Published at 18th of July 2022 06:40:00 AM

Chapter 2

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Wen Yu opened Shao Cixin’s profile, double checking to make sure it was her. She went back to the chat interface, and finally showed a look of confusion.

[Wen Yu]: What do you mean?

Is Shao Cixin breaking up with her? She clearly likes her so much, how could she say something like this? 

There was no way Shao Cixin wouldn’t understand how confused Wen Yu is… But who cares? It’s none of her business! She doesn’t give a shit what that wolf-hearted bitch is thinking. The heart that once belonged to Wen Yu was crushed in that car accident.

Wen Yu? Ha! Bitch, crawl for me!

[Shao Cixin]: I mean it literally. I’m not interested in you anymore and so I’m breaking up with you. Got it?

Shao Cixin learned from her past life, and immediately blocked and deleted her.

Wen Yu saw the red exclamation point in the chat box and thought, “she really did it.”

A moment later, any emotion in Wen Yu’s eyes was replaced by indifference. She swiped to delete their chat history. Forget it, Shao Cixin isn’t important anyway – only Tian Jiahe makes her feel anything. Besides, Shao Cixin likes her so much. She’ll come crawling back soon enough.

Shao Cixin is just playing a childish game, and Wen Yu doesn’t care. To clear her head, she goes outside.


Shao Cixin put down her phone, feeling an unprecedented sense of joy when she thinks about that look of surprise on Wen Yu’s face.

She’s an unmarried young lady now; why should Wen Yu be allowed to trample on her dignity?

She suddenly thought of her parents.

Her parents were always good to her, and held her in their hands like a baby to protect her. But, she died in a car accident in her previous life, leaving her parents to bury their child…

Shao Cixin closed her eyes. She didn’t dare to think deeply about the desperate look that must have been on her parents’ faces. In this life, for herself and for her parents, she must live carefully, and she can’t take her heart out to be trampled on again!

After making her decision, she picked up her phone and called her mother, Lu Lan.

There’s nothing wrong, she just suddenly wanted to hear her mother’s voice.


The familiar voice came from the phone receiver, as if nothing had changed. She seemed to have never left, she’d never had that sad past, and she was still the beloved and carefree child of the Shao family.

Lu Lan asked gently, “What’s wrong, do you miss your mother? Or did something happen?”

That same gentle tone, that same care.

Shao Cixin suddenly thought of Wen Yu’s appearance, protecting Tian Jiahe, and then she thought of the car accident. Her grievances suddenly surged forward like a flood, her beautiful peach blossom eyes turning red. She turned her head and buried her face in the pillow, holding back tears.

“I’m okay,” she said softly, “I just miss you and Dad…”

It’s great to be alive.

It’s great to see you again.

Lu Lan said softly, “We also miss you, baby. Come back and stay at home for a few days. Your dad’s mood isn’t very good these days, and he’ll be so happy to see you.”

Shao Cixin immediately understood where her father’s irritability was coming from. In fact, the time of her rebirth is both good and bad.

Fortunately, Wen Yu and her have not married yet – she won’t waste her time with Wen Yu.

The company already has problems. Because of the company’s lack of funds, many projects have been forced to a stop. She wanted her father to be on guard against some villains, but it’s too late now.

The marriage between the Wen family and the Shao family was due to these problems. The Wen family won’t invest for unrelated people – businessmen are profit-oriented, and the two families are not familiar with each other – but if they become a family, their interests will suddenly be closely aligned. Most importantly, the marriage was proposed by the Wen family.

Shao Cixin didn’t know how her father, Shao Heng, and the Wen family talked about this – how they came up with the marriage. Even Shao Heng himself did not expect that the Wen family would take the initiative to propose this condition.

Of course, Shao Heng also did not mean to “sell” his daughter directly. When the Wen family proposed marriage, he did not immediately agree. This is a lifelong matter for his daughter. He needs to discuss with his daughter before giving a reply. The Wen family agreed.

In her previous life, Shao Cixin was very decisive. Since Wen Yu was the one in her heart, isn’t it just marrying her sweetheart? I can save the family company as well, what else would I need to be satisfied?

But she will not jump into the pit of fire that is Wen Yu again. If her parents knew how Wen Yu treated her, they would definitely oppose this marriage.

As for how to do it…

Forget it, one step at a time. She didn’t believe that marrying Wen Yu was the only way to save the Shao family.

Obviously, Shao Heng did not want Lu Lan to worry, so he did not let her know.

Shao Cixin understood what her father wanted to do, and so decided to temporarily keep it secret from her mother. She replied cheerfully, “okay, I will come back and stay with you after the premiere, the day after tomorrow.”


“Hong Lian” held its premiere in Fengcheng at 1:30 in the afternoon. Shao Cixin was at home, sitting in front of the mirror, and having her makeup done by the makeup artist.

The person in the mirror was outstanding in appearance, with a pair of passionate and romantic peach blossom eyes, delicate and beautiful facial features, and a beauty that was aggressive, but not harsh.

The long, smooth, dense hair was draped over her shoulders, making the red lips look even more beautiful and attractive.

Shao Cixin looked at herself and felt a sense of dazedness.

She hadn’t seen herself like this in a long time.

Sitting in front of the dressing mirror, she was full of enthusiasm for her beloved career, and she didn’t have to worry about a woman who didn’t love her.

She liked this woman in the mirror – there was a hint of a smile on her face, which was especially pleasing to the eye.

Rong Ya, the agent behind her, happened to look over and saw her smiling. The mature face showed confusion: “What are you smiling at?”

Shao Cixin raised her eyebrows playfully: “Of course I’m thinking of something happy.”

After rebirth, she abandoned the scum woman, and her career could set sail again. What could be more happy than that?


She is now the happiest person in the world!

Rong Ya gossiped and asked, “What’s the matter? Let me be happy too?”

Shao Cixin responded sweetly, “Secret~”

After saying that, she put on makeup with a good mood.

Rong Ya raised her eyebrows.

She felt that Shao Cixin seemed to have changed into another person, but she couldn’t tell where she had changed, probably because her mood seemed to be much better than before.

But she didn’t think too much. She just thought that Shao Cixin’s good mood these days was a good thing.

Which agent didn’t want their artist to be in good shape all the time?

Shao Cixin went into the dressing room to change clothes.

Wearing the red suit that had been prepared, she stood in front of the dressing mirror, and arranged her long hair. The clean mirror reflected a beautiful and graceful woman. She was carefree and relaxed. At that moment, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Shao Cixin turned around and looked at it.

She saw on the caller ID, “Dad”.

Thinking of the previous life, she immediately understood the purpose of this call.

Shao Heng is going to tell her about the company, and the marriage.

Shao Cixin answered the call. She felt her heart ache at her father’s tired voice, coming slowly out from the handset.

Shao Heng almost never showed his weak side in front of her. In her impression, her father was always able to do anything.

After Shao Heng finished explaining the cause and effect, he called her softly: “Xinxin.”

He slowly said, “This is a lifetime matter. Dad respects your opinion. If you don’t want to, I won’t pressure you to marry her. There must be another solution.”

Of course, Shao Cixin believes that, with more time, her father would definitely find another solution, but what’s missing right now is time. Therefore, she didn’t rush to deny this matter.

“Dad, I’m coming home tonight. Let’s talk about it when I am back, okay?”


“Mom said you haven’t been resting well these past few days. You should rest up, and make sure not to worry her.”

“Okay, Dad understands.”

“Cixin,” Rong Ya’s voice suddenly rang out from outside the door, “are you feeling better? We should go now.”

Cixin responded with a nod, and turned back to her father on the phone. “I have to go to work now. Don’t worry, Dad. The company will definitely get through this tough time. Trust me!”

She was a person who had lived twice.

The first time, her family had made it through unscathed. The second time would definitely be the same!

Shao Heng listened to her vow and couldn’t help but smile.

“Okay, Dad trusts you.”


On the way to the premiere, Shao Cixin was silent, staring out the window.

The industry famous Shao Group was in a tough spot, and the media had been quick to start rumors, but she wasn’t worried that the media would hound her with questions. No one knew that she was the daughter of the Shao family.

She had been very good at keeping her identity a secret. Except for her agent and assistant, no one knew who her parents were. She had only become an actress on a whim, wanting to see how far she could get without her family’s help.

And now she had made it to where she was today, and with the popularity of Hong Lian, her worth had skyrocketed.

Now she had to think of a way to help her father with her own power.

The Wen family proposed a business marriage in this life as well, but she had already torn Wen Yu’s face off. There was no way she was going back to that fire pit.

What to do then?

She was lost in thought, staring out the window.

At that moment, she suddenly heard Rong Ya next to her say, “Oh right, I forgot to tell you, there’s an extra person at the premiere today – a VIP.”

Shao Cixin came back to her senses and looked back: “What? The number of attendees has already been confirmed, so how come there’s one more? Which VIP replied so late?”

Rong Ya took out the list of names from her phone and handed it to her, signaling her to take a look herself.

Shao Cixin was confused, and she lowered her gaze to look at the screen.

The list was short, and each person’s name was followed by their identity. Every name was quite impressive.

Her gaze slowly moved down, taking in the familiar names one by one, until it finally landed on the name at the end.

– Wen Zhihan.

Shao Cixin was dumbfounded.

Isn’t this Wen Yu’s older sister? Why is she here? She didn’t attend the premiere in her previous life…

It was Wen Yu who had come to attend the premiere in her last life, and Shao Cixin had begged her to come as her girlfriend…

Seeing that Shao Cixin was in a daze, Rong Ya kindly explained, “I heard that she’s recently free, so she agreed to the invitation.”

Shao Cixin blinked and blinked, still a little confused.

Rong Ya couldn’t help but ask, “What is it? Do you know each other? Isn’t she your ex-girlfriend’s older sister?”

Shao Cixin was immediately transported back to her high school days, and she suddenly remembered the gentle girl who had stood at the school gate with a disciplinary book in her hand. She also remembered their cordial relationship in her last life.

She calmly handed the phone back to Rong Ya and turned to look out the window again. After a moment of silence, she gave a straightforward reply:

“We’re not familiar.”


The atmosphere at the premiere was very exciting.

“Hou Lian” was on fire, and Shao Cixin, the lead actress, had obviously gained significantly more fans. Looking at the enthusiastic fans on the scene, she couldn’t help but look at them and greet them with a graceful gesture.

Under the camera, she was beautiful and clear-eyed, full of confidence and beauty that cannot be ignored.

Shao Cixin listened to her fans praising her beauty as she followed the staff to the theater. Her heart was full of anticipation for the long awaited reunion.

She hasn’t participated in such an event for a long time, and even the re-enactment of the scene felt new.

Then she met that “not familiar” person at the entrance.

Wen Zhihan was wearing a white shirt and black high-waisted wide-leg pants, with a pair of beautiful red high heels, looking tall and slim.

The soft, curly, long hair, the blue eyes like the sea, the delicate three-dimensional facial features, and the snow-white skin, each is exactly the same as in Shao Cixin’s memory, still beautiful and attractive, attracting people’s eyes with a glance.

Shao Cixin couldn’t help but look at it again, and secretly sighed. The faces of mixed people are really superior…

Wen Zhihan was French and Chinese, and was born and raised in China.

When Shao Cixin was in high school, she witnessed her getting stopped and confessed to on the street because she was too beautiful. She saw the love letters stacked on her desk. Now, Wen Zhihan has an aura of maturity and stability, and it’s even more dazzling and attractive than in her younger years.

– But now no one should dare to fill her drawer with love letters again.

Shao Cixin thought for no reason.

At that moment, Wen Zhihan suddenly turned around and caught her sight. Their eyes met each other’s gaze, and the sound around them suddenly faded away. The blue eyes were bewitching, full of magic, making it hard to look away.

Shao Cixin stared at them for a while, and “jie jie” suddenly came to her lips.

She’s been calling Wen Zhihan like this ever since she got married to Wen Yu.

The next moment she quickly came to her senses, forcefully swallowed her words, and smiled awkwardly at Wen Zhihan.

Fuck. She almost forgot that she was reborn.

Now, they are not familiar with each other at all, even though they went to the same high school and knew who the other was.

The next second, Wen Zhihan smiled gently, still as gentle and kind as Shao Cixin remembered.

She felt inexplicably relieved.

Then the two of them sat next to each other.

Shao Cixin: “… …”

She didn’t expect this arrangement.

Shao Cixin watched the movie absentmindedly. Wen’s family is sitting next to her now, she can’t help but care. She wants to talk to the other party, but she doesn’t know how.

In the movie, Shao Cixin wore a red dress, walking indifferently past the corpse, showing her magnificent, cold, and proud back.

Out of the movie, she was wearing a red suit, brainstorming for a conversation starter, trying to get slightly closer to her former schoolmate, like a student who wasn’t paying attention in class.

After thinking for a while, she decided to regain her thick skin, and be bold.

However, as soon as she turned her head, she found that Wen Zhihan was already leaning toward her, as if she had something to say to her. She hesitated for a moment, and the words lingered on her lips, but she didn’t say them.

With a gentle look and a whisper, she heard Wen Zhihan complimenting her. “Miss Shao, you’re very beautiful. You act very well too.”

The light is dim, and the movie’s flickering light falls on the face of Wen Zhihan from time to time. Those blue, gem-like eyes are full of dazzling, moving light. Shao Cixin only feels like she is bewitched for a moment when she looks at them. The distance between them seems to have suddenly been pulled closer.

“Thank you for your compliment,” Shao Cixin said, and then asked casually, “Miss Wen, are you single?”

The voice was not loud, just enough for the two of them to hear.

The question was abrupt, with a hint of ambiguity and flirtation, even Shao Cixin felt that she was absurd and presumptuous. She just suddenly wanted to ask this…

Wen Zhihan heard this, and gently smiled: “Well, I am single.”

There was no rebuke, no distance, gentle as before, like the warm wind in spring.

Shao Cixin saw this, her mind turned, and suddenly she had a very bold idea!

The marriage is a union of families, and they are both daughters of the Wen family, so why not Wen Zhihan?

Wen Zhihan, who looks gentle and pure, is better than Wen Yu, that bitch!

It’s just that she doesn’t know whether Wen Zhihan is willing to accept her, whether she is willing to accept a marriage that is only for profit, without love…

Shao Cixin found her entry point, and asked softly: “Miss Wen, do you know… our two families may be married?”

“I know.” Wen Zhihan responded very quickly, with a soft and gentle tone, very comfortably.

Shao Cixin didn’t see any disgust, and suddenly felt that she was one step closer to hope.

Then she heard Wen Zhihan’s gentle voice: “After all, it was I who proposed it.”

Shao Cixin: “?”

Who proposed it???

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