Disciplinary Code - Chapter 73

Published at 14th of December 2023 08:58:45 PM

Chapter 73

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After Christmas, XiaoTong’s trip to China was coming to an end.

Charles had business overseas, and as the year-end approached, they were quite busy over there. His partners had already called several times urging him to return, and after postponing it several times, Charles finally felt embarrassed to delay any further.

XiaoTong, Amber and Charles had a joyful weekend, making the most of their time before they had to part ways. Perhaps due to a close blood connection, Amber felt a strong reliance on her brother, Jiang Heng. Reluctantly, she clung to his leg and shed a few tears, clearly showing her reluctance to return to her home country.

“It’s okay, Amber. Your brother will come to see you in France,” XiaoTong half-squatted next to her, smiling and saying, “And when you grow up a bit more, you can come visit China every holiday.”

Amber gripped Jiang Heng’s trouser leg and hesitantly asked, “Really?”

“Absolutely,” Jiang Heng said, “We are family, no matter how far apart we are, we will always meet.”

Perhaps the conversation Jiang Heng had with XiaoTong recently had an impact, and in the last few days, XiaoTong had become less cautious and gradually regained her carefree self, which she had before. She was originally a free spirit, and once she let go of her burdens, she easily picked up her spirits again.

Amber was still young and easily satisfied. After making a “holiday pact” with Jiang Heng, she reluctantly accepted the reality of their separation.

On the day XiaoTong was leaving, Ji Yao took a day off to accompany Jiang Heng in seeing them off. Jiang Heng gave Amber a piece of blue amber the size of a walnut, which he had turned into a necklace for her, considering it a parting gift.

XiaoTong also turned to face Ji Yao.

“Actually, Ji Yao, I also have a gift for you,” XiaoTong looked at Ji Yao and smiled, “My purpose in coming back this time was to see how XiaoHeng is doing – now that I see you are taking good care of him, I am relieved.”

XiaoTong took a document from her bag and handed it to Ji Yao, saying, “The small house we’ve been staying in these days is a property left to me by my father. I love its architectural style and the small river behind it. However, I spend most of my time abroad, and it’s a pity to leave it abandoned. So, I’ve decided to give this gift to you as a token of our first meeting.”

Ji Yao: “…”

Although the location of the small villa was not in the city center, it was an old building with a large area. The current market value was at least eight figures. XiaoTong’s decision to give it away seemed like she either had no concept of domestic housing prices due to being abroad for so long or genuinely didn’t care about such things.

“No, no, no,” Ji Yao was taken aback and quickly pushed the document back to her, saying, “Auntie, I can’t accept this.”

Ji Yao seemed to find his refusal too abrupt and awkward, so he coughed and made a joke, “This is too precious, Auntie. It’s even more expensive than an engagement gift.”

Beside him, Jiang Heng couldn’t help but chuckle.

Ji Yao shot him a glare and secretly pinched his waist from behind.

Wincing in pain, Jiang Heng cleared his throat and intervened, “Mom, he’s right. Chinese people typically don’t give away houses as a gift. Ji Yao would feel a lot of pressure.”

Ji Yao quickly nodded and tried to push XiaoTong’s wrist away politely, saying, “Auntie. I really can’t accept this.”


XiaoTong turned her body slightly, seamlessly handing the transfer document to Jiang Heng. Then, like a magician, she pulled out a second transfer document from her bag and handed it to Ji Yao.

“My father paved the way for me by leaving me these things. He hoped I wouldn’t become a wandering phoenix in other people’s nests but rather establish roots like a Chinese parasol tree,” XiaoTong said, “I’ve disappointed his expectations, but over the years, I’ve come to understand his intentions.”

“The future is full of uncertainty. Us parents can’t do too much for you, but we can only hope that you won’t be troubled for your livelihood,” XiaoTong continued, “This is a long-term investment under my name. It doesn’t yield much income, but it should suffice as your pocket money.”

With the house already given to them, the investment seemed much milder. Ji Yao relaxed unintentionally and accepted the documents.

While XiaoTong was speaking, the boarding announcement was already playing on the airport’s loudspeakers. So, she didn’t say much more, just smiled, hugged each of them, and then turned to walk toward the boarding gate, holding Amber’s hand, slowly fading away into a life that was similar yet different from theirs.

Jiang Heng didn’t move forward, staying where he was, looking at XiaoTong’s departure. Then, he remembered something, took out his phone, and sent a WeChat message to XiaoTong.

“Don’t worry mom,” Jiang Heng said, “Both he and I have a clear idea of what we want.”

After sending the message, Jiang Heng didn’t wait for XiaoTong’s reply. He locked his phone screen and put it in his pocket.

Ji Yao hadn’t noticed Jiang Heng’s little action. He held the documents in his hand and only realized something was amiss after XiaoTong had disappeared from sight.

“Wait a minute, why does Auntie have a Plan B?” Ji Yao said in puzzlement, “Wasn’t she too confident when she handed over those documents just now?”

He looked down at the documents in his hand, pondering, “And how come I accepted them? Shouldn’t I have politely declined her?”

“Chinese people tend to compromise,” Jiang Heng said with a mischievous smile, “For example, if you want to open a window in a room, no one will allow it. But if you suggest removing the roof, they will agree to open the window.”

Ji Yao: “…”

It seemed to make sense.

As they walked out of the airport, the two of them bantered casually. Ji Yao had woken up very early that day, and his eyes were still half-closed. After a few playful exchanges, he settled down and walked along the edge of the tiles.

“Where are we going now?” Ji Yao asked, “Are you taking me to the hospital first?”

“Let’s have a meal first,” Jiang Heng reached out to ruffle his hair and smiled, “Since you’ve already taken the day off, let’s not waste the whole morning. I’ll also take you to the notary office, and we can settle our lifelong matter.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!