Demon Wolf - Chapter 29

Published at 5th of January 2024 07:27:42 AM

Chapter 29

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Wolf spent eight weeks reading books in Widepasture, then took another fortnight traveling towards the Earth Pavilion mountains. In these months since his body had grown, he had gained nearly one hundred and fifty kilos, yet his torturous famine still blazed, burning his guts and brain alike.

Thankfully, the liability he posed to self and others lessened, and the periods he could endure without chewing increased. Still, Wolf often forced himself to eat near bursting to gain the required weight as soon as possible.

There was little need for him to spend seventy-odd days in the House of Fairness. However, the admittance trial for the Earth Pavilion was over two months away, and he lacked better things to do other than read.

While traveling, Wolf experienced a rare display of optimism, which resulted in the collapse of yet another rift he had passed. The fourth sneeze cemented his belief; his misery was no accident, and that the woman behind his banishment wanted to keep him locked in the Demon World.

Since that was the case, the only answer was seeking power and knowledge.

Along the way, he grew sick of the endless grassy plains. The only trees he saw were in neat orchards, and the sight of industrially lined fruit-trees disturbed him. Boreo’s citizens growing flora and fauna solely for food made him think the country was more voracious than him.

And after the dull, uneventful journey, he finally reached a forest. A land of disorderly plants and bushes, its edges trimmed with surgical precision.

I wonder whether these guys have Bush Enforcers, or some other parody force tasked with keeping the grassland free of shrubbery?

Wolf glanced at a wooden sign saying, ‘Welcome to Earth Pavilion’.

It looks ancient; its elegant calligraphy is in stark contrast with Boreo’s random declarations, speed limits and such. Then again, having signposts around is handy and appears reputable. I should erect some in my domain when I return.

Wolf followed the forest path, noting that, just like the sign, the roads within Earth Pavilion proper were of a different make than Boreo’s highways. Unlike jigsaw puzzle cobbles, this path was made of packed earth, harder than stone.

Am I imagining it, or does this road feel familiar? Wolf thoughts drifted towards Sunder the Mountains’s aura, but then he shook his head. No, that’s not it. Wait… It’s that great wall separating savages from the kingdom.

He bent down and touched the smooth surface. Unless I’m wrong, it’s the same building technique.

“Out of the way, peasant!” a fancy-dressed girl, riding a long-necked, four-meter-tall running bird shouted, barreling towards Wolf.

His first instinct was to kill the bird and the rider, but he failed to recognize the Monster Beast based on its looks. Back when he was a boy, Wolf would have taken the challenge head on; but after gaining experience in Fellwood, he knew pointless risks were for suckers.

Dodge. He jumped to the side, rolling on the roadside grass while the girl guffawed.

She’s just a child, younger than Kira, his fatherly side said.

She’s a crazy wench who tried to trample a pedestrian on a public road while going over the speed limit. Wolf’s rational side still wanted her dead or maimed, to rid the world of a future menace. With that mindset, gods know how many people she’ll kill.

The curious part of him gazed after the strange land-bound bird, taking in its fancy tail feathers and the predatory noiseless dash, which seemed impossible for such a massive creature. Even though it’s slightly different from the bestiary’s description, that seems like a Sprinting Peacock; a Blood Saturating realm Monster Beast. I could roast it? It should be an excellent replacement for Lindworm meat, diversifying my diet.

Stop thinking about food and spanking children. You’re a grown-ass man. Act like it. Wolf stood, dusting his grass-stained white clothes. Even though he wanted to, Wolf had no idea what a grown-ass man should do given his circumstances.

It was too late to chase after the rider, and once he meets her in Earth Pavilion he cannot attack, and shouting curses at her departing back seemed too primitive. Am I supposed to act like nothing happened? Back home commoners sometimes fled before nobles’ carriages. Am I to act like a weakling?

As Wolf walked, the unexpected situation occupied way too much of his attention. He was so engrossed in replays and alternate histories, he nearly missed a soft beating of padded feet against the hard road.

He turned just in time to see another Sprinting Peacock rider. She was roughly fourteen years old, opening her mouth to shout.

“Move, peas—” This time, Wolf moved.

Book appeared in his hand, and time turned to syrup. The giant bird’s black feathers glistened with blue and green hues in the afternoon sun. Its tapering pointy beak, which resembled a stiletto dagger, hung ajar as the bird gasped for air.

It’s exhausted. This stupid girl’s been running her mount ragged. 

He shifted his gaze down. Sprinting Peacock’s legs are tougher than steel. Unlike attacking equine Monster Beasts, I probably can’t sever its legs without using Sunder the Mountains. The neck is slightly too high for me, but I’ll reach it with a modest jump…

Wolf jumped.

“… a-n-t!” the girl continued her distorted shout, her lips still twisted in perverse joy of trampling her opponent, while her mind remained oblivious of the impending threat.

Book’s runes glowed, and the tired bird’s eyes widened as it sensed its imminent demise. The peacock tumbled, struggling to dodge. Unfortunately, it was too late. Its peaceful life had dulled its survival instincts, while the consecutive hours it had sprinted exhausted its body. Speckled sword’s luminous edge sheared through the base of the giant peacock’s neck, severing its head.

The bird had been running a hundred and twenty kilometers an hour. The abrupt loss of its head, and the ensuing tangling of its legs, catapulted the rider into the air.

Wolf watched the girl lurch and rolled his eyes. If I let her fall, she’ll break her bones at best, die on the spot at worst… and I would be legally accountable.

Still mid-jump, he snatched the backside of her fancy warrior’s garb, then sent his senses dormant. Even with his steely body and fifteen times the girl’s weight, she still uncomfortably yanked his arm, throwing him off balance. Wolf spun midair, burning Anima yet again, calculating the best landing and outcome for the girl.

While her mouth hung open like a fish, too stunned to scream, her clothes ripped as Wolf threw her towards the softest-looking bushes he saw. He himself somersaulted, landing on his feet with relaxed grace.

Pretending he did not hear the terrified scream, nor the ensuing crash and wailing, Wolf went over to his chicken dinner.

I should move the carcass off the road, to prevent the blood from pooling while I bleed it. Suddenly, he stopped.

The road is absorbing the blood? Wolf observed with fascination as blood disappeared nearly as quickly as it pooled. Then, I can bleed it here.

While Wolf worked, preparing his rations, the pained sobs devolved into curses, and a young lady wearing tattered and very indecent garb stumbled out of the shrubbery.

“You! Fuck—” she screamed, summoning a sword into her hand.

“If you dare attack me without probable cause, I’ll break six bones, in accordance with self-protection act, article seventeen, excessive force, subsection three.” Wolf did not deign her a glance and proceeded cleaving her mount. “The bones I will fracture in case of assault are your clavicles, ilium and elbow joints, which, while not bones, are considered as such in accordance with trauma and injury law. I also retain the right to temporarily dislodge your hand and finger joints and tear your tendons, while legally complying with the excessive force law.”

The young woman froze, her mouth slack, and her sword-hand quivering with rage. Wolf did not look at her, knowing her thoughts.

She’s wondering whether I’m bluffing. She probably doesn’t know the laws I cited. Based on her reckless rampage, nobody ever taught her anything like common decency. I must ensure Sky doesn’t grow like this.

“You’re stealing Jiji!” she finally shouted, her voice quivering with rage and humiliation.

“If you’re referring to my dinner; in accordance with the self-protection act, article twenty-one, defense against Monster Beast attacks, manlings are allowed to use lethal force. In case of slaying the berserk Monster Beast, the defending party keeps the right to the carcass as compensation for any physical and mental trauma they have suffered. This includes the attacking Monster Beast’s nub.”

Wolf turned around to face the girl for the first time. She had twigs in her hair, several scrapes and red spots, which were bound to bruise. Her lower lip quivered, and her clenched hands shook. Her robe was completely ruined and even failed to perform its most basic task.

She didn’t even shield herself with Qi when she fell…

“You should change your clothes; your tits fell out,” Wolf kindly reminded the inexperienced girl.

She grit her teeth, raising her blade.

“Collarbone fractures hurt like a bitch, as does a shattered hip. Think before you act.” Wolf’s voice remained emotionless, and after confirming he had broken the girl’s courage and curbed her arrogance, he turned back to butchering her mount.

Unfortunately, the bird weighed less than two tons. Once I get rid of the feathers, bones and other inedibles, I’ll be lucky to get seven hundred kilos of flesh; only three hundred or so are prime meat. Maybe two hundred.

Wolf frowned in dissatisfaction, but then heard the beating of rapidly approaching provisions.

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