Published at 8th of August 2017 06:05:27 PM

Chapter 168

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Li Dian POV

“Yaa!!” I yelled as I charged at him with Lu Xiang in tow as the man began to have trouble as he held his abdomen. We would probably be able to finish this instantly now that he is having trouble.

Victory and loss always hinges on that 1 critical moment.

“– Don’t you dare bully my big brother!”

Un?! A voice came from just beside me and before I could react, someone descended from the heavens like a heavenly soldier and stood between Lu Xiang and I and the man as she swung her Serpent Spear, forcing us back.

My mind went blank in an instant. The one in front of me was undoubtedly Zhang Fei yet she seemed even more murderous and ferocious than the Zhang Fei I was familiar with as well as the one I was not so familiar with.


No! In an instant, Zhang Fei closed the gap between us and stood before me as she began swinging her Serpent Spear.

I need to block– No! It’s too late!

My hands were trembling. Even though there was no impediment, I had no strength to move my arms and raise the fragmented spear to defend myself. All I could do was watch as the Serpent Spear slashed at me.

“Lord Li Dian!”


All of a sudden, a strong force hit me by my waist and sent me flying to the side. I turned around as I flew and saw Lu Xiang raise her spear to block Zhang Fei’s attack in my place. She had no fear at all as she met Zhang Fei’s oncoming attack.

“Lu Xiang, don’t–”


A deafening sound rang out and bright red liquid splattered all over.

Eh? It took me a while before I realised what had happened. Lu Xiang’s short spear had been split cleanly in 2 by Zhang Fei’s attack which followed through and slashed through her chest. The bright red liquid that had spattered onto the ground, me and Zhang Fei was the blood from her wound that continued to pour out still.

“Wu…” Lu Xiang groaned as she keeled over.

“Lu Xiang!” I yelled as I frantically stepped on the muddy floor and flew over, letting Lu Xiang’s head land on my thighs.

“Ka!” Lu Xiang coughed up blood as she landed on my thighs and her eyelids trembled.

“Lu Xiang!” I yelled but she did not reply.


Just then, footsteps could be heard from nearby. I knew that it was Zhang Fei and immediately pointed my spear in that direction. Even though I knew that it would be useless, I still did so anyway.

… Eh? Just as I stared angrily over, the sight of Zhang Fei who had completely descended into panic greeted me. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes were bulging as though she could not believe that the scene before her was caused by her.

“Ah– Ah!” Before I could figure out what was going on, Zhang Fei looked at Lu Xiang and screamed as she ran off like a madman.

“Yi De! Yi De, what’s wrong?!” The man yelled anxiously as he sprinted after her, completely ignoring us. His voice is really similar now that I have heard it a few more times. Could it be… That he really is…

“*Ke* *Ke*” Lu Xiang spat out more blood while I was preoccupied with my thoughts.

“Lu Xiang! Don’t give up!” My mind got even messier as I looked at Lu Xiang but now was not the time to be pondering such problems.

“Get me a horse! Quick!”

“Yes!” The nearby troops acknowledged the order I gave and seemed to understand what was going on as they hurried to find a horse. I looked down at Lu Xiang’s chest and gingerly pried open the broken fragments of her amour to peer inside–

Wu! Her wound is so deep!

The spear must have sliced cleanly across Lu Xiang which is why her wound is still bleeding even now. No matter how much I try to stop the bleeding, it will not work. The wound is too big.

“It’s over…”

“Eh?” Just as I was desperately trying to stop the bleeding, Lu Xiang began to speak up softly.

“My martial prowess… Is only this good. Being slain here is my fate.”

“What bullshit are you spouting!” I roared angrily at her. I did not understand why I felt this much rage at the impending death of one of Yuan Shao’s general but I did not want to admit that her death was nigh and still felt that she could be saved.

“Don’t think about anything, Lu Xiang, just breathe in and out slowly. Don’t close your eyes, don’t sleep, you hear me?” I said as I sniffled and looked about to see if a horse had come, “Just hold on, it will get better soon. We have military doctors with us, one should be nearby!”

As I said so, I continued to press down on her wound and looked about but could not find the military doctor I spoke of. At this time, all I could feel was her warm blood gushing out, which made me tremble as I breathed.

“It’s… Enough, Lord Li Dian.”

“Eh?” I was surprised to hear a warm tone from her and soon, I could feel a cold touch from my hands. I looked at her and saw that she was trying to squeeze out a smile as she set down her broken spear and held my hand.

“I never expected to leave this battle alive in the first place.”

“Lu Xiang!” I yelled but before I could continue, she shook her head.

“I’ve heard of Zhang Fei’s name before. If she was like this in the first battle, I would have died back then.” Lu Xiang said with clear eyes that looked up at me, “After big brother died, I’d felt it more or less that Fan city was where our lives would end.”


“And now is probably time for me to meet big brother.”

I could not say a word because I simply have no idea what sort of words I should say to comfort her. It would have been understandable if I was someone who is a pure warrior but I am not. I was a scholar to begin with and was well-learned but now, I cannot even say a single word to encourage and console someone. What kind of intellectual am I?

“Don’t be sad, Lord Li Dian. I’ve been thinking about things these few days.” Lu Xiang said, somehow detecting my feelings even though I had turned away, “Lord Guan Yu is right. There are no small fries or big fish on the battlefield, only the weak and the strong. The strong live and the weak die. This is the fate given to all by the heavens. There is nothing unreasonable about it. That big brother and I should die in this battle is fate and has nothing to do with our status.”

“I know, I know, but it’s best you speak less, Lu Xiang, and conserve your energy.” I said as I nodded, not daring to look at Lu Xiang for fear that my tear ducts which had not been in use for many years would not be able to hold back.

I really do not know why I am feeling sad now. Perhaps it’s because of the camaraderie from fighting together, perhaps it’s just the normal grieving over the loss of life or perhaps my emotions are running wild as the battle situation continues to worsen. Who knows?

“Lord Li Dian, I have to thank you.”

“Thank me for what?!” I frowned, “You saved me umpteen times, I should be thanking you.”

“Back then, if it were not for you pulling… The me who went berserk… I might have already died then.” Lu Xiang said as she shook her head, “It was you… You helped me to see big brother 1 last time… And I was able to help tend to his funeral and watch over him…”

“Don’t say anymore, don’t say anymore…”

But even so, even when her breathing began to get ragged, she continued on.

“Hu…” She exhaled after she finished and took a while before she began to softly continue, “Lastly, I have 1 thing I’d like Lord Li Dian… To help…”

My heart tightened when I heard what she said but I still steeled myself and looked at her as I nodded, “It’s alright. Go on, go on.”

“… Big brother and I… Are from the north. Now that big brother has died here in the south… He has been buried outside Fan city.” Lu Xiang began to choke up as she continued, “I hope that… After I die… I can be buried with big brother. It’s fine if… If I don’t return home…”

“Un un, I understand. I understand.” I vigorously nodded.

Just then, Lu Xiang relaxed her eyebrows and flashed me a cheerful smile as she spat out her last breath, “Big brother… I’m coming… To see you…”

When she finished, all that remained was a familiar smiling face. How can I possibly remain dour when faced with this smile?

“General! Your horse is here!”

“… Ah, I got it.” When the soldier came to me, I could not reply immediately and had to do my best not to choke up as I replied. I then got up with Lu Xiang in my arms.

She was now serene and at peace with her eyes closed.

I was now feeling a deep sense of guilt and towards her. If it were not for our strategic error, we would not have come to this and she would not have to surrender her life. But this is not the time to lament, I thought as I put her on the horse before gingerly mounting it.

This was not the horse I came here with but there is no choice now. I held the reins with 1 hand and what remained of my spear with the other as I looked ahead.

“My lord, when will this battle end?” The soldier who had brought my horse asked me this just as I was about to kick the horse and go to look for Cao Ren.

“… Very soon.” I did not think too much about it but still took a while to reply her, “Just listen closely for any further orders.”

“Yes!” She replied and returned into the fray without a word of complaint.

Let me see… I looked into the distance and found where Cao Ren should be before making my horse gallop in that direction.

“Lu Xiang…” I called out to her. She did not reply me but I felt that she could still hear me and decided to continue, “… Thank you for giving everything for this battle.”

When I finished, she still did not reply and all that filled my ears were the sounds of slaughter, horse hooves and the clash of steel against steel. But I could see it, Lu Xiang’s smile, which never faded and stayed on her face.

To those from the future, Lu Xiang’s name may just appear on the footnote of a history book or it may not even appear at all, but for me and all the other troops that fought alongside me, Lu Xiang’s name will follow us to our grave. The brave, energetic girl who loved her elder brother that gave me and many others so much.

Lu Xiang, and her elder brother, have given their all for this battle.

And that is enough.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!