Published at 29th of May 2016 12:04:24 AM

Chapter 7

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Volume 4 Chapter 7: Don’t tell me this is the capture of Liu by Yi De (2)


Ha~~~~ Hu~~~~ I gripped the Serpent Spear in my hands tightly as I breathed in and out. I’d heard before from my family that it was only cold when snow was forming and not when it snowed but I never believed it until today.

On the second day after big sister captured Wang Zhong, I stood before the Xu state city gates once more.

“Must be captured alive.” Though big brother was not beside me, I could still hear his words repeated in my head over and over.

“Opening the gates~~~~” Hearing the message from the people above the city walls, I ordered the troops to step back and then with a dull clunk, the gates began to open up slowly.

What greeted me was a shiny wintry landscape as I whipped my horse.

Yi De understands so don’t worry big brother.

Liu Dai did not leave his camp and answer the challenges so I could only bring some coins and bring the confrontation to him.

I ordered my troops to set up camp about 5km away from Liu Dai’s camp, and told a subordinate to impersonate me and bring 1,000 troops to his camp and yell and scold him.

Liu Dai doesn’t know what I look like of course, so giving him a false impression is definitely useful.

After about an hour, my subordinate returned to camp and reported what happened to me in a helpless tone, “Lord Zhang Fei, the other side defiantly stays in his camp no matter what kind of insults I use.”

“Ah, that’s fine. Just continue impersonating me for now.” I smiled casually as I said so. She seemed to think that it was weird for me to find this outcome favourable but she did not ask further and left soon after.

As expected, that little Liu Dai is afraid of me and does not dare to leave camp.

I took a swig of wine brought from Xuchang– Ha~~ It really is sweet and trong~~~ I wonder if I’ll ever get to drink this wine again in future,

“Hai~~ That bastard Liu Dai!” I scolded softly and did my best to prevent myself from taking another swig and lose control.

Yi De, you got to use your brain~~ — Is what I kept saying to myself.

Liu Dai has a numerical advantage so a forceful attack won’t work. If I confront him directly, it will be very disadvantageous for my side. So the crux of the matter is how to get Liu Dai to leave his camp and attack me as soon as possible. For him to attack me, he must have 100% confidence in ensuring my defeat. So, the best way is to let him find my weakness.

Liu Dai POV

“Is the one outside still scolding?”

“Report, they’ve gone back.”

“Remember the face of that general called Zhang Fei. If she ever comes again, we will stay in camp on guard.”

“Yes, sir!” The soldier acknowledged the order and left the tent but I still found it hard to be calm.

“Imperial Chancellor…” I said as I looked at the ‘曹’ flag, and felt both admiration and helplessness for my lord.

I turned and looked at the item the Imperial Chancellor handed to me which was on the table. Speaking as a warrior, I would really prefer not to see this item handed over when the time comes,


“Un?” A military courier ran in frantically and uneasiness assailed me but I kept it down and spoke in a commanding tone, “What is it?”

The military courier corrected his pose and spoke in a clear voice.

— Someone is here to switch camps.

Within a short while, the one who wanted to switch camps came before me.

It was a girl, and when she saw me, she neither kneeled nor did she speak.

“You said you were here to switch camps?”

“Un un, I’m here to surrender.”

She spoke very quickly and after looking at her from up close, I found no bruises or wounds on her body. No matter how I look at it, she doesn’t seem like someone who would surrender to the other side.

Hmph~~~ Zhang Fei has underestimated me a little too much. If you’re going to put on a show, at least choose a good actor.

“You said you were here to switch camps but on what grounds should I believe you.” Perhaps,” I said as I drew the sword at my waist and pointed it at her, “You’re double agent.”

“Hmph, of course you should believe me,” I was surprised to see that not only was she not afraid in the least, she even seemed relaxed as she put her hands behind her head as she continued, “On the grounds that I’m here to give you an opportunity.”


“What opportunity?” Whatever the case, I should hear what she has to say first.

“I’ll be honest with you, I’m Lord Zhang Fei’s second-in-command. Though Lord Zhang Fei has camped nearby, she has not brought supplies with her and intends on doing so under the cover of night.” She said and then sat down on a chair to the side nonchalantly, “General Liu may seize this opportunity and burn Lord Zhang Fei’s supplies. Lord Zhang Fei will definitely come to save the supplies and then all you need to do is to attack her camp and victory will be yours.”

“Un…” If that was really the case, then that was a plan which could indeed work well.

But can I trust her words? On the other hand, if she were a double agent, why would she walk in from the front and act so high and mighty?

Could she really be here with genuine intent to switch camps…

“Alright, I’ll believe you this time,” I said as I sheathed my sword, “But that doesn’t mean I trust you. You will be assaulting the camp together with me.”

By tonight, if what she says is not true and my troops do not find any supply caravans, I can kill her personally on the spot. If what she said is true, then that’s good but I can’t lower my guard and must keep observing her. If she does anything funny while we’re attacking the camp, I can deal with her then as well.

I looked at the girl as I thought so and awaited her reply.

She only smiled confidently as before and said, “No problem.”

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