Published at 8th of April 2017 09:02:20 AM

Chapter 46

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Liu Bei POV

*Tatatata*… *Ta*… The sound of horse hooves hitting the ground has been unceasing the whole time and only now was there a slight abatement here and there.

*Sasasasa*… However, the sound of rainfall did not lighten up at all. We were lucky that Yuan Zhi had brought extra raincoats which meant we were able to stay dry. Getting a cold in this weather is no laughing matter after all.

“Xuan De, Lord Xu Shu, Lord Huang Zu.” Just then, the one in charge of leading the way, Zi Long, came to a stop and pointed ahead, “We’re here.”

I looked over in the direction where she pointed and only just saw a rather low length of walls. Looks like the mist of rain had hid it well.

I looked closely at the walls and found that they were indeed rather low and it was not my misconception. It seemed like about 3 storeys tall. If the outer walls were this short, then there’s no point even considering its inner walls. Is this Xinye?

Xinye seems smaller than any city I have ever seen but it’s probably the most meaningful to me. Hai… I am now finally where I ought to be.

“Xinye huh~ I didn’t know before but I was stationed here for a fair amount of time.” Huang Zu, who was behind me, spoke up, “Back then, I’d just joined my lord and knew nothing. For the sake of my growth, my lord sent me here. I stayed here for about 3-4 months before I was transferred back. Now that I think about it, I was really lucky that there were no battles here while I was here.”

As she said so, she looked with a little worry at the top of the city walls.

“Zi Long, let’s head to the residence directly.” Of course, I have no leisure to worry about how I ought to defend Xinye at this time as my companions are the only thing in my mind now.

“Ah, yes.” Zi Long nodded. Her expression was rather serious but it was considerably relaxed compared to when she had not yet found me, “They’ll probably be very happy to know you’re alive.”

Yes, probably like how you were too. Or perhaps like how I was when I saw you.

“I’m Zhao Yun Zhao Zi Long!” Zi Long yelled up at the tower, “Please open up!”

No reply came from the tower. I doubt anyone can recognise Zi Long if they look from above. Or so I thought, as the gates opened a few moments later with a dull and heavy clunk. From the sounds, it seems like this gate has not been maintained well. And why are they letting us in so easily when they clearly cannot identify us?

“Well then, let’s go in.” Zi Long said as she saluted the rest of us and led on.

“Yuan Zhi, we’ll be heading straight to the residence where I’ll introduce you to my companions.”

“Un, that would be nice.”

She does not seem to be too concerned about who my companions are or what they are like huh?

“Hai~ I wonder what they will think when they see this?” Zi Long spoke to herself as she turned back to look at me.

“Un? What do you mean, Zi Long? Will they be unhappy to see me return?”

“No, that’s definitely not the case.” Zi Long narrowed her eyes as she looked at me and then at Yuan Zhi before sighing, “Hai… There shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

I really do not know what Zi Long is saying at all… Why will there even be a problem? And I even brought back a good strategist with me too.

“Ah yes, Huang Zu. If you want to, you can start heading back to Xiangyang now.” Yuan Zhi said, seems like she’s already prepared to say goodbye to Huang Zu, “Don’t you need to go back and see your Governor?”

“That is indeed the case.” Huang Zu nodded, “But since I’m here already, I’d like to pay a visit to the local commander. I haven’t seen him in a while though so I don’t know if he still recognises me.”

As she said so, Huang Zu had a nostalgic look on her face. Though there was no smile on her, her expression felt watm. Looks like Huang Zu places a lot more importance on bonds and the like than I imagined.

“Alright Lord Huang Zu, why don’t you go on ahead then?” I nodded, “But after you’re done with your stuff here, if you’re still willing to stay for a bit, I hope you can show up at the residence and have a meal with us.”

“Alright, got it. If time permits.” Huang Zu looked up at the skies as she said so, probably to determine the time but the weather was still nasty and there was no sign of the sun at all so Huang Zu eventually gave up and looked down again, “If it’s still early, I’ll come and eat something. If possible, I’d like to start returning tonight after all.”

Looks like she’s rather anxious to return… She could have done so while we were at the village where we met Zi Long. Is it because she wants to return the favour to Yuan Zhi? Just like how she did so to Liu Biao who saved her.

“We’ll be parting ways for now then.” Yuan Zhi said and saluted her and so did Zi Long and I.

“Un, many thanks, benefactor. Many thanks, Imperial Uncle and Lord Zhao Yun.” Huang Zu saluted as well and turned to leave without saying anything else, disappearing into the rain.

“Well then, time for us to go.” Zi Long dismounted her horse and pulled the reins to the right, “If I remember correctly, it should be this way.”

I hurriedly dismounted as well and followed behind her while Yuan Zhi tidied her luggage before following behind me. She did not say a single word and seemed calm. As for me, I was getting a little nervous. Now that I am going to meet my companions once more, I do not know how I ought to face them or what I should say to them.

“By the way, Xuan De.”

“Un?” When I heard Zi Long call out to me, I looked over and saw her trying to stifle laughter.

“Do you still want to play a prank on them later when we knock on the door?”

“A prank?”

“The one you pulled on us when you returned from Jiangxia.”

I could see the scene replaying before me when Zi Long mentioned it to me. Even now, everyone’s looks of despair are clearly reflected in my eyes.

The sorrow, the inability to accept the harsh truth and the tears that flowed down unwittingly. Even now, I feel an ache in my heart and untold guilt about it.

Even though I had promised to take care of myself after that…

“No, I don’t think there’s a need for that.” I said as I shut my eyes and shook my head to dispel the image, “It’s serious enough this time.”

It is probably a big enough prank for me to suddenly appear at their doorstep when they are eagerly awaiting any news for me to reach them. And besides, they have waited long enough now.

“Un… That’s right.” Zi Long’s smile seemed a little sad as she shrugged and continued on.

I followed behind, my heart thumping with every step. After a few steps, the passers-by around us started to get noisy and some who passed by me would even turn back to look at me. It was clear that they did not know who I was though it made things feel a little unreal, and so I forced myself to take deep breaths to energise myself.

“Oi, are you alright?” Yuan Zhi asked as she looked up at me. She was a little shorter than me but because of her bandana, she had to arch her neck more. But even so, she could clearly see how nervous I was.

“It’s nothing.” I nodded and did my best to squeeze out a smile, “I’m just a little emotional, that’s all.”

“– Xuan De, we’re here.”

Wu! In that instant, I felt as though my heart was about to explode. I looked up and saw the doorway to a residence beside Zi Long. It did not seem to be very big from the outside and was probably smaller than the one we stayed in at Xiangyang. But as a commandery, this residence is probably the biggest and luxurious mansion around.

And this, is also the place where my companions are waiting for me huh?

When I thought about this, my mind seemed to stop. I took a deep breath and blinked as I did my best to stay calm. I like to look at the sky in my free time and so I did so now as well. I do not know when, but the dark clouds had receded at some point, and there was a rainbow arching out from somewhere in the west.

Alright, I am calm now. It’s time to enter the residence.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!