Published at 29th of December 2016 09:58:02 PM

Chapter 48

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Liu Bei POV

“Didn’t I tell you I knew the way?” I finally said these words after confirming over and over by inspecting the residential entrance that this was indeed our residence. Untold relief that we weren’t lost spread throughout me as I could finally rest easy.

“Imperial Uncle was just lucky this time.” Chen Gong looked at me with suspicion, not buying my big words at all.

But this isn’t important. No matter how bad my sense of direction is, it’s still better than Feng Xian’s. And no matter what, I did indeed get us to our destination.

And the proof of that lies in the inscribed tablet.

Un… I breathed out and put my hands on my hips as I looked at the tablet yet once more. On it was written [Lou Residence]. By now, most of the words had faded away and it had become public property, and has been our home since we came to Xiangyang.

(TL: I’m guessing that Lou here refers to Lou Gui Lou Zi Bo, a Jing official who eventually defected to Cao Cao but was executed for being rude.)

I don’t know who was the previous occupant, but he or she should be someone very impressive. Just as I was beginning to feel melancholic, I decided not to think anymore and cleared my throat, tided my clothing and raised my hand.

*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

I knocked softly 3 times on the door, my heart racing as I did so. In the ensuing silence after my knocks, it was as though I was able to tune out all background noise and all I could hear was my own heartbeat.

What do I do if they meet with any mishap in the military exercise?

This question came to mind once more in between heartbeats. Even though the possibility was minute, it was still there, and I didn’t know how to deal with it if any of them were to get hurt.

“Coming~” Just then, a reply came from inside the residence. I was startled by this voice but was able to immediately recognise who it was.

“Guan Ping! It’s Guan Ping!” I hurriedly turned and yelled to them.

“Please calm down, my lord.” This time, it was Zhou Cang who reminded me with a disdainful look.

I’m clearly calm, I thought as I shifted about and waited for the door to open.

“Ah, right.” All of a sudden, Che n Gong suddenly muttered softly as though she just realised something, “Imperial Uncle, go and hide in that corner.”

“Eh?” I was dumbfounded by her words. Why should I hide in a corner while we’re waiting for the door to open?

“Aiya! Just go, will you?” Chen Gong said as she pushed me in, “Huhu, there’s going to be a good show in a bit.”

“Eh eh?”

What good show? I don’t understand at all.

Though she hasn’t explained what her plans are, Chen Gong has always been dependable as far as her schemes are concerned so there shouldn’t be any issue doing as she says. I’ve been relying on her throughout this expedition after all so it wouldn’t hurt to listen to her once more at the end of it.

And so I did as she said and admired the plants as I hid in the corner and looked at the doorway. At this time, the other 3 were huddled together in discussion but I don’t know what they are talking about. Chen Dao’s expression went from worry to thoughtfulness to elation while Zhou Cang’s face was just troubled. After a clap to conclude the discussions, they all faced the door together.

For some reason… I have an ominous premonition.

“I’m here!” Just as I was beginning to regret my decision, the big doors opened and a girl with twin tails walked out as she anxiously pushed them open.

She was indeed Guan Ping and when she saw the 3 standing outside, she seemed both surprised and elated.

“Ah! It’s Lord Chen Gong! Lord Zhou Cang! — Ah…”

“My name is Chen Dao, and I’m Lord Zhao Yun’s–”

“Ah, hello Lord Chen Dao!”

Guan Ping did not know who Chen Dao was and hurriedly asked for an introduction but hastily greeted her before Chen Dao could even finish. When they saw this, the 3 saluted in unison.

“It’s been hard on you all.”

“Ah, un.” Chen Gong seemed weird as she did not speak at all and only nodded and grunted in reply.

“Mother! Uncle and the rest are back!” But Guan Ping did not notice this and turned back to yell toward the residence.

In the next instant, I could hear a great commotion coming from inside the residence past the walls and caught Yun Chang saying ‘quick quick quick’.

I’m going to meet with Yun Chang again soon. Even though this period of separation wasn’t very long, it was still a period of separation nonetheless, and I miss her quite a bit.

That said, I still don’t understand why Chen Gong asked me to hide here. This should be a day of celebration.

“Eh? Where’s uncle? Did uncle not come back with you all?” Guan Ping looked about and began to ask when she didn’t see me.

Yes, I’m here.

“Ah, Imperial Uncle Liu Bei…” Chen Gong’s voice trailed off as she lowered her head and her smile faded away.

“If it’s our lord, he’s now…” It wasn’t just her, even Chen Dao seemed a little withdrawn and had a difficult expression on her face. Zhou Cang did not speak, but unlike her usual self, she was completely expressionless.

“Eh? What is this…” Guan Ping was puzzled but her expression grew worse the more she looked at the 3 of them, as though she had read something between the lines of their expressions.

What is with this atmosphere… It’s as though I’ve died.

… Eh?! No way? Could Chen Gong’s aim be to prank them by making them think I’m dead?! That’s too much!

After ascertaining their intentions, I decided to stand up and explain the situation.

“Big brother!” Just then, Yun Chang’s voice could be heard from inside the residence and for some reason, not only did I not stand, I actually crouched even lower so that Yun Chang can’t see me.

“Big brother is finally back safely–” Yun Chang’s words stopped short.

“Big brother?” She yelled out once more, and burst out of the doors, pushing aside Chen Gong and Zhou Cang, looking about frantically, “Big brother?! Come on out!”

She continued to shout in an even louder voice that was now filled with anxiety and terror. I nearly ran out because of this, but for some reason, my curiosity won out and I remained hidden.

“Did our lord not return with you all?” Yi De said as she came out from the residence. From how she addressed me, it seems like her memories have not returned.

Following close behind was Liao Hua. She looked about and uttered a soft ‘I see’ and reached out to pull her hat lower.

“Big brother!!” Yun Chang continued to call out for me, her voice growing more and more sorrowful and louder each time.

“Lord Guan Yu, please stop. Imperial Uncle won’t return–”

“… Kuh!” Yun Chang lowered her head and quietened down for a moment before turning and grabbing Chen Gong’s collar, hoisting her up.

“Lord Guan Yu! Please calm down!”

“Chen Gong! Zhou Cang! Chen Dao! Why couldn’t you 3 protect our lord!”

“It’s all our fault that we weren’t able to protect him…”


Chen Dao gave a tearful reply and shuddered before dropping to her knees onto the ground. What an impressive act. Zhou Cang continued to remain silent, which might seem weird at first but when you think about how happy-go-lucky and rambunctious she usually is, you might take her silence as a sign of great sorrow.

“Kuh!” Yun Chang loosened her grip, sending Chen Gong staggering. Fortunately, Liao Hua was there to catch Chen Gong. Yun Chang then dropped to her knees and shuddered, as though she were trying to contain her emotions.

“… Is our lord, dead?” Gong You, who was always slower than the rest, asked as she walked out.

“I’m afraid so– I’d thought I could tread this path for a little longer.” Liao Hua sighed as she replied to Gong You.

“… Our lord… Is dead?” Gong You repeated her question once more, as though she didn’t hear Liao Hua’s words. But this time, no one replied her.

I really want to say that I’m not dead.

Everyone sank into silence. The only sounds were from Yun Chang who kept uttering ‘kuh kuh kuh’ as she tried to contain her emotions while on the ground.

I was beginning to get worried and felt that I ought to find a good chance to come out so I parted the grass a little to get a closer look only to see everyone standing there stock still.

Ah… This is so awkward…

Speaking of which, why haven’t I seen Feng Xian and the rest? It seems like only people in the first contingent are around, are the people from the second contingent out?

“… Lord Zhang Fei, are you crying?” Liao Hua suddenly asked, drawing my attention to Yi De’s face. Though she looked calm. tears were running down her face, making a long trail down to her neck.

“Eh?” Yi De seemed to not have realised that she was crying and moved her hands to her face to check. She seemed surprised as she looked at the tears in her hands, “Aiya, this is so odd. I don’t even know our lord very well, yet why do I feel so painful inside?”

“Of course you would! He’s your big brother!”

Eh? Could it be that Yi De has recovered some of her memories?

Now that I think about it, this prank might serve as a good stimulant, and may have some positive effect on Yi De with regards to her lost memories.

… Should I wait and see for a bit more?

“Chen Gong… How did big brother die?” Yun Chang seems to have finally suppressed her emotions and stood up hastily and shakily.

“Imperial Uncle…” Chen Gong paused, probably because she hadn’t come up with an answer for this, “… Imperial Uncle sank to the bottom of the river in the naval battle…”

Well, what Chen Gong said was indeed the truth.

“This subordinate was incompetent, and should have went to rescue our lord at first notice, but was held back by enemies–”

“No, I’m not blaming you all…”

Chen Dao gave a tearful apology but was quickly cut off by Yun Chang.

Ah… I can’t stay here any longer… No I must definitely step out now–

“Oh!! Big brother!”

Eh?! All of a sudden, I felt a light force land on my back, and could smell the scent of a child wafting over.

(TL: This sounds very wrong, but this is what it says.)

I turned back and was greeted with the smiling face of a little girl.

“Eh! Mi Zhen?”

“Ah, big brother Liu Bei is back already huh? But why are you standing outside here?”

“Gan, Gan Qing!”

She wasn’t in the residence? Oh right, now that I think about it, I didn’t see either of them walk out with the rest.

“Mi Zhen, don’t go around hugging strangers.” Soon, another voice could be heard. I didn’t raise my head to see her face, but just from the walking stick, I could identify who she was.

So Hua Tuo also went out with them huh. At this time, they were probably out buying groceries.

“Un? This is?”

“Ah, umm…” I shrank back when Hua Tuo pushed her face forward as she looked at me with squinting eyes.

“Umm, may I ask who you are!”

“I’m Liu Bei Liu Xuan De!” I couldn’t help but to deliver her with a tsukkomi at this question. I can’t believe how bad her eyesight has become…

“Un? Did I just hear big brother’s voice?” Just then, Yun Chang seemed to have heard my voice.

Ah… Alright, though the timing wasn’t optimal, it’s not like we can continue this prank any longer, I thought as I stood up.

Of course, I know that a long and painful round of scolding awaits me.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!