Desolate Devouring Art - Chapter 222

Published at 31st of May 2024 07:13:54 AM

Chapter 222: Chaos

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Chapter 222 - Chaos

Liu Wuxie was puzzled by Prince Ruyang and his wife's presence in the Imperial City, given their duty to investigate the Terrabreak Army matter.

He turned to Senior Chen, asking, “When did you two return to the Imperial City?” He remembered that Chen Yusheng and his wife were assigned to guard the west border and rarely returned to the Imperial City. It had been over a month since they parted ways in the Dragon Rock Mountain Range.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving Liu Wuxie, Chen Yusheng, and Qin Biyu behind, Chen Yusheng revealed, “Well, we returned mainly because there has been a major upheaval in the royal clan.” This was the first time he had shared such information with someone outside his close circle.

Over the past few years, Prince Yongxian had been gradually eroding the imperial authority of the emperor, seizing half of the military power. It seemed only a matter of time before he would attempt to usurp the throne, a move that would undoubtedly cause an uproar.

Intrigued, Liu Wuxie asked, “What’s the upheaval about?” He felt it would be rude not to inquire further since Chen Yusheng had brought it up.

Chen Yusheng lowered his voice and said, “This is a long story. There’s an upheaval in the royal clan, which has something to do with you.” He hadn’t expected that the upheaval in the Great Yan Dynasty would somehow be connected to Liu Wuxie.

This made Liu Wuxie frown, and he soon guessed something. He said, “This isn’t the place to talk. Let’s discuss it at my place.”

Liu Wuxie extended an invitation to prevent eavesdropping.


Liu Wuxie closed the door, and with a wave of his hand, he set up a spiritual array in the courtyard. He inserted four flags into the corners, creating an invisible barrier that prevented anyone from eavesdropping on their conversation, even if they used their divine sense. This array didn’t restrict anyone’s freedom; its primary purpose was to ensure privacy.

Chen Yusheng and Qin Biyu exchanged surprised glances. Liu Wuxie’s proficiency in spiritual arrays, in addition to his talent in alchemy, was impressive, especially considering his young age. As they sat down, Qin Biyu personally poured tea for the two of them.

In the eyes of Chen Yusheng and his wife, Liu Wuxie was more than just a young man. Despite their higher cultivation levels, they acknowledged that they couldn’t match his combat prowess. They remembered how Liu Wuxie had easily defeated Xuanyuan Guang and Cui Shao on the Dragon Rock Mountain Range.

With no outsiders present, they could speak freely. Liu Wuxie, having some guesses about the situation, still wanted to hear it from Chen Yusheng. He was surprised that his actions had caused such a commotion. Foll0ww current novÊls on nov/3l/b((in).(co/m)

“Do you still remember the matter of the Cloud Xing Pavilion?” Chen Yusheng asked, taking a sip of tea. Upon his return to the Imperial City, he had learned about the events at the Cloud Xing Pavilion and was surprised by the stir Liu Wuxie had caused.

Liu Wuxie nodded in response, indicating that his understanding was more or less in line with what he had guessed.

Chen Yusheng then explained, “After the conspiracy of the Blood Mirage Pills was exposed, Prince Yongxian lost his source of income and could no longer maintain his troops. Without the Black Shell Pills, the troops would gradually lose control and fight among themselves.” He knew that Prince Yongxian had been nurturing a troop of killing machines with Black Shell Pills, but he didn’t have a solution yet.

Liu Wuxie acknowledged this. He knew that to contain their ferocity, everyone in the troop had to consume a Black Shell Pill daily. After the Blood Mirage Pills lost their market, the Cloud Xing Pavilion struggled to make ends meet.

Thus, Prince Yongxian found himself in a predicament. He was forced to spend money to procure ingredients for the Black Shell Pills, but this was not a sustainable solution. Within a mere span of twenty days, Prince Yongxian had already hit his limit.

“So, are you suggesting that Prince Yongxian is planning to seize the throne sooner than he initially intended?” The situation was clear. Prince Yongxian planned to act when the time was right, but Liu Wuxie’s appearance had disrupted his plans, prompting him to launch his scheme in advance. Thus, this placed the Great Yan Dynasty in a civil war crisis.

“When do we leave?” Liu Wuxie had no choice but to agree with it.

“Excellent. It’s still early, and we can head to the palace now!” Chen Yusheng rarely spoke and always wore a stern expression. He had to lead soldiers in battles, and it would be hard for him to command his troops if he was too friendly.

His habit was formed through the years, but he looked like an entirely different person today. The three left the courtyard and headed to the royal palace. Before they left the Imperial Academy, a military officer rushed in.

“Lord, it’s critical! The Emperor’s health has taken a sudden turn for the worse, and he’s now in a deep coma.” Chen Yusheng had dispatched the officer to keep watch at the palace and report any developments.

He hadn’t anticipated that the Emperor’s condition would deteriorate so rapidly in just a day. When he had visited his royal cousin the previous day, the latter was still somewhat lucid.

“We can’t afford to waste time; we must hurry!” Liu Wuxie also grasped the gravity of the situation. If the Emperor were to pass away, Prince Yongxian could ascend the throne. In such a scenario, he would naturally become the prime target, having thwarted Prince Yongxian’s plans on multiple occasions.

Therefore, whether out of a sense of duty or self-interest, Liu Wuxie was compelled to save the Emperor.

The four executed a movement technique to speed through the streets swiftly, arriving outside the palace in less than two hours.

“Halt! Identify yourselves!” Five soldiers emerged from the gate, obstructing their path.

“How dare you obstruct me! Don’t you recognize who I am?!” Chen Yusheng was livid. While others might need to announce their arrival before entering, he, being of royal blood, should have unrestricted access to the palace.

“Prince Ruyang, please don’t make things difficult for us. We can’t let anyone enter the palace without the Emperor's decree.” The five guards stood firm, denying them entry.

Chen Yusheng hesitated to force his way in, wary that it might provide others with a pretext to accuse him and strip him of his military authority. However, if he couldn’t gain entry, he wouldn’t be able to attend to his royal cousin. This put Chen Yusheng in a predicament.

“Senior Chen, you should be familiar with the head of the royal guards, correct?” Liu Wuxie cast a glance over the five guards and smirked.

“I can identify most of them!” Chen Yusheng responded. He might not be able to recognize every guard, but he was familiar with most of their commanding officers.

“Ask them who their commanding officer is!” Liu Wuxie instructed.

A thought dawned on Chen Yusheng, and he fixed the five guards with a gaze filled with lethal intent. He demanded, “Who is your commanding officer? Speak the truth!”

Confronted with Chen Yusheng’s thunderous demand, the five guards recoiled. However, they didn’t back down and instead advanced, declaring, “Prince Ruyang, you dare to trespass into the palace! This is a capital crime!”

“They’re not the royal guards. If my guess is correct, the actual guards must have been killed by now.” Liu Wuxie was reluctant to accept it, but the unfolding events aligned with his conjectures.

“I remember now! They weren’t on duty when I departed from the palace!” The officer who had come to relay the news to Chen Yusheng chimed in after hearing Liu Wuxie’s words.

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