Published at 13th of June 2023 06:26:11 AM

Chapter 35

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Shao Cixin never imagined that the things she said casually would actually come true in Wen Zhihan’s case.

Her contractual wife dreamt of her.

“What, you dreamed about me?”

Suddenly interested, Shao Cixin’s voice was full of enthusiasm. She was very curious about her image in the gentle Wen Zhihan’s dream.

“A lot,” said Wen Zhihan, “I’ve dreamt of you more than once.”

Shao Cixin couldn’t help but let out a “whoa”.

—Wow! Impressive, Shao Cixin, you can actually walk into the Buddha’s dream several times[1]!

“Such as?” Shao Cixin asked with interest.

“For example, our high school days,” Wen Zhihan replied.

“…” Shao Cixin lost interest in an instant.

The things related to her high school life with Wen Zhihan were mostly recorded in a small notebook[2], belonging to the past that was too painful to look back on.

Since it’s too painful to look back, it’s better to talk less about it.

She couldn’t help but say, “Wen Zhihan, dream about some good things about me, don’t dream about those high school things.”

Wen Zhihan wanted to say that she couldn’t control it. Seeing her so resistant to hearing about high school, she couldn’t help asking, “What’s wrong? It seems like you don’t like things about high school?”


The rebellious girl from the past burrowed into her quilt, retorting, “President Wen, if you were written up every day in high school, and parents were called in from time to time, would you like high school?”

“It’s not like you were written up every day.”

Wen Zhihan suddenly started reminiscing, extremely precise and factual.

“You were not breaking school rules every day.”

Shao Cixin is quite self-aware, closing her eyes to rest while saying, “But all the possible infractions, I, Shao Cixin, have committed.”

Because of her, Shao Heng’s life expanded from a two-point line to a three-point line, forcefully inserting a school in the middle[3].

It’s because Shao Heng has a good temper, treats her like a treasure, like a pearl in his palm, that he can put up with her so much.

Wen Zhihan heard this and let out a gentle laugh.

Her voice passed through the earpiece, adding a few seductive notes.

“School rules vary in severity, and you didn’t commit any major mistakes. At least you didn’t fight… nor did you have an early love.”

When Shao Cixin heard these two points, she raised her eyebrows.

Of course she wouldn’t fight. She had long passed the age of using violence to solve problems.

Besides, with her beautiful face and smooth skin, if it were damaged by those little turtles[4], it would be a loss to the world!

Then she heard Wen Zhihan say, “Cixin, I thought you would have a boyfriend at that time.”

Shao Cixin suddenly opened her eyes in surprise and said, “Damn it, Wen Zhihan, you were indeed watching me back then, ready to find faults and record my name, and deduct my points.

“I was wondering why every time I made a mistake, I fell into your hands so accurately. Now it makes sense. Case closed, case closed!”

The smile in Wen Zhihan’s eyes became even deeper.

“That’s not the case.

“I just thought you would, but I didn’t think about catching you and writing you up.”

“Hmph, then I really disappointed your discipline inspection department. You couldn’t pin early dating on me.”


“Because I was at the peak of my arrogance[5] then, thinking that there wasn’t a single person in the world who was worthy of this unbeatable beautiful young girl.”

Hearing this, the smile on Wen Zhihan’s lips deepened.

Her junior sister was indeed a peerless young beauty in her youth.

This beauty continues to this day, washing away the immaturity to add a touch of maturity, becoming even more attractive and dazzling.

“Who would have thought,” Shao Cixin couldn’t help but sigh, “After all these twists and turns, I ended up marrying the strictest member of the disciplinary inspection department who used to keep tabs on me.”

Not only that, they even ended up in bed together, becoming soulmates in the most intimate sense.

Even up until now, just before the consummation of their marriage, she could never have imagined that the gentle senior was such a deeply hidden, two-faced character!

Wen Zhihan suddenly asked, “Do you regret it?”

Shao Cixin declared firmly, “Impossible, what do I have to regret about marrying you? I, Shao Cixin, only have one regret in my life.”

Wen Zhihan: “Oh?”

Shao Cixin: “Falling for Wen Yu.”

If she hadn’t fallen for Wen Yu, or if she had liked someone else, or even better if she hadn’t liked anyone at all, the outcome might have been better than falling for Wen Yu.

Her reincarnation, it seems, was for the purpose of proving this point.

After hearing these words, Wen Zhihan was silent for a moment, then spoke, “Cixin, I hope you remember every word you just said.”

“I remember,” Shao Cixin declared boldly, “I definitely won’t make the same mistake again, I definitely won’t fall for Wen Yu again. If I do, I am worse than a dog!

“Oh wait, I used that last time, let’s try again.

“If I fall for Wen Yu again, I’m… I’m worse than a pig or a dog, may lightning strike me!”

Wen Zhihan: “…

“You don’t have to be so hard on yourself.”

After hanging up the phone, Shao Cixin, bored, logged onto Weibo.

She had been busy filming for the past few months and hadn’t paid much attention to online news. Today, she found out that she and Wen Zhihan were trending as a couple.

What’s more amazing is that they actually have quite a few CP fans.

She was utterly confused by this.

You see, aside from the official announcement post, her interactions with Wen Zhihan in public were almost non-existent. There was no material for fans to ‘ship’, even with a microscope.

So, she stealthily switched to her alt account and ventured into the fandom.

She soon understood the reason.

— Because they both are attractive.

One beauty is pleasing to the eye, two beauties make it double the pleasure.

People naturally enjoy seeing beautiful people together.

Aside from this, it was a picture.

A picture of them gazing at each other across a crowd.

Holding her phone, she looked at the picture for a long time before recalling when it was taken.

— The first movie premiere she attended after her reincarnation.

That day was the day she reunited with Wen Zhihan in this lifetime, and the day they reached their agreement.

In the picture, she was looking for Wen Zhihan because of an interview. She wanted to let her know but didn’t expect this scene to be captured. It was even edited by the fans into a movie-like scene, silently impactful.

In the photo, the lights are warm orange. They stand on opposite ends of the crowd, gazing at each other, everyone else blurred into the background.

They look like old lovers reuniting after a long time, like they are trying to suppress the surging emotions in their hearts, yet their gazes uncontrollably find each other.

At this moment, they are the focus of the world and the only light in each other’s world.

This wasn’t Shao Cixin’s own interpretation.

It was a little composition added by the fans who edited the picture.

The last sentence of the small composition was: “After all the trials, they finally achieved their fruitful ending.”

It painted their love story as if it were true and tangible.

If Shao Cixin weren’t the one involved, she would’ve believed that the two people in the photo truly loved each other to the point of life and death.

She browsed through the comments section.

Many people were exclaiming how good-looking they were, expressing their desire to see more interaction between the two ‘wives’.

— “When will they appear on a couple’s variety show? I’m willing to pay!”

This comment was the most upvoted.

Seeing this comment, Shao Cixin could almost visualize the fan’s desperate longing through the screen, and she felt a pang of sympathy.

Appearing on a couples’ variety show was impossible. Impossible in this lifetime. President Wen’s appearance fee was too high.

But she still saved the picture.

Because it was beautiful, and she liked beautiful things.

Not only did she save it for herself, but she also sent it to the other party involved and added a compliment.

[Shao Cixin]: [Picture. JPG]

[Shao Cixin]: “Our President Wen really is photogenic. It’s a pity you don’t rely on your face for a living.”

Once the New Year passed, the crew of “The General” immediately got back to work, with no slackening.

Shao Cixin snapped back from her brief period of relaxation, freshened up early, headed to the set to get her makeup done, and found some time to memorize her lines.

She had several snowy scenes to film today. She intended to perform well in one go, or she feared she might freeze to death in this weather.

Zhou Hong had returned early in the morning, full of energy and not a bit tired.

During her vacation, she didn’t rest but seized the opportunity to have her film emperor husband coach her in acting.

After receiving the careful guidance of Zhou Yi, she felt that she had reached a new peak in her acting career!

It was a pity that she had no scenes with Shao Cixin today; otherwise, she would have shown her the definition of a remarkable improvement in acting!

By the time Shao Cixin crawled out from the snow after finishing her scenes, it was already dark, and dinner time had just passed.

She had lain in the snow for quite a while, and her hands and feet were chillingly cold.

Lin Mumu and the other staff hurriedly helped brush off the snow from her body and handed her a coat.

Long Hui gave her a warm hand warmer: “You’ve worked hard, Cixin. Go warm up inside before eating dinner, then rest well tonight.”

Shao Cixin nodded, not uttering a word of complaint.

She walked a few steps forward with Lin Mumu, then turned around, “Director Long, how were the shots? If they aren’t good, I can continue shooting after a bit of rest.”

Long Hui chuckled and adjusted Shao Cixin’s down jacket for her: “They were great, no need for retakes.”

Shao Cixin let out a sigh of relief: “That’s good.”

Long Hui patted her shoulder: “Alright, don’t stand around here, go warm up.”

Shao Cixin finally followed Lin Mumu into the house to warm herself by the fire.

Looking at her retreating figure, Long Hui’s eyes held admiration.

She liked actors who loved their work, who were not afraid of hardship or tiredness, who were positive, diligent, and understood how to cooperate with the crew.

Who said that the children of rich families must be pampered and could not withstand hardships? Look at Shao Cixin!

Inside the house, there was a lit stove. Shao Cixin sat beside it, warming her hands by the fire.

The bright flames highlighted her beautiful eyebrows and eyes, even the corners of her lips seemed to be dyed with warmth, her face glowing.

She still loved these days.

Although there was hardship and exhaustion, it was fulfilling and gave her a sense of achievement, which was far better than wasting time doing nothing.

Indeed, whether it’s work or hobbies, people need to find things to do.

When Lin Mumu put down her phone, she saw Shao Cixin’s curved lips, which indicated her good mood.

Curious, she asked, “Cixin, you seem very happy. Do you have something to celebrate?”

Shao Cixin looked up, her eyes curved like crescents, “Yes, everything I have now makes me happy.”

Every new day in this life is worth being happy for.

After warming up, Shao Cixin and Lin Mumu went back to the hotel to eat.

After dinner, she wanted to return to her room, soak in a warm bath, and have a good night’s sleep to reward herself for the day’s hard work.

But as soon as she arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, she ran into Zhou Hong.

They exchanged glances in what could only be described as a classic case of “enemies on a narrow road”.

The moment Zhou Hong saw Shao Cixin, her sarcastic comments automatically surfaced.

Arms crossed, she was ready to start, “Isn’t this our Mrs. Wen? Did you enjoy spending New Year’s Day alone?”

“Of course,” Shao Cixin answered with a smile, “The bed was very comfortable.”

“But it must’ve been lonely.”

While saying this, Zhou Hong stretched out her hand and placed it on Shao Cixin’s shoulder in a mocking, sympathetic manner.

“You’re so pitiful, married but still spending holidays alone.”

“Why doesn’t your Mrs. Wen come to see you?”

Shao Cixin didn’t rush to answer.

Seeing her silence, Zhou Hong felt satisfied.

She couldn’t answer, because unlike Zhou Yi, Wen Zhihan wouldn’t visit the set. Because their relationship was fake, Wen Zhihan didn’t like her!

Her marriage wasn’t as blissful as hers.

Perfect, Zhou Hong finally had something to gloat over Shao Cixin!

Just then, a pleasant voice came from behind.

“Excuse me, miss, could you let go of my wife?”

Shao Cixin’s ears perked up, recognizing the voice as extremely familiar. She quickly turned around to see.

Wen Zhihan was standing not far away, with her black hair draped over her shoulders, her deep blue eyes as clear as the ocean, and her face, unseen for months, was still as gentle and charming.

Shao Cixin was stunned.

Zhou Hong was stunned too, retracting her finger as if it had been burned.

She was seeing a ghost, how did Wen Zhihan suddenly show up??

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!