Published at 24th of May 2016 10:38:18 PM

Chapter 3

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Volume 4 Chapter 3: Don’t tell me this is the second attack on Xu state (2)

On the second day just before we were supposed to leave for Xu state, an idea came forth in me.

Though it was risky, I felt that it was the right time to come to a conclusion once and for all. Even if there wasn’t the matter with Xuan De.

“What did you say, my lord?” Feng Xiao stood in front of me, with that characteristic perverted smile of hers, “Can you repeat that one more time?”

Hm hm, looks like she reacted just as expected.

“I didn’t think Feng Xiao’s ears would be faulty too huh~” I laughed as I stood up and placed my hands behind my back as I walked over to her, “I said that we should not be pointing our weapons at Liu Bei.”

She looked at me, with a questioning look and covered her mouth with her sleeve. “Has my lord gone soft? I remember just yesterday that my lord…”

“Yuan Shao in Hebei.” Feng Xiao’s words stopped at these 4 words of mine.

She went silent for a moment before softly sighing and brought her hand from her mouth to her forehead. “My lord wishes to take Hebei?”

“That is correct. Does Feng Xiao think that this is a poor choice,” I was now behind Feng Xiao and turned to look at her long black hair, “Or is Feng Xiao afraid.”

I gave a few hearty laughs after I finished. My laughter didn’t have any particular purpose, it was only to calm down the quivering in my voice.

Whether or not Feng Xiao is afraid, I have a lot of considerations when making this momentous move.

Yuan Shao is occupying Hebei with a large force. She has defeated Gongsun Zan, and has taken over Wuhuan, Xianbei and many other swathes of land. With the troops I have now, even opposing her is a problem, let alone conquest.

But, I was strangely confident.

It’s time. Better for me to attack her than wait for her to attack me.

“Fine,” Just as I was thinking about this, Feng Xiao seems to have been convinced and she bent her head in a grotesque 180-degree angle that seemed like her neck was broken to look at me, “Yuan Shao is a fitting target for us to bring down our full might on.”

“Hou hou~” I laughed as a show to cover my nervousness.

From what she just said, seems like she thinks that Yuan Shao is not too difficult of an opponent. This confidence of hers has elevated her in my eyes once more.

Or could it be that I am the one who is too nervous?

“Then… That’s that then.” I stretched my back to try and relax, “Help me deliver the following messages: Li Dian and Yue Jin are to advance upstream, my little sister Cao Ren is to station her troops at Guandu, and as for logistics, Miao Cai will be in charge.”

(TL: In the original, Cao Ren is a cousin.)

“And who will take care of defence?”

“Leave it to Yuan Rang.” As I said so, I stepped out of the courtyard. The noisy streets of Xuchang seemed to be exceptionally rambunctious. And for some reason, my lips were curled up.

“Though my lord has said as much,” Feng Xiao was not done yet, “Does my lord not intend on dealing with Liu Bei?”

I finally understood how serious Feng Xiao viewed Xuan De as a threat after hearing these words. Seems like she thinks Xuan De is even more dangerous than Yuan Shao.

(TL: In the original, Feng Xiao came up with the famous 10 points on how Cao Cao was superior to Yuan Shao. Depending on the version of actual history, he also viewed Liu Bei as a dangerous threat.)

And on this point, I am of the same opinion as her. Except that I have no intention of acting against Xuan De since I have my own considerations after all.

Of course, this isn’t because I don’t think of Xuan De as a worthy opponent. Feng Xiao’s words have more or less piqued my competitive spirit against him.

“Let Liu Dai and Wang Zhong attack Xu state with 20,000…”

“Just Liu and Wang alone against Liu Bei?” As soon as I finished, Xun Yu’s floating voice came from the grass beside the stairs.

Is she here as expected?

I no longer feel surprised at their omnipresence.

“Of course, I know that those 2 cannot possibly hope to defeat Xuan De.” Giving them more troops is just a waste of resources. But to me, “Let their troops carry my flags and just stall for time. Ah, tell them not to attack or blockade the city. We just need to know Xuan De’s movements. Anything else will have to wait until I have come to Xu state.”

(TL: Armies, especially provincial ones, typically carried flags of their state or their commander as well as the overall commander. E.g. Liu Dai’s forces may carry both Liu and Cao flags. Here, Meng De is saying that they should only carry Cao flags.)

“Well then, I’ll be heading on first.” Feng Xiao might not have detected or perhaps she doesn’t think that my small schemes will hurt the big picture, and did not say anything else as she left the mansion.

Looking at Feng Xiao, I couldn’t help but sigh. What is it that drives her to fight alongside me so fervently?

This made me think back to when Xun Yu first introduced me to Feng Xiao. Back then, before I could even say a single word, she spat out all my grand ambitions out along with blood.

Strange, sick, weird, wise.

At the same time, she is one of the few subordinates I can truly trust who is also my teacher in governing and military affairs.

As I was occupied with my thoughts, I realised that Feng Xiao was gone. I waved my hands and placed them as my back before looking at the grass, “You’re not in opposition with me?”

“… Would my lord be referring to the matter with Yuan Shao or the matter with Liu Bei?”

“Un… Both I guess.”

“No objections.” On big picture considerations, whether it was her or Cheng Yu, their answers would always be quick and direct.

“Your reasons?”

“Reasons…” She repeated softly, “Of course, it is because my lord wishes for it to be so. And my lord has never made frivolous, over-reaching claims.”

Hou hou. Her absolute trust in me makes me feel a little proud of myself.

“Though you said as much, you must have done some analysis already, haven’t you?” I smiled as I walked closer to the grass.

“… Yes.”

“What are my odds of victory?”

“Too many variables, unable to compute.”

“Then can I win?”



“I certainly hope so.” I said as I drew a long sigh and made it to the grass, only to find that there was no longer anyone there.

She really is elusive huh.

— My lord has never made frivolous, over-reaching claims.

Xun Yu is right though. I never do things I have no confidence of. Ever since the incident of giving the jewelled sword, the way I consider every angle for every problem surprises even me.

But this isn’t something to be proud of. I’m still very young yet my vigor is spent. All that’s left is unending contemplation and caution.

There are times when I really want to return to the past self.

“Xun Yu is still around right? Help me summon Liu Dai and Wang Zhong.”

Xuan De, I wonder what you’re doing now.

(TL: The incident of giving away a jewelled sword is Cao Cao’s failed assassination of Dong Zhuo. This happened shortly after Dong Zhuo began to occupy the capital and before Cao Cao gathered the feudal lords. Cao Cao borrowed a jewelled sword from an official and tried to assassinate Dong Zhuo. He waited for Dong Zhuo to lower his guard but Dong Zhuo caught on, and Cao Cao pretended that he was going to offer him the sword. Cao Cao then left the capital before Dong Zhuo could suspect him.)

Liu Bei POV

It’s been a week since we came to Xu state city and the pressure on us has become unbearable as troops began gathering at the borders. We decided on a meeting a couple of days ago to discuss the personnel deployment in Xu state and Xiapi. Since we came here, we’ve also ramped up recruitment efforts.

That said, as the feudal lord, it seems like my remaining in Xu state city is something set in stone.

“According to the latest reports, it seems like Imperial Chancellor Cao’s armies are advancing here. Seems like she’s personally leading them, and they are projected to arrive within 2 weeks.” Zhang Liao read out the combined report from the second seat.

After she finished, I could feel that everyone’s mood sank completely.

“I didn’t think that Cao Cao would actually come for us. Could she really think that we are traitors?”

“Don’t be so agitated Yi De. This is something that can’t be helped.” Yun Chang hurriedly pressed down on Yi De’s forehead seeing as she was about to jump out, before turning to me, “I’d thought that big brother’s hypothesis was too pessimistic but it seems like our circumstances are very dire.”

“Indeed,” Feng Xian said as she stroked Red Hare as always. I don’t know if it’s me, but it seems like Red Hare has become bigger. “Our combined forces number less than 20,000 and the bulk of whom are formerly Cao Cao’s troops who cannot be relied on. The only armies that can be said to be ours are just the 3,000 in Xu state and 2,000 from Xiapi. Of these, a third were new recruits who have yet to undergo the proper training.”


I crossed my hands on the table and leaned my head in. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t think of a way to turn the situation around.

Some people might wonder why I don’t use my knowledge of history as someone who has come from the future to my advantage. On this, I can only apologise as I’m not a Three Kingdoms fanatic. My knowledge primarily comes from games and some modern editions of the Three Kingdoms.

(TL: By modern versions, he doesn’t mean light novels. But the actual Three Kingdoms, which have been edited for a contemporary audience.)

Damn it, if I knew it would be like this, I should have grabbed a copy of the Three Kingdoms before transferring here. That would definitely help somewhat.

Hai~ There’s no use saying that now. I can only follow the path before me.

“In any case, we can only ask for help from other feudal lords. With our forces, it will be difficult to achieve victory no matter what.” I said as I leaned on the table, feeling very tired in both mind and body.

“– About this,” Just as I finished, the Xu state 3 seemed to have things to say since a while back and got up together, “I actually intend to meet Yuan Shao and negotiate with her.” “As for me, I intend to make a trip to Jiangxia. The Governor of Jing state, Liu Biao, is a blood relative of yours after all and we should be able to get some help.” “What I really want to say is that I’m not going anywhere… Ah, Zi Zhong, don’t hit me while you’re smiling so brightly! It’s too scary! I’m going alright!! I’ll make a trip to where Sun Ce is but they’re still conquering Jiangdong so I’m not sure whether I can convince them at all.”

I didn’t think that these 3 had already thought of who to ask help from~ But…

“It probably won’t go too well right.” I smiled bitterly, at which Zi Zhong and xiao Yong returned similarly bitter smiles.

That’s right. Someone like me is a burden after all. Though I have good relations with Sun Ce, she has her own matters to attend to. And now that Meng De has her sights on me, taking me in is akin to suicide.

“My lord should cease being pessimistic.” Gong You suddenly spoke. She was not smiling bitterly. Instead, there was a confident glimmer in her eyes, “Don’t forget our trump card.”

Trump card?

“Hm hm, looks like you will have to depend on me after all!”

A familiar, haughty voice came from the door. I looked over and saw a petite figure with her hands on her waist. 2 attendants stood at both sides, one was clearly a warrior and the other was an administrator.

Wasn’t this–

“Yuan Shu?!” I was extremely surprised that Yuan Shu was here, “Weren’t you supposed to have left?”

“Hm hm~ Of course I’m leaving,” Yuan Shu said as she walked into the hall. Though she’d lost everything, she still wore her thick, exquisite clothing. When she came before me, she pointed at me before continuing, “But the honey here was delicious so I stayed for a couple more days.”

Yuan Shu really doesn’t know how to read the atmosphere huh. Good thing Ji Ling and Yan Xiang behind her know how to clean up after her, seeing as they hurriedly came in and spoke to the rest.

Yuan Shu’s personality huh… She really is Yuan Shao’s sister huh~~ I sighed once more.

Un? Yuan Shu? Could it be…

“That’s right,” Gong You smiled when she saw my moment of realisation, “As long as I go with Yuan Shu, the chances of success are significantly higher.”

Oh~~~ That’s right, Yuan Shu is Yuan Shao’s little sister~

I’d thought it was only me who didn’t get it, but it seems like everyone else only realised it just now as well.

“Hm hm~~ Liu Bei, you better be grateful to me,” Yuan Shu left these words and swung her sleeves as she made to leave.

For what did she come here for? Could it be that she just wanted to leave these last words? … Yeah, it’s very likely that’s the case.



She stopped halfway and turned around and said–

I forgot to say this before. Thank you, for sparing me and my subordinate generals.

In that instant, I couldn’t believe that those words came out from Yuan Shu. Only after she left was I able to accept this as reality.

Perhaps Yuan Shu has changed.

“… Then.” “We’ll be making our preparations to leave as well.” “Xuan De can just stay here, do nothing and be a sponger.”

That’s so mean! Why do you have to say that! I protested and xiao Yong made a face at me before leaving with the other 2.

But with this, we have a chance of turning this situation around. Next will be who to send to Xiapi.

“Ah, we discussed this beforehand already.” Zhang Liao said, “I think that I should defend Xiapi along with my lord (Feng Xian), while Lord Guan Yu and Lord Zhang Fei defends Xu state city.”

“It’s more efficient that way.” Feng Xian added.

That is true. Feng Xian and Zhang Liao have been working together for a much longer time after all.

“You should take Chen Deng and Chen Gui together with you as well. They are excellent with administrative affairs.” Yun Chang said as she walked over to Feng Xian and fondled Red Hare who we would probably not see for a while.

“Un, let’s do it like that then.” Feng Xian and Zhang Liao got up and headed outside.

“See you again Xuan De.”

“Please take care of yourself, my lord.”

Feng Xian’s expression was terrible, and Zhang Liao’s smile was stiff.

Of course, I know that my expression isn’t much better.

Hua Tuo, Gan Qing and Mi Zhen are still in Xuchang while Feng Xian, Zhang Liao and the Xu state 3 have left. Now the only ones left in Xu state city are us 3.

I know that this is something that can’t be helped, but I couldn’t but to feel lonely for once in a long while.

This was a time of war and chaos and we aren’t just ordinary kids. When fate decrees it, be it separation or reunion, we have no choice but to comply.

Even though I know all of this, I still wish for everyone to be together.

I shook my head as I sat there,

“Big brother, everyone will be together again.” Just then, Yi De leapt over to me and rubbed her soft, white cheeks against me.

“Don’t worry big brother, the 2 of us are still here. As for the others, their hearts are with big brother.” Yun Chang came over as well and she placed her hand over heart as she smiled warmly.

How did these 2 guess what I was thinking about? I really don’t know how.

To this, I only replied with a smile. That’s right Yun Chang, I know.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!