Published at 13th of June 2023 06:26:09 AM

Chapter 36

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The arrival of Wen Zhihan exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Shao Cixin stood in place, staring at her in a daze.

The woman remained the same, dressed maturely, generously, and elegantly. However, this time, she wore a pair of scholarly and elegant gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, appearing even more gentle and elegant.

Beside her stood her assistant, Guan Yan.

Shao Cixin still didn’t understand why she had suddenly come.

Feng City was a long way from here…

Zhou Hong could hardly believe what she was seeing.

Did Wen Zhihan really come?

Was she really here to see Shao Cixin??

She even said “my wife,” such a declaration of possession. Could it be that they were really…?

Then she saw Wen Zhihan reach out her arms to Shao Cixin.

Shao Cixin instantly understood and rushed over to Wen Zhihan, hugging her in front of Zhou Hong, continuing to play the character of “Little Sweet”.

“You’re here, I’ve missed you so much.”

Wen Zhihan gently held her, her fingers brushing through her long hair, whispering tenderly in her ear, “I missed you, too.”

Their sweetness was like a genuine, passionate love between wives.

This scene scared the hell out of Zhou Hong.

No way, were Shao Cixin and Wen Zhihan really… real?

Weren’t they a business marriage? Business marriages – how many of them were genuine?

Shao Cixin couldn’t see Zhou Hong behind her, but she could guess her reaction. Definitely shocked to the point of self-doubt.

However, she was more interested in why Wen Zhihan had come.

Holding Wen Zhihan close and whispering into her ear, she asked, “Wen Zhihan, why did you suddenly come?”

Upon hearing this, Wen Zhihan gently stroked her head. Her eyes, hidden behind the lenses, were full of a warm smile.

“I came for a meeting.”

Shao Cixin was taken aback: “???”

You traveled all this way just for a “meeting”?!

“That’s… not great…”

In public, Shao Cixin discreetly buried her face in Wen Zhihan’s neck, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

This action was too bold, completely beyond her expectation.

She admitted that during these few months of abstaining from meat [1], she would think of Wen Zhihan, longing for her skillful hands that brought pleasure, tasting the marrow and knowing its flavor [2].

But coming all this way for that was too much, even she couldn’t handle it!

After her embarrassment, a gentle laugh fell on her ear.

Then she heard Wen Zhihan softly say, “There’s a financial forum summit recently, so Cixin, I really came for a meeting.”

Shao Cixin: “…”

Whose mind is dirty?

Ah, it seems it was mine, Shao Cixin’s…

“President Wen, please pretend that I didn’t say anything just now.”

The smile in Wen Zhihan’s eyes deepened.

She caressed Shao Cixin’s long hair, and couldn’t help but hold her even tighter.

“You’re a bit warm today.”

Shao Cixin immediately replied, “Of course, I just came here after finishing work and warming myself by the fire, so I’m still a bit warm. You can snuggle up more, snuggle up.”

Wen Zhihan unceremoniously held her wife even tighter.

“In the future, you should also warm up by the fire more often, to keep warm. But remember to open the windows for ventilation.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll remember.”


After Wen Zhihan finished speaking, she slowly lifted her eyelids, looking towards Zhou Hong at the entrance of the restaurant.

In the moment their eyes met, her originally gentle face suddenly gained an aura of anger, like a beast ready to pounce.

Zhou Hong was so startled that she quickly left – she couldn’t stay here any longer!

Shao Cixin heard hurried footsteps, turned to look, and saw Zhou Hong running away.

— See, this is the awkwardness when showing off in front of another involved party.

Wen Zhihan asked, “Was she talking about you?”

Shao Cixin let her go, “Yes.”

Wen Zhihan asked again, “Doesn’t she know who you are?”

Shao Cixin: “She knows.”

Wen Zhihan was confused: “Then why did she still speak so arrogantly to you?”

Shao Cixin: “Because I’m not going to tell my parents.”

Wen Zhihan: “?”

Shao Cixin laughed and said, “We are adults now, and we can solve our own problems. Besides, it’s just trivial conflicts. If she’s sarcastic with me, I’ll retaliate to annoy her. For such small things, there’s no need to tattle to our parents?

“Don’t worry, she won’t fare well with me. It’s good enough if she’s not pissed to death.”

Although she didn’t like seeing Zhou Hong during her peaceful moments, sometimes she could get a lot of amusement from Zhou Hong.

A rival who always loses is nothing to fear.

She turned to Wen Zhihan and Guan Yan and asked, “Have you had dinner yet? Want to join us?”

“Let’s eat together,” Wen Zhihan replied without hesitation.

In the restaurant.

Wen Zhihan and Shao Cixin picked a quiet corner table.

Guan Yan didn’t rush to sit down.

She glanced around at the restaurant’s environment and then proposed to Lin Mumu seriously, “President Wen and Mrs. Wen are talking, it’s not appropriate for us to listen at the side. Let’s sit at a different table.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Mumu responded with a radiant smile, “Sure, sure, I agree! Cixin, leave Guan Assistant to me to entertain!”

Wen Zhihan nodded in agreement.

Shao Cixin also went with them.

After placing the order, Shao Cixin poured a cup of warm tea for Wen Zhihan, “How long do you plan to stay here? Here you go.”

“Thank you,” Wen Zhihan said, “About four or five days, I guess.”

“Oh, our President Wen has worked hard.”

“You have also worked hard.”

“Worked hard, everyone has worked hard. Speaking of which, I really didn’t expect you to suddenly appear here. How did you know I was at the restaurant?”

Wen Zhihan picked up the tea cup with a smile, the golden glasses on her tall nose flashing with metallic luster under the light.

“I asked around.”

Shao Cixin suddenly realized.

She had encountered quite a few staff members along the way, indeed anyone could easily find out which direction she had gone by simply asking.

She didn’t ask further, and as soon as the waiter brought the food, she immediately started eating like a machine[3].

After filming all day, she was starving to death. Nobody was going to stop her from being an eating machine today!

Seeing this, Wen Zhihan suddenly wanted to ask if she had a hard day.

But seeing her eating so earnestly, she couldn’t bear to disturb her.

In the end, she didn’t ask anything. Instead, she just pushed some of her favorite dishes in front of her, “Eat more.”

The night shrouded the entire city.

Shao Cixin stood in front of the hotel’s glass window, stretching lazily and looking utterly fatigued.

“Having eaten and drunk to my fill, it’s time to go back and take a bath and sleep.”

Wen Zhihan stood by her side, speaking softly, “Were you very tired from filming today?”

Shao Cixin wrapped and re-wrapped her scarf, hiding half her face inside, “Tired, and really cold. I lay in the snow for two hours, I was almost frozen to death.

“But the outcome of the filming was satisfying, so that’s quite a sense of accomplishment.”

Wen Zhihan turned her head, seeing in her eyes the stars of tonight, twinkling and full of vitality.

— She really loves being an actress.

Wen Zhihan turned her head to gaze at the night sky outside the window with her, her voice was soft with a smile, like the babbling of a stream in the mountains, “As long as it’s worth it.”

No matter what you do, and regardless of the outcome, as long as you feel it’s worth it, that’s all that matters.

“Let’s go.”

Wen Zhihan took the lead in stepping forward.

Shao Cixin paused for a moment, then turned her head to ask, “Go? Where to?”

“To get my luggage, and then back to your room.”

Wen Zhihan stopped in her tracks, turned around to look at her, her eyes hidden behind the lenses somehow exuding a hint of vulnerability.

“Cixin, you wouldn’t leave your Mrs. Shao to sleep out on the streets, would you?”

Shao Cixin: “…”

She almost forgot that she was married.

The room door was closed.

Shao Cixin leaned against the door, quietly watching Wen Zhihan’s back as she looked around the room.

The two little figures in her heart started teeter-tottering[4].

One represented “have a good rest tonight,” the other represented “rest my ass, do what adults do,” each occupying one end, swaying indecisively.

Wen Zhihan put her suitcase to the side and looked around the room.

Shao Cixin was staying in the best suite of this hotel.

The room was very large, with a wide view, beautiful scenery, all kinds of amenities, quiet surroundings, very suitable for rest.

In terms of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, they had not short-changed their young lady.

After looking around, Wen Zhihan turned around, only to see Shao Cixin standing at the door in a daze.

The teeter-totter in Shao Cixin’s heart was about to catch fire.

She still didn’t know which choice to make.

She hadn’t led an adult’s life for a long time, and she was a little bit eager to do so. Besides, she had a once-a-week appointment with Wen Zhihan.

But she was really tired from filming today and really wanted to get to bed early…

“Cixin, what are you thinking about?” Wen Zhihan suddenly asked.

Shao Cixin looked up at her and replied honestly, “I’m considering whether we should have a discussion meeting tonight.”

After hearing this, Wen Zhihan couldn’t help but chuckle.

She spoke softly, “Go take a bath.”

Shao Cixin understood immediately.

Tonight was destined to be an adult’s night.

The two of them took showers separately.

After Shao Cixin took a shower, brushed her teeth, and cleaned up, she lay in bed waiting for Wen Zhihan.

The room was very quiet, the sound of water in the bathroom amplified in her ears, like the prelude to pleasure, slowly stirring the strings of her heart that had been dormant for months.

She had even specifically picked out a nightdress that was easy to take off tonight, guaranteed to satisfy Goddess Wen Zhihan!

After a while, the sound of water abruptly stopped.

Shao Cixin listened attentively.

The bathroom door “clicked” open, followed by a series of footsteps from far to near, then the bed sank slightly — Wen Zhihan lay down.

Shao Cixin turned over.

The two just lay there, silently looking at each other.

After a while, Shao Cixin decided to take the initiative.

She kissed Wen Zhihan twice on the lips and looked at her closely.

She was very beautiful, especially those peach blossom eyes, like containing autumn water, always sparkling, attracting people’s minds.

After quietly looking for a while, she felt a binding force on her waist.

Softness fell on her lips.

The kiss wasn’t passionate, very gentle.

It wasn’t for lust that they kissed, but more like a sense of relief for a long-separated reunion.

Shao Cixin didn’t understand why she had such a thought, and simply treated it as a momentary illusion.

She was soon distracted by other things.

— Wen Zhihan didn’t take things any further.

Looking at the retreating Wen Zhihan, one question mark after another bounced out on Shao Cixin’s forehead: “Wen Zhihan, is that it?”

Wen Zhihan helped her cover the quilt while laughing, “Should there be anything else?”

Shao Cixin frowned, “Aren’t we going to do it?”

Wen Zhihan retorted, “You’ve worked hard filming, you should rest well, why should we do it?”

Shao Cixin: “Then why did you ask me to take a shower??”

Wen Zhihan: “It’s easier to sleep after a shower, isn’t it?”

Shao Cixin was taken aback.

Shit, she misunderstood!!!

Looking at her expression, Wen Zhihan suddenly understood why she was so proactive in coming over to kiss her.

She suddenly found it funny, holding Shao Cixin’s face and saying, “Cixin, don’t think about this when you’re tired from filming. Rest is important. Besides, we still have work tomorrow, we need to rest up, okay?”

Shao Cixin immediately frowned, righteous and stern, “I still owe you once a week, I’m waiting to repay it.”

The face held in her palm was pure and clean, frowning, serious. Wen Zhihan suddenly thought she was like a little white bun, ridiculously cute.

Her fingertips unconsciously caressed Shao Cixin’s lips, then teased her long hair.

“But I don’t think we have enough time tonight.”

“How is it not enough?” Shao Cixin looked at her and reasoned, “Once a week, so once this week, we can solve it tonight.”

After listening, Wen Zhihan calmly corrected, “Cixin, you miscalculated.”

Then Shao Cixin saw her say with the most gentle and harmless expression, “Starting from when you joined the crew until today, you owe me thirteen times in total.

“One night isn’t enough to repay.”

Shao Cixin: “???”

You actually accumulated and counted them???


The author has something to say: 

Xinxin, how many improper things can you think of that I can’t imagine!

Big sister: [Smiling.JPG]

It’s a serious meeting.

Those who want to be perverted can stand in the corner!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!