Published at 2nd of May 2021 05:30:22 PM

Chapter 1038: 1038

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The six masters of Ming island have destroyed four of them, and the remaining two are not enough for fear.

"On the way to the center of the four beasts, the only way out is here?" Xuanyuanche looked up at Yunzhao Dao in a good mood after Liuyue took the beads.

Yunzhao nodded: "yes, it can only be here."

This is the most central place of the underground imperial mausoleum. If you want to go out, you have to go here. That's absolutely the only way.

"Wait for the rabbit." Ryukyu swallowed the beads and raised his eyebrows to the two men.

Xuanyuanche and Yunzhao nodded at the same time.

This is the final terminal of the eight channels.

It's better to wait here than to turn back to other channels to find the remaining two Ming islands. Anyway, if you want to come out, you must go here.

Wait for work with ease, why not do it.

Now, the three of them are at ease.

Dugu ye, who had been silent for a long time, didn't have much expression when he saw this. He walked around the central palace slowly, as if appreciating the hundred year old Mausoleum of Xuesheng kingdom.

Obviously, he also agreed with xuanyuanche and others.

The light is quiet and bright, the wind blows and the air is cold.

Half a day, one day, two days

Time passed quickly, no one, the remaining two islands seemed to disappear from the sky, did not appear at all.

"What's the matter?" Ryukyu sat on the platform frowning.

Two days later, even if I lost my way to the southeast and northwest, I would have come by virtue of the six masters of Ming island.

Where did the two go?

"The mechanism has been activated many times." Yunzhao leaned against the throne of the central palace and watched the slow road of a row of hourglasses.

Are the remaining two of them directly dealt with by the mechanism, and they didn't even come here?

Look at each other, four people silent.

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