable if all of their mages dress like whores and call themselves ‘healsluts’, begging for Big, Strong Warriors to come and boss them around.
Why, given a decade or so, I could see the entire cultural landscape of Skyrim changing.
But that’s well in the future. For now, Colette is the first of hopefully many, and as I enjoy her body, spanking her ass every once in a while, as she moans wantonly, I reflect that mine and Svanna’s time in Winterhold is getting close to an end.
There’s only one thing more I wish to… arrange before I go about usurping the position of Arch-Mage from Savos Aren. The man has no idea, but his days are numbered. I’ve got the backing of the vast majority of the College behind me now, after all, and with what I know of his cowardice and the events of Labyrinthian, I’m sure I can handle him satisfactorily, alongside Mirabelle.
And with Ancano gone, no one has to even die! It’s a win-win for all involved, to be sure. Well, except for Savos. But it’s about time he retired anyways.


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