Published at 14th of June 2017 09:39:04 AM

Chapter 112

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Li Dian POV

She held her halberd in 1 hand and swung the reins of her warhorse with the other as she galloped ahead of her troops so quickly that she was pulling away.

“Lord Li Dian! Well done just now!”

“I’m ashamed, truly ashamed.” I said to Cao Ren who has charged up by now and tried to console me. I did not dare to accept her praise as I knew my capabilities were really lacking.

At this time, we could not see the faces of Lu Bu’s troops yet but we could see hers. I have to say that, her horse is a really good horse befitting of her status as a ferocious general. But if she charges up alone like that, it is only to our benefit.

“Lord Cao Ren.”

“I got it! — Cavalry, continue charging in.” Cao Ren nodded and gave the order to our troops after I called out to her.

Next up is… The one we need to deal with is Lu Bu. I am beginning to feel fear. But now we are in a 2-on-1 scenario, it should be less restrictive than when we were in a 6-on-1 scenario so it’s too early to be pessimistic.

As Lu Bu neared us, Cao Ren and I looked at each other and nodded.

“Yaa!” “Haa!”

We both yelled as we charged at Lu Bu, I with my glaive raised behind my back.

— Now!

I seized the moment and slashed down at Lu Bu just as she entered my effective range. Cao Ren too stabbed at her. Like this, with both oncoming stab and slash attacks, it will be difficult for her to dodge especially with the momentum from her charge.


Su! In that instant, Lu Bu’s expression darkened and she sent the both of us a stare with her beast-like eyes from behind her fringe which jolted me. But what do we have to fear when our attacks are already in motion?

“Un.” Lu Bu lightly grunted and neither dodged nor blocked. Instead, she completely ignored me as she raised her halberd and unleashed a vicious and rapid slash at Cao Ren that was aimed at her sides.

“Wu!” Cao Ren got a shock by this and hurriedly pulled back her spear to block the attack.


A loud and dull clunk rang out as Cao Ren was nearly sent flying from her horse. But since Lu Bu has chosen not to defend against my attack, then her head will be cut open–

All of a sudden, the halberd was rapidly closing in on me.



I could not believe it but hurriedly retracted my weapons just like Cao Ren and blocked Lu Bu’s attack as I did not have the confidence that I would be able to land my attack on her first. What was unbelievable was that she actually managed to rotate fast enough to my side.

I saw it very clearly. After her attack landed on Cao Ren’s spear, she immediately leaned back and swept her halberd around and slashed at my right. It was too fast, be it her movements, reflexes or her judgement. Neither Cao Ren nor I can compare with her in any regard. This is something that there is no doubt about whatsoever.

And just as we finished our first bout, troops on both sides have now clashed together.

“Cavalry troops! Charge in! Destroy their formation!” Cao Ren yelled commands to the leader of the cavalry while continuing to fight with Lu Bu. Soon, the heavy infantry would be able to charge in deeply as well and penetrate their defensive lines.


“Lord Cao Ren!” I yelled to Cao Ren when I saw Lu Bu unleash yet another powerful slash at Cao Ren who realised it too late and could only reflexively tug on the reins and make her horse back up in response.

“Ya!” Cao Ren cried out as the halberd followed through, leaving a long line down her arm.

“Yaa!” I cried out as I charged at Lu Bu. We could not afford to stop attacking now and I need to buy Cao Ren some time.


“Haa!” Cao Ren grimaced as she endured the pain and gripped her spear with both hands as she charged at Lu Bu.

*Ding* *Ding*!

Cao Ren and I were coordinating decently as we unleashed ferocious attacks on Lu Bu over and over. Based on my standards, I would say that our coordination is worth 90 points but every attack was negated by Lu Bu.


During the entire fight, I was wondering why there were barking sounds here and there. I eventually found that it came from a small animal that was hiding in her chest and revealed its head from time to time. She actually brought her pet out into the battlefield with her and was able to fight so brilliantly. All I can say is, as expected of Lu Bu.


It’s coming! She is always silent when she attacks.

— Lower left!

*Sha*!! What– Wu!

I raised my glaive to block her attack but she slid her blade along my weapon and cut my calf. I hurriedly applied strength and only just barely managed to push her weapon away before it could cut too deeply while Cao Ren helped to distract her by attacking her.

Kuh, it’s only been 10-20 bouts but Cao Ren and I are covered with wounds while Lu Bu looks like she has just taken an afternoon stroll. If this goes on, we will definitely start slipping up within 50 bouts. And if we do, our lives will definitely be forfeit.

Are they not ready yet! Are they still not in position!

“My lord!” A voice came from behind all of a sudden, and when I turned to look, I saw her lieutenant galloping out of the fray. I had not seen her the entire time, which means that she is in charge of commanding the troops. But since she called out to Lu Bu now, then it must be that–

“My lord!” She continued to yell, “Our rearguard has been surrounded.”


Finally! I heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Cao Ren who nodded with a relieved expression as well. Back then, Cao Ren gave the command to the cavalry who charged down the flanks of the enemy and surrounded the rearguard, effectively forming an overall pincer attack.

As the commanding officer, Lu Bu should not have pulled ahead of her troops, nor should she have left everything to her lieutenant. Battles are not won by individuals but by tactics employed and executed by many.

And as for Cao Ren and I, as long as we can survive this, it is more than enough. I felt very much relieved and stared at Lu Bu alongside Cao Ren wordlessly as I wondered how this ferocious warrior would deal with this.

“… I’ll go.”


Lu Bu gave a soft reply before swinging her halberd and knocking away the both of us and the surrounding troops–


Her horse neighed as Lu Bu turned around and galloped to the back. Even if you want to save them, it’s too late.

“Wen Yuan! I’ll leave this side to you!”


When I looked at how the battle had proceeded, I saw that our cavalry had not charged in as deeply as we initially planned for them to and our heavy infantry were stymied. Looks like that lieutenant has good leadership on top of her excellent martial prowess.


Un?! Just as I was preoccupied with my thoughts, she slashed down at me. I hurriedly raised my blade to block it while Cao Ren stabbed at her in quick succession, forcing her to turn and dodge.

Thereafter, we exchanged another 10 bouts or so. Even though it was much easier than when we fought Lu Bu, we did not have a clear advantage.

“Haa!” Cao Ren roared and swept Zhang Liao aside, forcing her to back up. It was clear that Zhang Liao was beginning to tire as she stood there and did not charge.

“Zhang Liao! Don’t you think that it’s a waste for you to serve under Lu Bu,” I said, thinking that it was a good opportunity to persuade her, “You are a well-rounded talent, yet you serve under a lord who acts unilaterally who in turn serves a lord with an unknown fate! It’s a real waste of talent!”

“Haha,” Zhang Liao chuckled as she continued to give off a refreshing aura and replied, “I, Zhang Liao, have followed my lord (Lu Bu) from north of the river to the south and have long since made the resolve to do so for the rest of my life. My lord (Liu Bei) is currently missing but I am willing to continue to defend his honour.”

When she finished, she swung her glaive and saluted us, looking very much like a hero. Unfortunately, she is far too obsessed.

“What a pity.” Cao Ren said as she shook her head. If Cao Ren said as much, then she truly thinks so.

“Not at all,” Zhang Liao smiled as she shook her head, “If my lord (Lu Bu) were just your garden variety warrior then I might have been moved by your words. Unfortunately, the one that you just fight is far beyond what you both, or even I, can imagine.”

What does she mean by that?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!