Published at 27th of January 2017 10:18:44 PM

Chapter 77

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Liu Bei POV

Now that I think about it, this seems to be the first time I’m going to Liu Qi’s mansion. As I looked at it from the outside, I felt that everything about it, be it the main doorway or the decor, was vastly different from what I expected.

“This… Are you certain that this is Lord Liu Qi’s mansion?”

“I don’t know…”

A bewildered Yun Chang asked me softly to which I could only reply uncertainly.

This does not look like a mansion for even a mid-level official, much less a direct descendent of a royal relative. Some bricks at the front had fallen off as did some of the stone steps. Cobwebs covered the doorway here and there. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that this mansion was abandoned for years. More imaginative individuals might even think that this residence is haunted.

“It should be here right?” I raised my head and looked at the signboard at the top of the doorway, “Look, it says ‘刘府’ right there. If this isn’t Liu Qi’s residence, whose could it be?”

“Could it be Lord Liu Cong’s residence? Or perhaps Lord Liu Biao’s or some other royal relative.”

“That doesn’t seem likely…”

I disagreed with Yun Chang’s hypothesis. Could Liu Cong live in this mansion? No, I don’t buy it. I also remember someone mentioning that Liu Qi and Liu Cong’s residences are quite far apart as well.

“Un… Let’s knock first, I guess.”

“By the way, has big brother thought of what to say yet?” Just as I began making my way up the steps, Yun Chang asked me cautiously.

“Un, more or less.”

Along the way as we browsed the street stalls, I began stringing together what I planned to say to Liu Qi. And by now, I know, more or less, where I should begin from, what I should say and what needs to be summarised. In short, there are basically 2 messages I wish to convey to Liu Qi. One, I support her. Two, the decision to move to Xinye was something I did for my comrades and was out of my control.

“Speaking of which, does Lord Liu Qi know about this?”

“It’s been more than a week now so I assume she knows.”

In this period, Liu Qi has not come to see me at all even though before we went to Jiangxia, she’d come fairly often.

Could it be because she feels that I’ve betrayed her?

Yun Chang frowned at my reply and seemed alert as she ascended the steps with me. It’s difficult to climb these broken steps but we managed to somehow.

*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

I lightly knocked, but even after some time, there was no reply.


*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

I was rather puzzled and knocked again once more but there was no response whatsoever.

“What’s going on? Could it be that Lord Liu Qi is out? — Or could this be a trap?”


Yun Chang’s sensitivity was triggered again but this sinister atmosphere made me feel the same as well. I looked about and felt that even though there was no one in sight, it wouldn’t be strange for 30-40 black-clothed individuals jumping down from the roof in the next moment–



“Who is it?!”

Just as I was preoccupied with my thoughts, the main door suddenly opened up. I was thoroughly shocked while Yun Chang stepped forward instantly and uncovered her Green Dragon Crescent Blade which she slashed down at the door. In an instant, the door split in half and fell down with 2 deep, loud thuds, sending cobwebs and dust flying about.

“Ah… Ah! Yun Chang, how could you destroy other peoples’ doors!” This was the first thing that came to mind when I recovered.

Compared to the frantic me, Yun Chang was stern and serious, “This mansion seems far too dilapidated and sinister. They should have answered when you knocked before but they didn’t. Now, they have chosen to open the door in silence. Be it human or ghost, I don’t believe the one behind the door has good intentions.”

“I… I see.”

That does seem to make sense, but is this or is this not Liu Qi’s–

“I’m really sorry for being slow and quiet.”

Eh? Just then, a familiar voice came from the other side of the dust cloud.

“Report your name immediately!”

“Wait, Yun Chang.” I hurriedly stopped Yun Chang who’d deemed this mansion as hostile grounds and squinted at the person on the other side as I tried to recall where the voice was coming from.

And just then, I was able spot her clothes and the characteristic Tao symbol on her long gown.

“Ah! Is it Yi Ji?”

“Eh? Lord Yi Ji?”

The moment I realised who it was, I called out to her. Yun Chang was rather surprised and hurriedly retracted her weapon and firmly planted it into the ground.

By this time, the dust had settled and it was clear that I was right.

“Imperial Uncle, we meet again.”

I was right, it was the slightly weird and quiet Yi Ji,

“Ah, un. We haven’t met since the banquet.” I hurriedly replied and lowered my head before looking about and continued in a much softer voice, “By the way, is this really Liu Qi’s residence?”

“It is, the young mistress practices martial arts and live shere.” Yi Ji said and smiled, “May I ask if there is any problem?”

“No, no problem at all.”

“Yes… It’s alright, just a little weird I guess.”

Yun Chang and I hurriedly responded. Yun Chang’s reply though was a little more honest than mine, though it was still miles away from what we really thought. It was also clear that Yi Ji knew what we were thinking about when she asked us if there was any problem, and that we wouldn’t be able to say what we were thinking anyway.

As I thought so, I lowered my head and looked at the door which had been split in half, “Ah… Yi Ji, I’m really sorry about this.”

“No, it’s fine. The young mistress has been meaning to change it anyway.” Yi Ji said as she shook her head, “By the way, you both are here today for…”

“Ah, this is…”

Yi Ji looked at me, and then at Yun Chang. I was still in a daze and didn’t know what to say and could only stammer as I looked inside.

“Un? Is Liu Qi not in today?”

I just realised that there were no sounds coming from the mansion at all. Additionally, Liu Qi should have come to receive me by now as well.

“The young mistress and Wen Ping are with Xiangyang city’s garrison.” Yi Ji said, “The young mistress requested our lord to appoint her as an officer within the garrison so she can serve the city.”

“Ah, un, so that’s why…”

As I listened to Yi Ji, all my carefully scripted lines I’d been practising all flew out of my mind.

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