Published at 19th of March 2017 03:58:37 AM

Chapter 26

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Yun Chang POV

Yi De looked at me with a swirling gleam in her eyes and lowered her head, “I know. I believe this as well.”

After a moment, she looked up with a more relieved expression and gave a smile that made me feel both intimate and distant as she softly said, “If you don’t mind, you can call me Yi De.”

Ah… Though her memories have yet to return, she’s acting more and more like her former self. As the saying goes, leopards cannot change their spots.

Now it was my turn to sink into thought. I might say as much about big brother to Yi De but in my heart, I do not truly believe that big brother will definitely be fine. If it were not for the need for me to remain and maintain control of the situation, I would have left with Zi Long to search for big brother.

I have since then been helping everyone to alleviate their anxiety but who will do it for me?

Big brother, come back quickly.

Be it me or the rest, we cannot be without you.

Liu Bei POV

It’s been raining for 2 days now but the dark clouds have finally cleared and we have returned to the calm of before.

The skies are clear and there’s a gentle breeze blowing. Against the backdrop of the countryside, this truly makes for great scenery. Southern weather tends to be gloomy so it’s rare to see clear, blue skies for miles in the day like today.

“Haa… It’s so hot.”

Of course, not everyone is interested in scenery.

“Lord Huang Zu, you really are…” I muttered as I looked at Huang Zu’s face, which always seemed like she had just awoken, with displeasure.

“Un? Imperial Uncle, do you have a problem?” Huang Zu asked softly and weakly without looking over as she slouched on her horse.

“… No, it’s nothing.” When I looked at her, and having been questioned like this, I began to feel like I was being unreasonable and decided to let things be.

Moreover, I have experienced this before. To people of this era, perhaps such scenery is normal to them and I am the weird one, getting excited over nothing.

“Huang Zu, take a look at the sky now and then if you have nothing much to do.” Yuan Zhi, who was sitting atop a pony, said as she squinted, “The horizon will undoubtedly be cleaner than the scenery before you now.”

I turned my head and saw that Yuan Zhi was relaxedly lying down on her horse with all 4 limbs stretched out. Her red bandana was still on as usual and it made me wonder what parts of the sky she could see with part of her vision obscured.

“Un…” Huang Zu was rather obedient and immediately raised her head to look at the sky and did so for a long while. I thought that she’d gotten engrossed in enjoying the view but then I heard light breathing, which meant that she fell asleep.

“Haha, Lord Huang Zu really is…” I complained to Yuan Zhi as I looked at Huang Zu but she did not react. When I looked over, I saw Yuan Zhi looking towards the sky with her arm reaching up and making clawing motions, “Ah… Yuan Zhi?”

“Ah? Ah!” She only snapped out of her daze when she heard me call her and she hurriedly pulled down her arm that was hanging in mid air with the other arm, “Ah… I, I’m sorry, I was a li, little out of it and was thinking i, if I could pl– pluck the clouds…”

“Ah, Yuan Zhi, calm down.”

She began stuttering again and seemed rather anxious. I was worried that she might fall off the horse as she was fidgeting about a fair bit but she remained firmly on the horse’s back no matter what kind of movements she made.

But really, she’s usually so cool, calm and collected but at times like these, her natural airheaded nature oozes out.

Yuan Zhi is fine like this, I thought as I looked at her.

“Speaking of which, if clouds could be plucked, I would like to do so as well.” I said, deciding to continue the conversation along what she just said.

“Wu…” But when she heard what I said, Yuan Zhi pulled her bandana down all the way to her nose. When she realised this, she hurriedly tugged it back up to cover her eyes.

As everyone has just seen, I am currently travelling towards Xinye with Yuan Zhi and Huang Zu and it has been 5 days since we have begun travelling together.

Though Dilu is extremely fast and I would get there much faster travelling alone, I was afraid that I would get lost and it’s safer to travel with them. Moreover, Yuan Zhi herself offered to travel together so sacrificing a few days for safety and companionship is a good deal.

But now, I’m beginning to get more and more worried about everyone in Xinye. In total, it’s been more than half a month since I have gone missing and I am worried something might happen to them.

If we were in my era, 1 simple phone call would have settled things. Even a letter or a telegram would have taken days or hours. Unfortunately, transportation is not developed in this era so even a short, simple message is difficult to transmit.

No matter what, we must get there as soon as possible. I also must explain things properly to Yuan Zhi when I get the chance. I have not told her anything at all yet, I thought as I looked at Yuan Zhi.

… Eh? It seems like Yuan Zhi had ridden Dilu before and she was able to control him rather well too. When I consider that she’s comfortably lying down on her horse now, this means that she’s probably very well versed in horsemanship.

Well then…

“Umm, Yuan Zhi.”

“Un? What’s the matter?” When she heard me call out to her, she replaced her bandana and looked at me from the side. From her tone, it seems like she’s largely recovered from her anxiety before.

“Umm, I would like to ask you something about Dilu.” I said as I stroked Dilu’s mane, “May I ask if you know how I can get Dilu to turn?”

“Turn… Huh?” Yuan Zhi turned her head while she continued to lie on the horse and pondered for a few seconds before she spoke up again, “Ah, ah, I get it now. Are you using normal methods to make it turn and finding that you are unable to do so?”


How did she understand my problem so quickly? And she looks like such an airhead too.

“That is indeed the case. No matter how much I yank the reins, I can’t seem to make him turn.” I hurriedly nodded and asked for advice while feeling impressed inside.

“That way won’t work at all.” Yuan Zhi said while continuing to lie relaxedly on her horse, “With treasured horses like Dilu, you have to use different methods.”

Different methods? Is there some special technique to it?

“I am an amateur and have not learnt of this and seek your guidance in learning how.” I said and hurriedly saluted her.

Yuan Zhi nodded and said, “Actually, all you need to do is to speak to it.”


“Speak? Speak what?”

“Just tell it what you want it to do.” She said with a serious look, making me feel like a total amateur for asking again, “Like if you want to turn left or right, just tell it directly. The harsher and hard you try to command it, the harder it is to get it to obey.”

Eh?! That’s all it takes?!”

“Well then…”

Even though I did not really believe it, I still decided to try it as I raised the reins and looked at Dilu below me.

And so, I lightly swung the reins and said “Turn right.”


This is?!

In the next moment, Dilu swung its head and headed left. Making it do this did not cost me much effort at all.

So this works!

“Turn left.” I tried again and it worked just as well.

“Un, that’s about it.” Yuan Zhi nodded as she looked over at me, “Treasured horses understand human intentions so you must treat them as you would another human.”

That’s honestly a little far-fetched for me but I have no choice but to believe the reality before me. If it weren’t for Yuan Zhi, I would never have thought of trying to speak with a horse.

“Many thanks, Yuan Zhi.” I said as I lowered my head and bowed towards Yuan Zhi, feeling respect for this airheaded girl.

“Ah… No, I didn’t actually do anything.” She said as she pulled down her bandana again.

She did not seem to be happy or shy this time. What happened? Did I say something wrong? Why does it feel like Yuan Zhi became a little deflated…

“Ah, please look ahead, you both.” Just then, Huang Zu, who had just woken up, said with surprise as she pointed straight ahead.

I was looking at Yuan Zhi and quickly looked ahead when I heard what Huang Zu said and what I saw nearly brought tears to my eyes.

Before me was a medium-sized village that was bustling with activity.

Ah… It really has not been easy at all, I thought as I stared at the village with tears in my eyes.

“Have we finally reached our destination?” I asked in disbelief.

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