Published at 4th of January 2017 10:07:18 PM

Chapter 54

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Liu Bei POV

After finishing dinner, I sat in the courtyard to cool off and took the chance to indulge in a few satisfying burps while no one was around.

I have to say, Gan Qing’s substantial improvement in her culinary prowess in the time I wasn’t around is truly praiseworthy. The vegetable dishes are not watery and are delicious and the meat dishes no longer have any weird flavours. The meat and vegetable ingredients in this era are also much more fresh than that in the future, making even ordinary dishes taste far better than any I’ve had in the future.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that I haven’t had an ordinary homecooked meal in a while now. Though the food at the banquet was good, the taste was a little weak and the portions disappointing, which was not to the liking of someone like me who is from the north.

Ah… It’s so hot now.

The twigs of the tree nearby had begun making crackling noises. I could feel that the temperature had increased and it was rather warm now. I’d thought that it wouldn’t be so warm in the beginning of summer but now that I’m out, it feels a lot more like the peak of summer, making me question my decision to come out here.

“My lord, what are you doing here?”

Un? I raised my head and saw Liao Hua standing there with her long, plain gown and bamboo rain hat. She held a book in one hand and an oil lamp in the other. I really don’t understand her choice in her clothing. She changed to her nightwear already but she still has her hat on.

“Where are the rest?”

“Lord Guan Yu and Lord Lu Bu have returned to the barracks. It seems like Lord Lu Bu has pardoned and recruited a large number of Jiangxia bandits so she has to show her face for a bit at least.”

I see.

“What about the others? Have Hua Tuo and Yi De gone to bed already?”

“Yes, those 2 have more healthy lifestyles after all.”

Healthy lifestyles… I think this has more to do with their age.


“Umm, is there anything wrong?” I asked when I saw Liao Hua stare in my direction. To be honest, I haven’t spoken with Liao Hua much. Most times, I only exchange a few words with her like this.

Liao Hua herself doesn’t speak much, and not only is her presence not very strong, she also often hides at the back of crowds. The only special feature I can recall about her is that Feng Xian once told me that she is good with the spear.

This is why I’m rather surprised when Liao Hua is now approaching me and starting up a conversation.

“… About that, I have a question to ask you.” She took a deep breath before slowly asking what she had come here to ask, “Have you ever considered what would happen to us if you were to actually die?”

Liao Hua’s choice of topic wasn’t very interesting but was a serious one nonetheless. This was also something I happened to be thinking about a few hours ago so I can perhaps share some thoughts with her.

“Though I’ve only begun to consider this recently, the answer to your question is yes, I have indeed.” I nodded, “If I were to meet my end somewhere somehow, everyone would probably descend into chaos.”

“Ho~” Liao Hua gave a very meaningful sigh, which made me feel a little awkward.

“Umm, if you feel like I’m overestimating my influence, then please do forget this conversation ever happened.”

“No, perhaps it is as you have said.” I was about to smile and let the topic end at that but Liao Hua unexpectedly continued, “If things were to go as I foresee it, then our group will divide into 2 much like how the 2 contingents are divided.”

Eh? She’s already thought about things that far?

“You feel that Yun Chang and Feng Xian will part ways?”

“That is practically a sure thing.” Liao Hua nodded, “Lord Guan Yu is just in her way of doing things and is far more prudent; Lord Lu Bu on the other hand does not consider the big picture and does things as she wishes. Both of them are very strong but their styles do not fit well. If they were to jointly command an army, the outcome would not be very favourable.”

… Un. What Liao Hua says makes sense. In fact, I have been keenly aware of this difference. It’s only because they are getting along well now, and Feng Xian has not behaved like the deviant, arrogant Lu Bu I know from the actual Three Kingdoms.

“By the way, how did you notice this?”

“I can see it plain and clear.” Liao Hua said as though it were something very simple, which was a bit difficult for me to accept. This must have shown on my face as she continued, “Or perhaps, it would be more accurate to say that I observed this.”

Aren’t they the same thing?

“… Does my lord think that they are the same thing?”

“Haha, you girls have seen through me again.”

“You girls?”

“No, nothing, please continue.”

This isn’t very important, not anymore anyway. I feel like all my thoughts are displayed on my face. This is also the reason why I can’t lie anymore.

“In conclusion, my lord’s existence is of paramount importance.” Liao Hua said as she sat down on a stone chair opposite me, “My lord has the ability of gathering and keeping people together so if you should encounter danger in the future, I hope that my lord puts his own safety above all else and escape first.”

“… Why are you telling me this?” I don’t really understand Liao Hua, and unlike me, she doesn’t expose what her thoughts are on her face.

“Because I’ve already decided to be a witness to your path.” She said unhesitatingly in a serious tone, “Your path needs someone to be there to see it all.”

“My path?”

“Yes, in a time of great chaos, one’s path will decide one’s longevity. I am afraid of death so I have abandoned my path and have chosen to be an observer.”

Her words were a little too highfalutin and abstract, making it difficult for me to understand what her intentions were. In any case, I can understand at least, that she wishes to see where I end up from here on out.

“Alright, I don’t quite understand what you just said, but I do get some of it.”I nodded, “I’ll be more careful in future.”

“Un.” Liao Hua nodded, and set down her oil lamp on the stone table as she opened the book in her hands and began to read.

Un… I looked at Liao Hua and felt that her silence was a little different from Gong You’s. That said, I still couldn’t pinpoint what the difference was. Perhaps it’s like I said before, Liao Hua just isn’t as worldly as the rest of us.

*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*– *Dang* *Dang* *Dang*–


Just then, several knocks could be heard on the main gate. I instinctively stood up before a voice came from inside the house. I turned and saw Guan Ping running fast as the wind to the entrance.

Ah, Guan Ping seems to have become the doorman.

“Eh? Who are you? … Oh oh, alright, got it.”

Guan Ping exchanged a few words with the person at the gate. She seemed very experienced with this. I looked toward the gate and saw a stranger in official uniform. I tried to listen in on the conversation but couldn’t quite hear what that person was saying.

Guan Ping then closed the gate and began to tiptoe as she ran towards me, “Uncle, uncle, the man outside was looking for you.”

“Looking for me?” I was puzzled, “Why didn’t he come in if he was looking for me? By the way, do you know who he is?”

“No, I don’t know who he is. He has never come by here before.” Guan Ping shook her head, her twintails spinning around as she did so. After that, she bent down and continued, “That person asked you to go to the backdoor in 15 minutes. Seems like a carriage will be here to pick you up then.”

Eh? The backdoor?

I looked at Guan Ping, but all I could see from her being up close, were her clear watery eyes and her impressive cleavage.

Ah… I can’t think of her like this. No matter what she’s my niece, I shouldn’t be harbouring such evil designs.

“D, did he say what was his purpose for coming here? Did he mention who his lord was?”

“No.” Guan Ping shook her head. Because some other things began jiggling about as she did so, I had to force myself to look away.

But how am I supposed to make a decision without knowing who, what or why? If he belonged to Cai Mao’s faction, then I would definitely be in peril if I were to go along.

“My lord, I feel that you shouldn’t go out of safety concerns.” Liao Hua gave her recommendation while I was still deep in thought.

“Un…” I was still very hesitant. It was already very late, and inviting me out like this seems too obvious to be a trap.

“… I feel that I should go along with this.”

“My lord, have you forgotten what I just told you?” Liao Hua sighed. She was clearly in disagreement with my decision.

But sometimes, I feel that I should be a little stubborn and stick with my decision.

“Don’t worry, Liao Hua, I won’t go alone.” I said as I raised my voice ever so slightly toward the inner residence, “Zi Long~ Zi Long~”

No one replied.

“My lord, Lord Zi Long and Lord Wen Yuan have accompanied both generals to the barracks.”

Ah… They’re all not here huh.

“Does my lord wish to summon Chen Gong, Chen Dao or Zhou Cang?”

“No, they are exhausted. They need to rest.”

They’ve been cleaning the residence all day long. Getting them to be my bodyguards at such a late hour would be far too cruel. Besides, they don’t know what’s going on so it would take time to explain things to them as well.

“Me! I’ll accompany uncle!”

Eh? Just then, Guan Ping piped up in a lively voice as she raised her hand.

“Will you be alright, Guan Ping?” I asked.

“Of course of course, I’ll definitely be alright.” Guan Ping said as she vigorously nodded.

“Lord Guan Ping, this isn’t a game. Please think things through carefully.” Liao Hua admonished the easy-going Guan Ping, “If something were to happen, how are you–”

“Then Lord Liao Hua can come along too.”

“Ah…” The single sentence from Guan Ping silenced Liao Hua completely. She looked at Guan Ping then at me. I’d thought she would frown but she didn’t do so, and only thought for a moment before closing her eyes as she put down her book and blew out the oil lamp.

“I do not approve of this, but if my lord insists on going, then I have to accede and accompany him.”

Why do you have to put it that way…

“I’m really sorry but I have to go this time.”

Because of what Liu Qi said to me before– Liu Biao might seek my audience tonight.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!