Published at 4th of June 2024 12:48:26 PM

Chapter 113

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Wen Xin was responsible for dealing with the people at the Jiang residence. However, it wasn’t until Jian Ci delivered the challenge letter, and Ren Shuhan appeared, that Wen Xin informed the household that he had returned. This was to avoid disturbing Ren Shuhan, but it ended up offending the people at the Jiang residence.

Initially, the elder Mr. Jiang was very angry: “Is this reasonable?”

Fortunately, Jiang Zhixi intervened and said, “Ren Gongzi is young and talented, surpassing me in strength in less than two years. Surely, he has many important matters to attend to as well.”

Immediately, the elder Mr. Jiang expressed his understanding: “That makes sense. Quickly prepare a banquet and invite him over for a meal. Miss Wen, please be so kind as to extend the invitation.”

Wen Xin couldn’t refuse, so she had to convey the message.

Having spent so many years at the Jiang residence, Ren Shuhan didn’t want to put on airs. So he went to the banquet with Jiang Qingyue.

He didn’t like chatting with unfamiliar people, while Jiang Qingyue was somewhat shy and didn’t have a good impression of the people at the residence. Moreover, Jiang Zhixi was there, and she was a distinguished guest, so everyone felt awkward during the banquet.

The elder Mr. Jiang tried to be considerate and asked a few questions: “Both Ren Gongzi and Lady Jiang are young talents who take care of each other…”

“Don’t be so polite,” Jiang Zhixi interrupted him hastily, “It’s just fate.”

The elder Mr. Jiang: “Isn’t fate enough?”

“Hey, don’t say such things!” Jiang Zhixi almost reprimanded him, fearing that Ren Shuhan would get angry. Instead, she mentioned Jian Ci, “Ren Gongzi accepting the challenge is just a small matter, it’s also dealing with private affairs.”

Indeed, that was the case, but Ren Shuhan couldn’t speak, so he just nodded and toasted everyone at the table.

The elder Mr. Jiang reluctantly gave up his matchmaking efforts.

Since they didn’t want to take up too much of Ren Shuhan’s time, the banquet ended hastily. As everyone watched their departing figures, they all had mixed feelings.

Initially, Jiang Qingyue was just a nobody, and even in the past two years, nobody paid much attention to him. Who would have thought that things would change so quickly?

Judging from his performance at tonight’s banquet, Ren Shuhan took care of him meticulously, focusing only on him, not even sparing a glance at Jiang Zhixi’s fairy-like presence. It was truly surprising.

Unfortunately, now it was too late to try to befriend him.

Jiang Qingyue also felt the gazes upon them. When he returned to their small courtyard, he leaned against Ren Shuhan like a boneless body and asked somewhat sadly, “Tell me, what exactly do you like about me?”

Ren Shuhan hugged him and swayed in the rocking chair in the courtyard, looking at the moon.

Every night, they returned to their newly purchased house, with no one around for dozens of miles. In the silent night, only the rustling of leaves in the breeze could be heard, as if there were only the two of them left in the world, making Ren Shuhan a little restless.

“I like everything about you,” he hinted, caressing Jiang Qingyue’s abdomen.

Jiang Qingyue chuckled helplessly, “All you think about is this, hmph.”

Ren Shuhan innocently replied, “What’s wrong with that?”

Jiang Qingyue looked at him for a while, then suddenly decided not to pursue the matter further.

Love is a complicated thing. Perhaps one cannot explain why they fell in love; they just did. Jiang Qingyue couldn’t even explain why he loved Ren Shuhan so much.

Having him by his side since childhood, he always wanted to be closer to him, even closer, until he realized, when fate struck, that he had already fallen so deeply.

Jiang Qingyue reached up to touch his face, but Ren Shuhan held his hand.

Ren Shuhan gently caressed his fingertips, then pressed them against his own lips, kissing them repeatedly.

“There’s something I haven’t told you,” Jiang Qingyue looked at him with eyes as gentle as a pool of water, “Will you be angry?”

“It depends on what it is,” Ren Shuhan lightly bit his fingertip.

“It’s about your transmigrating,” Jiang Qingyue said softly, “It wasn’t a bug in the main world’s system. It was me.”

When Ren Shuhan was testing Jiang Qingyue’s rebirth, the first world they entered was an advanced interstellar civilization.

While studying the binding system for crossing spacetime, Jiang Qingyue discovered that Ren Shuhan couldn’t actually transmigrate into the main world, which was a bug in the main world’s system and could potentially be forcibly corrected. So he used his own technological means to give Ren Shuhan this ability.

Due to the sensitive nature of this technology, which involved two civilizations, it was required to keep it confidential by the mainframe. Even Jiang Qingyue, the most senior researcher in the institute, could only apply for one chance.

In deciding to leave this ability to his beloved rather than himself, Jiang Qingyue understood why Ren Shuhan appeared before him.

Because this was a closed loop.

Even though Ren Shuhan didn’t understand anything at that time, even though he didn’t know anything, he still wanted to prioritize giving him freedom.

Jiang Qingyue always remembered the snowy night when he followed Jian Ci’s arrangement and attacked Ren Shuhan.

He was puzzled, opening his eyes and looking at himself, gripping the hand that held the sword but didn’t stop or resist, silently listening to his words, then letting him go.

In fact, this was the only bug.

If one were to seek an explanation for this issue, the only explanation would be… someone was being lenient.

“I can probably guess what you mean,” Ren Shuhan patted his hand back, kissed his forehead, and then teasingly pinched his thigh, “But does it really matter? How can I thank you properly?”

Jiang Qingyue sighed, feeling that he simply didn’t understand.

But indeed, it’s not important. In comparison, what Jian Ci did by letting him off is actually more significant, and Jiang Qingyue didn’t want to keep it from him.

“You know, Jian Ci really likes you,” he explained, lifting his head. “He must have adjusted your permissions, not requiring you to strictly follow the script, allowing you to improvise, which is why you spared my life, not killing me on two occasions.”

This was the scariest thing that Jiang Qingyue had never spoken about.

From Ren Shuhan’s perspective, any pleasure Jian Ci derived from his imaginings and attempts to show off in front of others was based on the assumption that “Ren Shuhan loves him”, so Ren Shuhan scoffed at that.

But in reality, in the initial world, Ren Shuhan could only be free because he wanted “Ren Shuhan to love him”.

Because he liked you, you could hurt him.

Jiang Qingyue nervously looked up.

Ren Shuhan showed a surprised expression, but at the same time, he hugged Jiang Qingyue tightly and immediately said, “Don’t call him Jian Ci anymore, call him Yu Xi rather. Regardless of whether he has shown me any favor, it won’t change the fact that I want to kill him.”

“I thought you would at least hesitate,” Jiang Qingyue said with widened eyes.

“There’s nothing to hesitate about,” Ren Shuhan looked up at the moon, his expression desolate. “I rarely mention this to you, and you probably don’t remember—my real master was Jian Ci.”

When he came to the main world, he didn’t just want to save Jiang Qingyue; there was also Jian Ci.

In the setting of this book, Ren Shuhan’s original species was very exclusive, like the saying goes, “There cannot be two tigers on one mountain,” and even in the same sea, two dragons cannot coexist. Even relationships like spouses or parents and children were not allowed, so it was not easy for him to survive.

Jian Ci found him and raised him for five years, like a true father, teaching him cultivation and reading, becoming someone he relied on during his childhood.

Jian Ci’s appearance and demeanor had always stayed in Ren Shuhan’s heart and were never forgotten.

But then Yu Xi came, and he disappeared.

What was most powerless was that Yu Xi was the one who opened this world.

The real Jian Ci from before actually only existed as data in Ren Shuhan’s memory.

This pile of data was completely erased and reset when Yu Xi arrived, shattered like rubbish, and even if Ren Shuhan wanted to extract his initial data and memories, he couldn’t do it, just like resurrecting Jiang Qingyue.

Jian Ci was born in Cold Mountain, orphaned at a young age, and had never seen his father. He thought he was quite clever after learning a bit, so he set out to explore the world.

But because the original work only mentioned “traveling the world, living quietly without fame”, and didn’t specify where he got the funds for traveling, he didn’t make any waves. He just relied on his intelligence to make a living and became a market-savvy person.

When he found Ren Shuhan, he was only in his thirties, often complaining about how he had to find a wife to raise him with him.

But Jian Ci also said, “When you grow up, you must be filial and take care of me in my old age,” patiently buying milk for the infant, washing clothes, and putting him to sleep.

When little Ren Shuhan could sit, Jian Ci even let him play with a toy windmill on his shoulders.

When Ren Shuhan needed to see a doctor, Jian Ci ended up losing him, and after searching around, he sat still for a while before finally getting up, patting his butt, muttering “Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise,” and went to Qiongzhou alone in loneliness.

After settling in Cold Mountain, Jian Ci heard that Ren Shuhan was in the Jiang residence and secretly went to see him twice.

After glancing from a distance to confirm that he was doing well, Jian Ci shook his fan and leisurely returned to Cold Mountain.

This was Jian Ci—a person who had helped him, an ordinary person with flesh and blood.

Even without looking at the system’s introduction, finishing the book would still allow one to imagine what Jian Ci looked like when he came to argue with the elder Mr. Jiang for Ren Shuhan.

He must have shaken his head and argued logically, a little excited yet also a little nervous, but with a firm stance, full of flavor, with eyes darting around. Though he was young, he was like an old man bargaining in the market, engaging in a lively conversation with the elder Mr. Jiang.

In the end, he managed to negotiate the terms of seeing Ren Shuhan once a month and having several days of time. Jian Ci must have walked out confidently, intending to go to the small courtyard to find his disciple.

And then, unexpectedly…

He disappeared.

Thinking about this, Ren Shuhan squeezed Jiang Qingyue’s hand tightly.

“To others, the real Jian Ci probably didn’t have any presence at all, but to me, he did. I’ve avenged you, and now I’m going to avenge Jian Ci.”

He said, “You know, I thought about it several times before, what I would say to Yu Xi when I killed him. But in the end, I thought for a long time and decided not to say anything because Jian Ci, until the moment of his death… still knew nothing.”

Ah, I always read stories about transmigration and all that… but it sure is depressing when you think of the original person who ends up “disappearing”… (or at least when they’re not actually garbage people lol)

Thank you for reading

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