Published at 29th of May 2020 11:33:49 AM

Chapter 651

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Commands sounded from far away in the night. There were swords glinting in the whole area where the Xianbei seventeen clans had camped. It was heavily guarded.

Xianbei was considered formidable on the grassland. With all the chiefs present, everyone calmed down in the shortest possible time. Bows and arrows were drawn. Cold steel glinted. There was no more chaos.

If they were not chaotic, then how could anyone fish in troubled waters?

Four to six hours passed and nothing abnormal happened.

The assassin seemed to have left.

Looking up, little bits of distant blue peeked through the dark sky. It was almost morning.

Xiongkuo Chief waved away the other chiefs and slowly walked towards his own tent. He was busy the whole night and hadn’t slept. He wanted to rest and talk tomorrow.

He walked into the tent. Without exception, the guards in the tent all left.

After Xiongkuo Chief saw that everyone had left, he slowly extended his hand. His palm was filled with sweat. He heavily frowned as he let out a long sigh.

He had never been so afraid in so many years. They were all here and on their own territory. But someone came and went as he wished and succeeded in assassinating one of them. This simply annihilated all of their dignity and disturbed all of their hearts.

The other side was so strong. But they…… They……

Xiongkuo Chief was still mulling things over. His eyes suddenly jumped. A figure was sitting in the shadows in his tent. That beautiful face hidden in the dark slightly smiled to him.

Yelu LiuYue. Yelu LiuYue.

“You……” Xiongkuo Chief was very frightened. He pointed to LiuYue, who was sitting in a chair. He couldn’t speak. His face twisted as if he saw a ghost.

“Don’t speak. Otherwise, my hand might slip.” Xiongkuo Chief didn’t know when, but a figure had come up behind him. An icy-cold hand wrapped around Xiongkuo Chief’s neck.

The extremely frightened Xiongkuo Chief actually didn’t even have time to think of resisting before he was captured.

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