Desolate Devouring Art - Chapter 43

Published at 31st of May 2024 07:21:11 AM

Chapter 43: Calm and Composed

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Chapter 43 - Calm and Composed

No one in Azure Billow City dared to call the Wolf Fang Mercenary ignorant. Even the patriarchs of the four big clans didn’t dare to say that.

Hundreds of eyes turned to Liu Wuxie, who wore a faint smile on his bright face. His high nose bridge and slightly upturned lips accentuated his handsome features.

“Boy, do you have a death wish, calling us ignorant?” A mercenary jumped out from the group. He was at the fifth level of the Xiantian Realm and launched a hand chop at Liu Wuxie. This was the Wolf Fang Mercenary’s style. Their attacks were ruthless, and they wouldn’t allow their opponent to catch their breath.

Xu Yishan was taken aback by this turn of events and moved to intervene. Though he might not have liked Liu Wuxie, he couldn’t stand idly and watch him be killed.

But Liu Wuxie was quick to react, drawing his blade and swinging it down. No one could follow the path of his sword. By the time they realized what had happened, Liu Wuxie had already sheathed his blade, and the mercenary who had attacked him stood frozen in place.

In the next instant, blood spurted from the mercenary’s neck as he collapsed to the ground, lifeless. He had been killed with a single stroke of the blade!

Everyone who witnessed it gasped in shock, including members of the Tian and Wan Clans. They were left dumbstruck with their mouths agape. The eyes of the Xu Clan’s guards bulged in disbelief. They had been mocking Liu Wuxie as trash just earlier that day, so how could he have executed such a deadly strike?

Xu Yishan halted in his tracks, his emotions in turmoil, unable to put into words what he was feeling.

The experts from the Tian and Wan Clans were mildly surprised by Liu Wuxie’s sudden appearance, but they didn’t pay much attention to someone they considered to be garbage. In fact, it was better for them if he was there because then Master Huo couldn’t blame them if Liu Wuxie were to die. But Liu Wuxie’s blade had shocked them all. It was like a resounding slap in the face, not just for them but also for the Xu Clan’s guards.

This was because they had never held back their mockery of Liu Wuxie, hurling all manner of vicious insults at him.

“W-Who the hell are you?!” Tian Qihong pointed at Liu Wuxie with disbelief. He couldn’t believe that a garbage like Liu Wuxie could easily kill someone in the fifth level of the Xiantian Realm with one blade strike. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Everyone present, friend and foe alike, waited with bated breath for Liu Wuxie’s response. This was not the Liu Wuxie they thought they knew.

Wolf Fang narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene. Upon entering the camp, he had sensed a hint of danger, but he couldn’t pinpoint its source. Could it be emanating from this frail-looking youth standing before him? Wolf Fang had encountered countless people in his lifetime, but he couldn’t detect any threat from Liu Wuxie. In fact, Liu Wuxie made him feel rather at ease.

But Wolf Fang knew that the more beautiful a snake, the more poisonous it was. He could sense that this young man was exerting a great deal of pressure on him, but he forced himself to remain calm. He could feel an intangible weight bearing down upon his shoulders. It was a pressure that couldn’t be seen or touched, but it was undeniably there.

“Does it matter who I am right now?” Liu Wuxie mocked. His identity was of no consequence to these people, as they were enemies.

“I’m surprised that a piece of trash like you could make such a comeback. But this is perfect because now we can kill you today. So what if you managed to kill someone in the fifth level of the Xiantian Realm? You’re still going to die either way!” Tian Qihong took a deep breath to quell the rage boiling within him. Liu Wuxie had killed one of the Wolf Fang Mercenaries, and Wolf Fang would surely take revenge without them having to lift a finger.

“No,” Liu Wuxie refused.

The atmosphere around them suddenly grew tense. Liu Wuxie and Wolf Fang were talking calmly, with no signs of aggression. But for some reason, everyone felt on edge, and the tension was palpable.

“Fine! Let me experience Young Master Liu’s strength then!” Wolf Fang thought that being killed was better than cutting off an arm. He couldn't agree to Liu Wuxie’s demand, and Liu Wuxie knew it. Right from the start, Liu Wuxie had no intention of letting anyone leave. It was as simple as that.

“If I can’t kill you within three moves, I’ll spare your life.” Liu Wuxie drew his blade, and everyone quickly backed down, clearing a space for Liu Wuxie and Wolf Fang to fight.

“Enough of this nonsense, get out of here!” Xu Yishan finally lost his patience and tried to stop Liu Wuxie from causing any more trouble. After all, Liu Wuxie had squandered their opportunity and angered Wolf Fang.

“Are you talking to me?” Liu Wuxie turned to Xu Yishan with a cold stare, causing the latter to flinch in fear. The sharp aura emanating from Liu Wuxie’s eyes nearly blinded Xu Yishan, and he froze on the spot, intimidated.

But Liu Wuxie ignored Xu Yishan and walked towards the cleared space. The situation had progressed too far for anyone to stop it now.

“Deacon Hu, take everyone and guard the exit. No one is allowed to leave the camp tonight.” Liu Wuxie instructed, turning to look at Deacon Hu. He wanted to ensure that none of the raiders could escape the camp that night.

Deacon Hu glanced at Xu Yishan before nodding and sealing off the exit with the Xu Clan’s guards. The Tian and Wan Clans didn’t stop them, including Wolf Fang. Anyone could tell that only one party could survive that night.

“Is the young master insane? How can he possibly defeat Wolf Fang in three moves? It’s impossible unless he’s in the high levels of the Spirit Cleansing Realm,” the Xu Clan’s guards whispered among themselves. They were torn between respect and resentment towards Liu Wuxie. After all, he had ruined their chance to reduce the number of their enemies.

Everyone thought Wolf Fang wanted to retreat out of concern for the Xu Clan, not Liu Wuxie. However, only Wolf Fang knew that his sudden desire to quit was due to Liu Wuxie, not the Xu Clan.

But Liu Wuxie didn’t bother to explain himself. Time would prove everything; the weak could only look up to the strong.

“Why did he have to drag us down if he wanted to die? In the worst scenario, we can surrender after his death. I just hope Wolf Fang can spare us.” Discussions sounded from the surroundings because no one was optimistic about Liu Wuxie. They could even foresee Liu Wuxie being chopped into pieces by Wolf Fang.

On the other hand, Xu Yishan was surprisingly calm. This was because the look in Liu Wuxie’s eyes earlier had made him feel like he was being watched by a powerful beast.

Wolf Fang’s weapon was a spiked club, and this was where his nickname Wolf Fang came from. His real name had long been forgotten by everyone.

A cold wind stirred up the dust on the ground as Liu Wuxie and Wolf Fang sprang into action. They both bolted forth and clashed together. Their exchange was so fast that their figures blurred, and everyone could only hear the clashing between their weapons echoing in the camp.

Simultaneously, a suffocating aura swept out, and the pressure nearly made the miners in the surroundings collapse. Tian Qihong’s face also became ugly because he could tell that Wolf Fang had brought out his full strength, but he couldn’t even touch the corner of Liu Wuxie’s clothes.

This was a strange scene because everyone expected Liu Wuxie to be killed. But instead, he calmly parried Wolf Fang’s attacks, biding his time as he prepared to strike back.

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