Published at 2nd of May 2021 05:29:29 PM

Chapter 1068: 1068

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If you break down, no one can deal with the island of Hades, no one will avenge him, and you can't do what he entrusted you with.

Who is lighter and who is heavier, Ryukyu, you are so smart, you should be very clear. "

The words are sharp and the voice cries blood.

Ouyang Yufei's words beat heavily on Ryukyu's heart.

Blue sky, white clouds, high mountains and flowing water.

No one will be sad for him, leaving her, no one has the ability to avenge him.

Then I will regret it, collapse it, and suppress it deeply.

At that time, she will tell him in person.

At that time, they will still fly together.

Cold low head, that cold face in no other expression.

Pushing away Ouyang Yufei lightly, Ryukyu turned around and walked towards the horse: "yes, I know, so from now on, I will not be weak."

Che, before I avenge you, please let me not be weak, not regret.

Watching Ryukyu go towards the horses, Ouyang Yufei makes a wry smile and suddenly comes forward with a knife.

"Bang." Dull collision.

Ryukyu's hand knife, which was on Ouyang Yufei's hand, was cold on her face. When she was sober, she would never be attacked like this for the second time.

"You need a rest. I'll take you." Ouyang Yu Fei looks at Ryukyu and says in a soft voice, but the other hand cuts down like lightning.

I haven't had a rest for five days and five nights. I can't stand it because I'm not beaten by iron.

He reached out his hand and hugged the body of Ryukyu. Ouyang Yufei sighed deeply. He mounted the horse and rode in the direction of the northern herdsman.

Blue sky, white clouds, red sun, wanton distribution of its power.

But it's not hot in people's hearts.

There, there is never a cold hell.

Tianchen king xuanyuanche is assassinated and returns to heaven.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!