Published at 25th of June 2017 08:45:39 AM

Chapter 124

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Yun Chang POV

Eh? Just a draw? I was surprised and looked at Feng Xian who had her head lowered and remained silent. It must have been difficult for her to eke out a draw given how elite the enemy troops were.

“A draw is already very good.” I said as I nodded at Lu Bu and saluted and bowed to her, “It’s been hard on you both.”

“It’s okay, it wasn’t that bad.” Wen Yuan replied as she kneaded her shoulders, “Just a little tired, that’s all.”

That’s the same thing, is it now?

“Un.” Feng Xian accepted my words and merely nodded in response before saying, “Don’t think about the battle anymore, Lord Guan Yu. Have a good rest.”

“Yes, just rest for tonight.” Big brother repeated and held my arm as he looked at me with concern, “Are you injured at all? If you are, make sure to let Hua Tuo take a look tomorrow morning.”

From the very beginning up till now, big brother had not made any mention of the battle at all and merely showed his concern for me, an act that made my tears which I had managed to stop with great difficulty fall once again.

“No, there’s no need for that.” I shook my head uneasily, “Umm, this battle…”

“That’s enough.” Just as I was about to give big brother my report, he quickly stopped me and patted my back as he smiled, “Rest up tonight first. Anything else will have to wait for tomorrow’s meeting.” When he finished, he then whispered, “Welcome back, Yun Chang.”

In that moment, I could feel my face stiffen up and my tears streaming down yet again.

“Big brother, I’m back.” I replied softly as I lowered my head and saluted him.

I do not remember much of what happened after that. All I remember is that my anxiety and troubles was swept away after this conversation and all that remained was the grief of a commanding officer for the lost soldiers. I did not return to the city that night and specifically requested to remain in the encampment to console everyone who needed it. This was both for big brother, and myself.

Before I slept, I resolved that one day, I would help big brother to attain greatness and stand alongside the likes of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, an important goal added to my path of honour and martial prowess.

Liu Bei POV

“Haa…” I do not remember when I fell asleep last night. All I knew was that it was very late. I do not know what time it is now either but it should be morning since I can feel the warm rays of sunlight.

Being able to welcome Yun Chang back was a great comfort. Even though we did not achieve our objectives, being able to see Yun Chang, Guan Ping and Zhou Cang back safely was good enough.

Yun Chang was not able to return yesterday night as she was busy with work, which she probably threw herself into to take her mind off things. I believe that I had said all I could to her last night while welcoming her so I decided to leave the rest to herself.

*Dong* *Dong* *Dong* Knocking sounds came from the door. What great timing.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Gan Qing.”

“Ah, I’m coming.” I said as I hurriedly jumped off the bed and tidied my clothing as I made my way to the door.

I might move that quickly for someone else but this was Gan Qing after all. Compared to the other strong women here who go to battle everyday, Gan Qing feels a lot more like a normal girl to me though that is indeed the case anyway.

I do have to admit that this is a little patriarchical of me but I think this much is forgivable. In front of a girl who is weaker than myself, I would like to appear bigger and stronger after all. Besides, this is a girl who has followed us all over the country and never uttered a single complaint. Honestly, I feel like I owe her this much as a feudal lord.

If I had known that it would be like this, I would have never allowed her to follow and suffer with us. In Xu state, she would not go hungry at least and I have not heard of any large scale conflicts happening in and around the area ever since we left.

“Ah, brother Liu Bei.”

“Gan Qing is here huh?” I replied with a smile as she greeted me sweetly. When I looked down. I saw that she had a steaming basin in her hands that was filled with hot water.

“I saw that brother Liu Bei has been rather busy lately so I thought I would bring you some hot water to wash your face with.” Gan Qing said as she pointed at my sideburns, “It’s a little rude to say this but your sideburns is getting a little dirty.”

“Ah, is that so? Please excuse me.” I said, feeling embarrassed and reached out to touch my face and found that it was indeed a little dirty.

“In any case, thanks Gan Qing.” I thanked her and hurriedly reached out to receive the basin.

“Ah… Ah, it’s okay if brother Liu Bei washes his own face, I guess.” Gan Qing hesitated for a moment and said with a tinge of disappointment as she handed it to me with some reluctance.

I took it and placed it on a shelf nearby before gingerly putting my hands into the water and found that the temperature was just right. Gan Qing must have tested it for me beforehand.

“Ah…” I could feel myself relaxing almost right away as I stuck my hands in. The weather had begun to get colder and I felt the warmth from the water passing into my hands and spreading throughout my body.

“To be honest, I am indeed a little tired at this time.” I said to Gan Qing as I allowed myself to relax. I know though that I am not the only one who is tired. Practically everyone who has been involved is probably exhausted by now.

But… I really did not think that things would be this difficult, I thought as I splashed some water on my face and dunked my face into the water and enjoyed the warmth being transmitted to my face directly.

I really was not too knowledgeable about history but I did not know that the battle here would be this difficult. Yet why do I have no impression of it if it’s this harsh? There’s no need to look at the big picture. Look at Yun Chang for example. Yun Chang should not have suffered a grave loss so early yet look at what happened.


I felt like I was born again as I came out of the water. I slapped my cheeks and rubbed them. Seeing that there was a fair amount of dirt on my hands, I decided to wash my face properly.


— I knew it! I knew that their vanguard was 30,000 strong!

… What did Yuan Zhi mean when she said these words? And how did she know that the vanguard was 30,000 strong beforehand?

I really have no idea what to make of all this. I wonder if Yuan Zhi came back last night. Her room was dark when we came back and there was not any sign of movement either. I thought of going in to check but various things have happened because of such actions so I decided against it. At this time, she ought to be awake. When I see her later, I have to properly question her. I will not let her escape again this time.

“Brother Liu Bei?”

“Ah? … Ah.” When I heard Gan Qing call out to me, I turned to look at her and saw that she was looking with surprise and worry at me. Just then, I realised that I had my hands to my face all this time and must have seemed like I was completely in a daze to her.

“Ah, it’s nothing, I’m fine.” I said as I hurriedly continued to wash my face.

“Umm, brother Liu Bei.” Gan Qing continued to speak in a truly feminine voice as I washed my face, “I’ve also heard of what has happened in the recent battle. Things should be very dire right now but I think that if it’s brother Liu Bei, you can definitely overcome it.”

Really? I have always doubted this myself to be honest. Even if we prevail in this round of battles, we probably will not be able to defeat the hordes that will eventually come. When that time comes, we might not even have a way to retreat. Nor will exposing the fact of my survival have any use.

“Though I guess I can’t really help much.” Gan Qing continued as I indulged in pessimistic thoughts. By now, I had finished washing my face and looked at her. She looked sad and when I looked down, I saw that she was balling her fists rather tightly.

She must have a lot of complicated feelings for someone like her who has always been following us but is unable to do anything as she watches us go to battle. As the one being protected, it is inevitable that they begin to question their value if they are constantly being protected and are not helping.

And yet, how can we slack off when there are people who placing hope on us? At times like these, especially when my generals are not doing so well, I must buck up.

“Ah, here.” Gan Qing said as she passed me a towel when she saw that I was almost done washing my face.

“I feel that Gan Qing has been a great help and that Gan Qing is a remarkable woman.”

“Eh?” Gan Qing gasped in surprise at my sudden words.

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