Published at 1st of May 2024 10:21:07 AM

Chapter 183: Chapter 183: Chapter 186: Better Than Lillian Graham in Any Way

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Chapter 183: Chapter 186: Better Than Lillian Graham in Any Way

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

The man leaning against the wall hooked a corner of his lips, revealing a mischievous smile.

Sierra Hammond did indeed have rumors with Ethan Wilson Its not so much that shes a fraud

How can that not be the case! Joan Wellington pouted impatiently, How could Brother Ethan possibly like a woman like that! Dont you know that he likes delicate beauties like Hannah Ford!

A playful light flashed in the eyes of the wicked man upon hearing Hannah Fords name.

Joan since when have you been won over by Hannah Ford? I remember that before you went abroad, you didnt like her.

Dylan Wellingtons almond-shaped eyes narrowed, and his sharp gaze fell on his sisters face.

The color of Joans face changed slightly. She stuttered and explained, I was naive before! After going abroad, I found out that Hannah Ford is actually a very nice person. 1 misunderstood her before.

Joans eyes rolled around as she evaded the question. Dylan looked at his sisters evasive manner and had an even worse impression of Hannah Ford.

A woman like Hannah Ford had somehow fooled not just Ethan Wilson but also his naive sister.

Alih Brother were talking about Sierra Hammond now, and it has nothing to do with Hannah Ford. Stop changing the subject! You should go and clarify things, telling those people that there is nothing going on between Sierra Hammond and Big Brother Ethan!

Sierra Hammond is an artist signed with the Wellington Entertainment Group, with Dylan Wellington overseeing the entire Wellington Financial Group, making him the top authority in Wellington Entertainment.

I refuse. Dylan Wellington leaned against the wall, leisurely turning his wine glass.

Ethan rarely asked me for someone, and I personally chose Sierra Hammond to be sent over. If Ethan is willing to forget about Hannah Ford, what does it matter if its an actress like Sierra Hammond?

His cold black eyes fell on the amber liquid in the glass, his seductive eyes flickered.

Brother, you Joan Wellington was so angry that her liver ached.

The man pretended to smile, watching the lively crowd, Sierra Hammond has a great figure at least shes more attractive than that Lillian Graham.

Joan no longer wanted to talk to her brother and could only hold back her anger and pin her hopes on Aidan Lucas.

After ail, her brother had arranged to meet Brother Ethan early in the morning.

She wanted to see if Brother Ethan, who always kept his distance from women, would show a good face to the self-righteous rising star!


Miss Hammond, come, come let me introduce you to Mr. Smith from the Golden Age Group.

Mr. Smith, this is Miss Hammond yes, yes, the Miss Hammond who has a close relationship with Mr. Lucas.

And theres Mr. Williams from Terra Construction, who has long admired Miss Hammond but its a pity that Miss Hammond is already taken. However, it doesnt matter everyone can be friends!

Stewart Brown took Sierra Hammond all around the party.

Sierra Hammond was like the brightest social butterfly, attracting the guests attention.

Because of Mr. Lucas, everyone was willing to talk more with Sierra Hammond.

She was surrounded by people, and Joan would have spewed fire if she could!

If her brother hadnt stopped her from going out, saying something about being low-profile, she would have shouted out loud, letting everyone know that Dylan Wellington, the CEO of the Wellington Financial Group, has also arrived.

Just as Sierra Hammond smoothly worked the crowd, Stewart Browns assistant hurriedly entered from the door and whispered into his ear.

Upon hearing this, Stewart Brown immediately looked ecstatic.

He had been worried that Mr. Lucas would not attend tonights banquet.

Thats why he especially invited Sierra Hammond.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lucas was indeed kind to women.

As soon as Sierra Hammond arrived, the usually aloof Mr. Lucas came.

It seemed that this private investment they made in inviting Sierra Hammond over was indeed well spent..

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