Published at 4th of June 2024 12:48:24 PM

Chapter 115

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The interstellar world where Jiang Qingyue existed as a mermaid gave him a special sense of belonging, which Ren Shuhan could also see. He particularly liked places with water, and even built a water park in their interstellar home.

Both of them thought that when they returned to their B612 planet, they would see their mermaid parents playing carefreely here, but there was no one at home.

“Hmm?” Jiang Qingyue skeptically video-called Zheng Zhilai. “Dad, we’re back from our honeymoon. Where are you guys?”

Zheng Zhilai was still smiling, completely unaware that his son and son-in-law had disappeared for so long. “We’re working, ah.”

He showed Jiang Qingyue around his side of things, which turned out to be a strange low-level civilization planet where Jiang Chen and Ren Shuhan’s irresponsible parents were also present.

It turned out that they were bored here, so Ren Shuhan’s parents dragged them into an exploration team, where they were all farming together.

“There are many young of new species here. Because many people are allergic to their fur, teachers are in high demand. I’ll send you the coordinates,” Zheng Zhilai sneezed and said, “If you’re bored, you can come here to help teach.”

Although the new species could communicate with humans, they were furry and a bit troublesome, shedding hair and all. Ren Shuhan wasn’t allergic, but he was afraid of accidentally crushing these creatures under his own weight.

Dragons in their original setting were originally quite fierce, and even had trouble getting along with their own offspring, let alone others.

Fortunately, this was also a planet with plenty of water, with large, beautiful, open beaches.

Jiang Qingyue was busy cuddling the furry creatures, and since Ren Shuhan found them noisy, he found a place with no one around, stretched and yawned, and lay down on the beach for a nice nap.

When he woke up, he caught Jiang Qingyue’s scent and saw Jiang Qingyue staring at him without blinking.

It was strange.

Jiang Qingyue had a human upper body and, unusually, a fish tail below, straight and erect, but he was looking up at him, his big eyes full of confusion.

Hmm, it was Mini Qingyue.

Love it.

Ren Shuhan was very relaxed, still somewhat groggy, and yawned, wanting to pick up Jiang Qingyue to play with him, only to realize… that his hands had turned into claws.

It wasn’t Qingyue who had shrunk, but he who had grown larger.


Jiang Qingyue lay quietly in his claw, tilting his head to touch his claw, his skin lacking warmth, and the touch not particularly delicate. So he raised his head again, unmoving, still looking at him with that same expression of confusion.

“Have you never seen me like this before?” Ren Shuhan licked him with his tongue, “Strange, how did I turn back into my original form?”

This lick went from Qingyue’s head to the tip of his tail, leaving half of his body wet.


Jiang Qingyue finally showed a slightly unhappy expression, snorted, and wiped the wet side of his face with his hand.

“It seems like the new species has the ability to use magic to transform any approaching creature back to its original form…” he said, pushing against Ren Shuhan’s kiss weakly resisting, “Stop licking! Gross!”

“Huh?” Ren Shuhan nudged him with his nose, “Do you hate my original form?”

Ren Shuhan’s human form grew very quickly, looking about twenty, but actually, it hadn’t changed since he solidified at sixteen after forming his golden core. However, his original form was still a young dragon, with skin as tough as scales, no folds, and not a very large body, so actually, he thought he was still…

Pretty cute.

Jiang Qingyue was silent for a while and said, “I don’t hate it, but it’s so big… Why didn’t you show me before?”

Ren Shuhan thought for a moment, “I didn’t intentionally hide it from you. I just forgot.”

Jiang Qingyue also thought for a moment, “I didn’t know either! I just checked your character settings a moment ago to confirm it was you. Hmm, it’s partly my fault too. I thought I knew you well enough and didn’t want to read the original work, so I never checked your settings.”

When he first saw the dragon curled up and sleeping, he had a strange sense of familiarity.

Even though it was such a large and fierce beast, like a little mountain, as Jiang Qingyue looked at him, he felt like he was just a child, strangely adorable.

Perhaps his sense of aesthetics wasn’t quite normal… Jiang Qingyue covered his face.

“Now that you’ve seen it, what do you think of me?” Ren Shuhan wrapped him up with his body, the soft white scales on his belly rubbing against the softer scales on his fish tail, activating their species’ instincts…

Jiang Qingyue was about to say “quite cute,” but suddenly looked down and saw two mood-killers.


Why did he…

Have two of them.

Jiang Qingyue was silent for a moment, then suddenly struggled to escape.

Ren Shuhan seemed to forget he was a dragon, wrapping around him like a python hunting its prey. Feeling wronged, he licked Jiang Qingyue again. “You’re disgusted with me! Fine, I might as well eat you. It’s the law of the jungle, the big fish eat the small fish. Let’s see if you still dare to despise me.”

Jiang Qingyue already knew what he was thinking.

“In broad daylight, don’t even think about it…” he blushed all over, the soft scales on his lower back feeling unbearable under the friction.

“Oh, what are you thinking?” Ren Shuhan chuckled softly, licking his back again. “I didn’t mean that.”

Jiang Qingyue: “…”

I don’t believe you for a second.

“But since you mentioned it, I can consider it,” Ren Shuhan suddenly let him go, getting up on all fours to release him. “Anyway, we’re both aquatic creatures, so there shouldn’t be any reproductive barriers, right?”

Jiang Qingyue patted his fish tail, ready to run, but his waist felt weak, and he was held down by a claw.

Ren Shuhan, like a cat playing with a cat toy, first let him go, watched his reaction, and then easily pressed him down again.

Jiang Qingyue: I’m basically a dead fish now…

Fortunately, in the end, because the types didn’t match, Ren Shuhan only played with him for a while, then let him go, carried him into the sea for a swim, and then brought him back to the safe area where he could transform into a human form for a bath. Then, with a fierce grin, he devoured the little fish.

“Hey,” Ren Shuhan pulled on the chain around the little fish’s neck, coercing him to lift his head for a kiss. “If you were pregnant, would the offspring be mermaids or dragons?”

“Mermaids, probably,” Jiang Qingyue was annoyed, kicked him, and didn’t let him pull him closer, saying indifferently, “They are cuter.”

“Ah,” Ren Shuhan was shocked, “You still despise my original form, don’t you?”

Jiang Qingyue slapped his soft palm against his face, buried his head in the pillow, and just wanted to sleep.

“Don’t despise me, alright?” Ren Shuhan patted him all over, “I can give you rides, take you flying, how about that? When you wake up, I’ll take you for a high-flying ride.”

Jiang Qingyue opened his eyes silently, looked at him for a moment, and said, “No, I hate it.”

After saying that, he took advantage of Ren Shuhan’s lack of response and kissed him on the cheek, blushing, and laughed as he changed his tune, “I love it, I really love it, super love it, love only you, can I rest now?”

The ferocious Ren Shuhan was utterly defeated and couldn’t say anything, so he could only carry him to bed to sleep.

Lmao that thing so typical to dragons… xD

But still, with this short last chapter, we’re finishing off this novel! Thank you everyone for sticking around this ride with me. It was actually my first time going through with a long project and translating it til the end, even if it took nearly two years (full of long breaks in between)!

Once again, thank you all for putting up with my translation, I’m neither a native chinese nor english speaker, and I was tempted multiple times to drop the project because it seemed so tedious, but thinking that many others would wait for the next updates pushed me through

Thank you for reading

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!