Published at 20th of February 2020 12:28:15 PM

Chapter 5

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“Haha! You are a wild child who no one wants!”

“Your superstar mother won’t come to pick you up!”
“… Dare to hit me? We need to educate you today. A wild species without a father or mother!”

Xia An did not expect that she would meet her son in this form.
She did not expect that his villain’s condition was worse than her imagination!
Even if countless boys in the orphanage punched and kicked him in the mud, the thin boy still fiercely resisted.
It was like a wolf cub, even though he looked weak, his actions didn’t show any weakness.
“Stop! Stop! What are you doing!”
The deputy dean leading Xia An to her son saw the scene in front of her and immediately scolded the children who were beating the kid.
She didn’t like Xia An, the slutty ‘Third Party’ at all, but since she was head, she merely said a word and didn’t move to take action.
Although other children heard her words, they got even more aggressive because their behavior was supported. They even regarded it as a ‘task.’
Xia An clearly saw the boy being hit on the ground holding his head, trying to minimize his injuries. From time to time, he would find opportunities to sneak attack on these big boys.
Even a cold-blooded person, such as Xia An, who had experienced the doomsdays, looked at the little boy who was insulted and couldn’t help feeling a little moved.
Raising her eyes, Xia An glanced at the Deputy Dean, walking beside her, then glanced at the boys fighting not far away.
She quickly ran to her son and then–
“Help —“
Xia An, with one hand, threw the group of boys who were crushing her son.
That’s right! She threw them away! And she used a lot of strength on that!
The deputy dean of the orphanage watched in confusion as Xia An threw the boys. The person was harsh, and her jaw almost dropped.
The little guy who had been holding his head to protect himself raised his head blankly when he heard screams.
He saw an elder sister who looked very beautiful, just like a fairy, standing in front of him, and helping him to throw the bullies away, one by one.
At that moment, the little guy felt that the fairy sister seemed to be more beautiful than his sister …
After Xia An threw away all the children who bullied her son, her eyes turned to her son. She raised her eyebrows and said lightly, “Stand up by yourself.”
The child heard Xia An’s words and stood up subconsciously.
It was just that the puppet looked pitiful.
Good, at least he wasn’t a spoiled child, he was worth training!
When Xia An saw the little guy who was bruised all over, he didn’t even shed a tear and didn’t sigh. She was very satisfied.
After all, if she were to have a weeping pampering bag or a bully as a child who couldn’t understand human speech, then she couldn’t stand it.
“What is your name?”
Although Xia An knew that her boy was a big villain, to be honest, she hadn’t really heard of the name of this big villain from her sister’s mouth.
He wasn’t the protagonist, after all!
“Fu Yu.”
Xia An frowned slightly.
“What Yu? Yu for Wealth?”
She felt that it would definitely not mean rich.
Sure enough, Xia An’s conjecture was correct.
The boy lowered his head and said stiffly.
“More of Yuyu.”
“This name is awful.”, Xia An snorted coldly.
Although Xia An was cold-blooded, she was very guarded. As long as she was in a group, everyone should be the ones she trusted.
However, very few people have been assigned to the group by her.
In the doomsdays, only her sister was.
And now …
She decided that this child would also be included in her group to protect.
After all, in the future, she could rely on him for retirement
Although he became a villain and did terrible things, her son was a real genius!
If it weren’t for the heroine’s sake, he could be the richest man in the world!
His ability to attract riches was terrific!
After all, if he had no money, the boy couldn’t snatch the female lead from the male lead and imprison her.
When Xia An was thinking about being the richest mother in the world, living a carefree life, eating whatever she wanted, and doing whatever she wanted, she didn’t notice her future richest man being frustrated after hearing her call his name disgusting. He was caught in a kind of self-loathing.
“Well … not awful at all …”
The little boy squeezed his lips tightly, his eyes were full of mist, but he clenched his fists tightly so that his tears would not fall.
He didn’t know why, when he heard this beautiful sister say that his name was not good, he felt very sad …
However, what the little guy didn’t expect was the next sentence that made his tears fall instantly.
“You don’t feel good about the name, do you? From today, your name is Xia Xingchen, the stars of the sea!”
Xia An looked at her future richest son with a smile, and naturally changed her family’s cheaper name.
“Well, let’s call you Xiaoxing! Xia Xiaoxing!”
Xia An fell into memory.
‘Sister, if the doomsdays are over, I must have twins. My daughter will be named Xia Canruo and my son … Xia Xingchen! ‘
‘puff! Of course, I accidentally realized your wish.’
Suddenly the sound of water droplets falling to the ground interrupted Xia An’s memories.
When she looked back, she saw the little boy who was just below her waist, staring at her and crying without blinking.
In those big watery eyes, crystal clear tears fell on the cheeks, dropping to the ground.
“Why are you crying?”
Xia An didn’t like to watch people cry. Even if he was a child, she didn’t like this behavior.
“I, I don’t know …”
The little guy seemed to realize that he was crying suddenly. He raised his little hands and wiped the tears on his face indiscriminately.
After scrubbing, he looked up anxiously and peeped at Xia An.
In the end, the little guy still couldn’t restrain the curiosity and joy in his heart, he murmured.” Sister, you gave me a name to adopt me?”
It had been a week since he was sent to the orphanage. During that week, his grandmother, who always loved him, never appeared …
And his father and aunt even disappeared.
He didn’t even see his favorite sister for a long time.
Although he used to live in that big house, he wasn’t really happy.
His father didn’t care about him. His aunt hated him, even his sister, sometimes didn’t want to play with him …
But even so, he still wanted to stay there.
And now … he arrived at the orphanage. He could not eat or sleep, and he was often bullied by other kids …
Everyone said he was abandoned, and everyone said he was a wild species.
Everyone said that … his superstar mom was a bad woman, a bad woman who didn’t want him …
“Sister? Adopt?”
She looked at the little fellow’s red eyes that looked like a rabbit’s and suddenly thought that her son was cute.
“Xia Xingchen, let me introduce myself. Hello, I’m your mother, Xia An. You can call me, Mom.”

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